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heelllooooooo OP t1_ivp59ec wrote

I think you’ve taken the meaning of this post incorrectly. I’m not asking a rhetorical question, I’m asking for an explanation on how the AP is able to announce the winners with 15% of polls counted. I don’t have a point to make, I didn’t understand the process AP takes in publishing these results.


NEED_TP_ASAP t1_ivpyhhw wrote

I believe (and I'm willing to admit I may be wrong) that it has to do with voting trends and polling. The 15% that has been counted were probably enough cities and towns considered battlegrounds that once Sununu won those areas that the rest of the state would follow certain trends that statistically meant he won. AP doesn't crown the winner, the state does, they just felt comfortable enough in their projections with the reported votes to call it. It's no different than in MA, AP called Healy the winner as soon as the polls closed.


NewHampshireAngle t1_ivq2roa wrote

You’re right. I’m just sick of elections. I was watching the coverage of the aftermath today streaming and was still getting the same damn ads we’ve been hammered by for months.