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mafiafish t1_ivk6axx wrote

I'm a filthy immigrant so can't vote - would be for Hassan, though.


FreezingRobot t1_ivk7uqd wrote

I voted Hassan. Maybe I would have considered a Republican if they hadn't run yet another senile Boomer who believes every conspiracy theory that floats under his nose from Facebook.


dojijosu t1_ivk8bmh wrote

Democrat here. This was your year, NHGOP. All you had to do was put up someone who didn’t look like he’d be at home on a street corner yelling about how the Commies are trying to corrupt his precious bodily fluids with 5G vaccines.

You didn’t.


nowhereman1223 t1_ivk8kys wrote

I find it hilarious and disturbing that a large volume of people (but not large enough to do anything) put in ridiculous write ins or don't vote for one of the possible candidates at all.

If someone couldn't be bothered to sign up to be an official candidate, they don't deserve your vote and have 0 chance of winning in a major race with others on the ballot.

We are currently in a 2 party system. Research the choices and pick one.


ThunderySleep t1_ivk9kbz wrote

Right, but OP said the goal is to see the demographics of this sub. Almost every political thread here is packed with left wingers complaining about the number of libertarians here, so I'm guessing that number's not zero.


NeilDatgrassHighson t1_ivkbhr7 wrote

While I sort of agree, I think it’s a pretty easy choice to not vote for the misogynistic proponent of rape babies who also wants to do away with social safety nets and just let all the old people die.

Don’t know about you, but there are women and old people in my life who I love and have a lot of respect for.


ThunderySleep t1_ivkcst2 wrote

I did? What?

You don't know anything about me. And you're proud you just lied, then admitted to it five seconds later? You don't really sound like you're in a healthy frame of mind.


Waythorwa t1_ivkeolj wrote

I agree wholeheartedly, especially in times like these. However, republican voter solidarity is extremely strong, and the only thing that will push the dems to actually lift a finger is to show them they won't get continued support for their mediocre efforts. If I don't see any significant results through 2022, I'm back to independent voting.


Kv603 t1_ivkeq0p wrote

Seeing as OP couldn't be bothered to list all the candidates on the ballot, I can't be bothered to participate in their poll.


tourdedance t1_ivkf7wq wrote

Can’t wait to see how civil this thread is going to be


JessePunch t1_ivkffl4 wrote

I'm stuck out of state for family issues. Wish we had mail in ballots. Would've probably voted third party.


difractedlight t1_ivkfq5j wrote

Y’all still call her “Taxin Hassan” or was that only last election cycle?


WeimarStreetCrust t1_ivkfx2g wrote

Is there something wrong with this poll?

All I see is pro-MIC as an option for A and B.


CheliceraeJones t1_ivkg7a9 wrote

It's fucking reddit, what do you think the result is gonna be. Should be called "bluedit" instead.


q_q_o_o_b_b t1_ivkg8sc wrote

Holding my nose for Hassan. I'm not a fan but at least she's not deranged like Bolduc is.


ThunderySleep t1_ivkgkiw wrote

You'll have to find a way around the paywall, probably. Bolduc's one of the candidates they've done this on, dumping $3.2 million on ads to enhance his campaign during the primary.

I trust most people would agree WAPO's at least not a conservative source. I've heard the story talked about by people all over the map, I'm pretty sure including places like TYT which I think everyone will agree is left wing (criticizing the establishment for it), as well as Jimmy Dore which people might disagree on how left vs right he is (he sure likes to state that he's a progressive), and of course conservatives freely talk about it.

My take on the overall criticism of it is people on the left think it's playing with fire and a betrayal to their base. People on the right find it dirty and some are crossing their fingers it backfires on them.

Personally, I hope most people would agree that's it's dirty and not healthy for democracy, regardless of whether they support these candidates or not.


TreePointOhhhhh t1_ivkgthy wrote

Voted red straight down the line, felt great! Those Bolduc Bites were delicious!!! ☝️😂🇺🇸


maxhinator123 t1_ivkh6bc wrote

How are people voting for bolduc?? He's openly willing to overturn elections, he's full of hate and continuing the support for reducing taxes on the rich and destroying the middle class :(


ThunderySleep t1_ivkismv wrote

If people aren't at all informed I'd rather they abstain or do a write-in. Both of which they have a right to do, and for good reason.

That said, it is kind of considered a civic duty to inform yourself to some extent.

But, to pressure people into voting when they are uninformed, seems malicious.


WrongdoerClean7529 t1_ivkjkjs wrote

“The only chip that’s going inside me is a Do-ri-to” - Donny Bolduc


dojijosu t1_ivkjs2y wrote

I’ll say Bolduc is probably the least problematic Republican you had in that clowncar of a GOP primary. So net-gain if he does win. But I really don’t think he will.


A-Defiant-Goose t1_ivkk1cj wrote

This sub is probably going to be 90-10 for Hassan, but the results will probably be closer to 60-40


ThunderySleep t1_ivkk589 wrote

> Curious to see the demographics of this sub vs. the overall results from the state as a whole.

But you said you wanted to see the demographics of this sub. Are you saying it's unrealistic to believe there are independents or libertarians in the new hampshire subreddit? Because that would be the first time I've heard that claim.


NeilDatgrassHighson t1_ivklbp4 wrote

I mean, I’m just going by the words that have come out of his mouth.

Is there some deeper meaning I’m missing? ‘Cause he just seems like another out of touch patriarchal idiot who wishes it was still the 1950’s.


petergriffin999 t1_ivkoh94 wrote

You do know that New Hampshire's current policy has (scary capital letters mine) "NO EXCEPTION FOR RAPE VICTIMS", right?

That's because the current NH allows for abortion up to 24 weeks, and BANS it after that (some health concerns are an exception). If you were raped, you don't magically learn that after 24 weeks. That's why current NH law has "NO EXCEPTION FOR RAPE VICTIMS".

Liberals try to deceive, so they paint him as "supports a BAN on abortion, with NO EXCEPTION FOR RAPE VICTIMS", and you eat it up, thinking that he supports a ban on abortion 100% regardless how many days after sex, which simply is not true. He's also said over and over again that it is not a federal issue and would not support any federal involvement on the topic, it should be left up to the state.


petergriffin999 t1_ivkp8ge wrote

Oh, I didn't know you were so against NH's current laws. And the laws of just about every single country in the world.

Supporting abortion at 8 months and 29 days is really, really gross and murdery. I hope you change your viewpoint.


A-Defiant-Goose t1_ivksayp wrote

I legitimately have 0 idea what the predictions are, I was just throwing out numbers--my main point was whatever the real results are, it's going to skew more heavily to Hassan on Reddit


SellingCoach t1_ivksxgq wrote

>Curious to see the demographics of this sub

Seriously? This is Reddit, it's 99.5% liberal, the remainder split between R and L.


Funktron3000 t1_ivktv0r wrote

What was appealing about Bolduc to you? I consider myself independent and voted for a mix of R, D, and L candidates…but after researching them all, Bolduc was the one who seemed the worst of all. Im not surprised in today’s hyper partisan environment that he’d get many votes from people voting straight red…but I am curious if Bolduc was genuinely appealing to you?


TheMobyDicks t1_ivkushk wrote

That is exactly what happened. Been preaching it for months what a stupid strategy that was. They did it with Bolduc and Leavitt and if either or both win the Dems will have shot themselves in the foot blown their feet off because as much animus as there is between parties, the more central the eventual winner is, the more they can reasonably work with counterparts on both sides of the aisle. Bolduc and Leavitt are far right and will do nothing but add to the fringe to the point where they help reshape the party so that centrists become the fringe. As an Independent my ballot is usually split. It's a little more Democratic leaning this time.


Funktron3000 t1_ivkvhf5 wrote

You and I probably agree about the merits of Bolduc as a candidate…but your response is really just a snarky diss. Personally I find the extreme partisanship and constant attacks to be pretty awful. We are all still neighbors after all. We can have different ideas without being toxic toward one another.


Funktron3000 t1_ivkwi3e wrote

I never insisted that you shrug anything off with a smile. I just felt that your comment didn’t actually provide any useful insight. It was just an insult. Not helpful and mildly harmful. Of course, it could have been much worse…but what was the point? Was it cathartic?


[deleted] t1_ivkxkai wrote

Ya it's pretty frustrating to see opposing parties prop up bad candidates for the other side. I would imagine Republicans do it to though I've only heard of it happening in the case of Trump and Bolduc.


[deleted] t1_ivky3uq wrote

I'd imagine it just has to do with the impact social media usage has on dopamine production. Insulting Republicans on reddit is socially acceptable and people responding to the insult just generates more dopamine.


Funktron3000 t1_ivky751 wrote

I’m aware of a lot of bad actors involved with politics. Not saying it’s a 50/50 split but they exist on both sides. It seems like you’re not discussing in good faith. Even though we probably voted similarly, I think you’re part of the problem.


[deleted] t1_ivky95g wrote

It was pretty clearly an insult. I'm sure you know that the vast majority of people that disagree with you on politics are good people. They certainly aren't voting for people specifically because they think they're awful.


[deleted] t1_ivkyhaf wrote

LMAO. I'm with you there. Destroying the MIC is the best thing we could do for this country but it will never happen because people are busy fighting over filling out bubbles with R's instead of D's and vice versa.


TreePointOhhhhh t1_ivkzdv7 wrote

Thanks for asking. Yes, Bolduc is genuinely an appealing choice for me on many different levels. The first being, he truly is a grass roots candidate vs Hassan (2m vs $38m in donations). The second being, he’s not a career politician. He’s definitely not perfect, but I honestly think his heart is in the right place and he’s sincere about wanting to help NH. And the third and most important reason I went with him is because it’s more of a chess move. Voting for Bolduc is voting for someone to unseat McConnell as the head of the Republicans. He’s been very vocal about voting against McConnell as the Republican senate leader. It’s a win win to reform the party. That’s just my two cents.


Funktron3000 t1_ivkzf1k wrote

You’re probably right. Doesn’t seem to be a good thing though, does it? As individuals, we can always decide whether to continue the cycle or break it, and move forward in a healthier way.


ZombieManilow t1_ivkzfau wrote

“I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”


pahnzoh t1_ivl23dp wrote

So you're voting on the assumption of how they would govern, when you know for sure the record of those who are already in the positions?

And you're voting more democratic after recognizing that they attempted to rig the election by meddling in the opposing party primary?

I find it odd how people issue balance these things.


WeimarStreetCrust t1_ivl2wjf wrote

Yep, the two parties continue to sell their BS propaganda by dangling abortion, SS/Medicare, or Wokeism (in the case of the right wing) to keep people distracted from the fact that we have a war machine that is actively trying to stir conflict wherever possible to make a profit….at the expense of innocent lives and American tax dollars.


Doug_Shoe t1_ivl5gw2 wrote

Even the moon was Red this morning


TheMobyDicks t1_ivl6ciw wrote

>And you're voting more democratic after recognizing that they attempted to rig the election by meddling in the opposing party primary?

Both parties do this at the national level though PACs and other tools and I think it's a shitty strategy. I voted for Hassan and Pappas as they're more central than election-denying, right wing Bolduc and Leavitt. I fear some of the legislation that they would endorse would likely be isolationist. As an example, Bolduc wants to stop all aid to Ukraine. In my opinion that's incredibly shortsighted for the future of the western world and USA. I could cite many more things but I don't want to belabor the point.


Nydelok t1_ivl6k8q wrote

Neither, I’m not old enough to vote


Strict_Zebra_3585 t1_ivl7m3p wrote

Yep. Up until 2016 I was a republican. Once the party nominated Trump they lost me. So I became an independent. And as I look at who the Republican party is offering, I can see it dying. The right wing and the left wing are connected to the same bird, but nominating people that don't believe in anything will most likely be the parties downfall.


lMickNastyl t1_ivl7w1d wrote

I think the issue is that for years conservatives pushed hateful rhetoric and the left attempted to debate it in good faith; thus giving many unacceptable positions an air of legitimacy.

The emerging thinking on the left is that the time of going high when they go low is over. It's reckless to entertain politicians who say things like kitty litter in schools or the only chip going on me is a Dorito. There is no need to be tolerant of a person so clearly pushing conspiracy, hate and lies.


lMickNastyl t1_ivl8cuu wrote


Look to where the MIC is trying to get us involved in the next forever war by comparing what fox and cnn says. When they begin to say the same thing then you know the powers that be have lined up the talking points.

I'm pro aiding Ukraine, but if both networks begin to use rhetoric to encourage Americans to get physically involved then you know bad things are coming.


TreePointOhhhhh t1_ivl8w8j wrote

Before I headed to the polls, I reached up and snatched that red moon out of the sky, cracked it open, and lathered myself with it. I walked into the polling station with radiating red moon juice all over me. “IS THIS WHERE I GO TO VOTE FOR BOLDUC?” I calmly asked, even though I didn’t need to. They knew. Oh yes, they knew.


NHpatsfan95 t1_ivl9x8e wrote



WeimarStreetCrust t1_ivla6ha wrote

That’s a huge margin of victory though.

Bolduc had like two polls putting him up by 1 point, and these polls always lean more towards the Dems.

Not saying Bolduc wins cause these polls could totally fuck it up, but I do think it’s reasonable enough to say this will be narrow like Maggie’s first race against Ayotte back in 2016.


pahnzoh t1_ivlaigq wrote

I guess everyone has their own justifications for how they vote.

It's just unfortunate we all have to live under a system where we are faced with rulers we detest, but our neighbors voted for.


lMickNastyl t1_ivlb55c wrote

My voting location had so many cops there that I could feel a cold sweat coming on.


lMickNastyl t1_ivld0ud wrote

I feel you, the democratic party is going through a real identity crisis right now. The Republican party has a strong and united front (not that I agree with them but their base has that advantage). Democrats really need to unite around a few key figures and clear action and soon.

It's not going to be Biden, because I and 90% of people who voted for him only did so because his last name didn't didn't begin with T.

The democratic party is really lackluster at the moment and all they need to do to be better imo is not radicalize your conspiracy riddled uncle.


AGirlHasNoName3033 t1_ivlf05i wrote

You did not include the third option on the ballot - Libertarian candidate, Jeremy Kauffman.


[deleted] t1_ivlgtd0 wrote

Same. Not many republican voters on this site. First time my neighbors voted in 14 years, they are done with the nonsense. He's from Puerto Rico, lived in NJ for years and came up to NH to retire. Being in his 70's, He never thought the US could be in such a terrible state.


[deleted] t1_ivlhhx1 wrote

Yup, and the woke nonsense. Get back to learning math, science and literature. Too many kids I meet, almost daily, don't know how to read, write or do basic math.


[deleted] t1_ivlkwvk wrote

Seen this first hand with my democrat side of the family. They talk down about other cultures and people, as if they just aren't at educated as them. Since covid we're not allowed at holidays anymore. Works for us though, its nice to have a peaceful and relaxing holiday dinner with no politics.


dduubbz t1_ivllj55 wrote

Maggie, unfortunately. She fucking sucks but better than Bolduc🤦‍♂️


Funktron3000 t1_ivlm7bv wrote

Yeah, I certainly understand your point and the logic behind it. I don’t agree though, personally. There are strategies to deal with bad faith actors other than becoming a bad faith actor for the opposite side. But that’s just a matter of strategy and opinion. I’m going to stick with my morals no matter what others do. Thanks for the genuine response


lMickNastyl t1_ivlo8ow wrote

It's not bad faith to publicly shame actual bad faith actors, in fact it's what they need.

Though I do wish I had a magic wand to wave so we could all get back to being semi-reasonable with each other. At least then we can make progress even if we disagree on the way to do it.

I'd love for the Republicans to put up a strong and just candidate because then the democratic party is going to have to try hard again.


akmjolnir t1_ivlp1tl wrote

There was a 3rd 4th option on the ballot. Why is it missing from the poll?


MacTechG4 t1_ivlp9it wrote

Write in; “Inanimate Carbon Rod”


Rowboatpretender t1_ivlr4m7 wrote

Welcome to America. Doesn't matter how much of a shit-sack the candidate is, the GOP will vote for them. They did it with T, they're doing it with baby-trump, Bolduc. Watch for more fun around DeSantis, MTG, and other sacks of horse shit parading as community leaders.


Rowboatpretender t1_ivlrgie wrote

> And you're voting more democratic after recognizing that they attempted to rig the election by meddling in the opposing party primary?

Oh for fuck sake get off your high horse. "Meddling in the oppposing parties primary" by supporting a weaker candidate? That's been going on in the world for thousands of years.

If you're going to get createive about parties ransacking the opponents capacity to win, take a good long look at how the GOP has been gerrymandering districts for the last 20 years. Dems keep winning the popular vote, but we keep getting shitstains likd DeSantis and T in office. Wonder how that happens?


Waythorwa t1_ivlsw1o wrote

Right I forgot Bolduc can just tell the companies what the price should be. Problem is corporations not the governor? Not sure where you got that idea. Fox News?


dorvann t1_ivltojo wrote

Well I certainly did NOT write my own name in for every position on the ballot.


trysmeg t1_ivlx4v9 wrote

he/she said they're a realist because those are the only two candidates that matter. nobody cares about those no-name third party people aside from the 2% or whoever ends up throwing their vote away on them.


lMickNastyl t1_ivlxd5w wrote

Oh it definitely has the possibility, and it has in special runoff elections already. Tomorrow we will find out if this ballsy strategy paid off or blew up in their faces.

My prediction is that there will be instances where it does blow up but there will be more on average where it worked.

But maybe tomorrow I sound stupid.


ThunderySleep t1_ivlzioj wrote

If we're talking about gauging possible outcome to the election, that's probably true.

But OP explicitly said this:

> Curious to see the demographics of this sub vs. the overall results from the state as a whole.

But he's not measuring who this sub voted for if he's not listing the candidates as answer options to his poll.


movdqa t1_ivm2qge wrote

A more interesting poll: would add Maggie Hassan + Chris Sununu.


Ok-Glass7272 t1_ivmd08p wrote

>It’s a win win to reform the party.

Reform the party??? Bolduc is a full-on Trump guy. You want McConnell, who is, of course, a POS, out but Trump in? Bolduc wants to ban all abortions regardless of circumstance, stop funding Ukraine, who is fighting for basically western civilization at incredible human cost, and wants to find oil even if it's underneath Winnipesaukee.

Recalibrate brother.


NeilDatgrassHighson t1_ivme8y3 wrote

What is it with “pro lifers” and assuming everyone is just gonna be carrying babies for 8 and half months and then being like “nah, I’m good actually”?

Lmao. But sure let’s pretend like that actually an issue so we can avoid the actual discussion of female body autonomy.


Funktron3000 t1_ivmhghb wrote

I think we agree more than we disagree. Things have definitely seemed crazy and hostile for the past several years.

The part that we disagree on is the public shaming aspect. It’s ok that we disagree by the way. In my view, the best bet is to shine the light on ignorance. There is no need to insult or demean. The ignorant parties will do that work for you. Acting hostile in response tends to breed and provoke more hostility.

This video is a good example of a style that I prefer. Notice the interviewers aren’t dicks at any point. They just ask questions and shine the light.


Rowboatpretender t1_ivmj0tf wrote

Actually, no I don't. I vote for whomever I feel would be the best for the country given the slates available. The GOP has yet to put ANYONE up against a democrat that presents better. Hassan vs Bolduc? HAHAHAHHAHA. Biden vs Trump? HAHAHHAHAHAHAGAIN.

There are times when I choose not to vote, because either of the candidates is fine or not fine similarly. However, the GOP has been circleing the shit drain tighter and tighter, and has yet to field a moderate, so yeah, that's not going to happen.


CheliceraeJones t1_ivmkr2x wrote

You would have gotten a better response from me if you a. didn't make assumptions about my position on the matters you believe I support and b. weren't a gimp-suit wearing creep. Now crawl back to whatever semen-splattered pervert dungeon you slithered out of.


reficius1 t1_ivmv692 wrote

So did Bolduc win, or was the election rigged?


Rowboatpretender t1_ivn2v0k wrote

> a. didn't make assumptions about my position on the matters you believe I support and > b. weren't a gimp-suit wearing creep.

The irony in this statement. You just go on being you, sunshine. It makes us all the more entertained.


CheliceraeJones t1_ivn4fka wrote

You really there's an equivalency here? You think my assumption about you being a pervert (which is proven by the fact that you have a fuckload of perverted posts on this website that anyone can verify) somehow invalidates my refutation of your assumption that I support war and so forth? You've been huffing too much tannin my dude.