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Kippp t1_ixnspsn wrote

I don't really care what his intent is. If he's funding organizations that are helping struggling people, I'm all for it.

With that said... can he please donate funding to get another homeless shelter up and running in Manchester? It's so desperately needed.


smartest_kobold t1_ixnu049 wrote

Give'em the rest of Bezos's money and we'll call it even.


SFillbrock t1_ixnu5ci wrote

It’s fantastic that he is donating all of this money. It’s a great way to give back to his employees that struggle to put food on their table.


kmkmrod t1_ixnygli wrote

“I hate rich person for hoarding money!”
Donates money
“I hate rich person for giving away money!”

You fucking people are unreal.


Ouijabored1776 t1_ixnznlw wrote

While he's at it he should donate to HEARTS. There, I said it. Good for the soup kitchen though. I can dig it.


Searchlights t1_ixo063y wrote

It's a good thing they received money

Billionaires shouldn't exist

I can say both things


Ok_Nobody4967 t1_ixo0c8f wrote

Why doesn’t he pay his workers a fair wage, let them have bathroom breaks and provide insurance. Maybe he should pay taxes instead of hiding his money. Instead, he is donating money and getting tax breaks.

Billionaires are morally defective.


Melo8993 t1_ixo2r1e wrote

Most Americans, if given the chance would love to find tax breaks. You’re just mad he has the resources to exploit tax loopholes.

PS. His workers could choose to find a job with better working conditions. They’re just as guilty as Bezos is for sticking around.


scarletuba t1_ixo5d0l wrote

I think actually, we're just mad that people like you like to shove their noses up his butt because you think somehow celebrating his greed will give you more money.

It won't. He's part of our society and should be contributing appropriately. He could pay his workers better and provide insurance, but he chooses not to. And that makes him suck. He can donate as much money as he wants and all it does is highlight the real problem - he's giving a dollar when he owes us 10.


Peeeculiar t1_ixo5fgc wrote

>The Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter has received a $1.25 million grant from the Day 1 Families Fund, and workers said that will allow them to help even more families.


Positive_Parsnip420 t1_ixo5haz wrote

This guy can fuck right off. Him and Elon. Eternally fuck right off.


Ouijabored1776 t1_ixo5nxv wrote

I tried telling Elon Musk to eat a dick and I got banned from Twitter. He must have been hella mad I called him Musky the Muskrat in front of everyone. I got banned the same day I made my first account lmao. Rich people get mad so easily.


agent_tits t1_ixo6t68 wrote

Zuckerberg did some similar philanthropy for some school district in NJ or something and there weren’t strings attached - we should probably be responsible and think of this more fully, as in, do we trust the Nashua Soup Kitchen to act ethically, and not subject their patrons to weird Bezos corruption?

I do.

$1.25m can feed 350 families for a whole ass year. Oftentimes this stuff has ulterior motives - good PR - but that’s really as far as it goes.

Y’all should get involved in all the nonprofits around and get a feel for how badly they need this stuff, and how often wealthy people truly do hand out cash (I know most of you are suspicious of Bezos more than the Soup Kitchen but if you take this to it’s logical endpoint it’s one and the same).

I attended a fundraising breakfast for one of the largest homeless shelters in the state recently and it was extremely well done, authentic, and raised over $300k in one hour.


grrliz t1_ixo75wv wrote

There was a news story a week ago about him saying he was going to give away all his money before he died. He's just wants good PR. But whatever, I'll take his money.


warren_stupidity t1_ixo7fmw wrote

As awful as Amazon is, Bezos does some good stuff with his billions.


redsoxfan95 t1_ixo7qbe wrote

Thats awesome for the soup kitchen.

Fuck jeff bezos.


Melo8993 t1_ixo855q wrote

Jokes on you, I think most people of status are absolute scumbags, including Bezos. Quick question, how many Americans have a single or multiple Amazon packages showing up to their place? You can complain about Bezos but most Americans enable his antics for the sake of convenience in the form of 2 day shipping, not leaving their homes, or saving a couple bucks. People can choose to not give Amazon business but that would be too easy.


Stickyfynger t1_ixo9mwy wrote

It’s probably from his ex wife MacKenzie Bezos. She’s committed to give away the majority of her divorce settlement and gives to established 501C3 charities to spread it around quickly.


daymuub t1_ixob9w9 wrote

I think he's going to use it as a tax write off. Fucking scumbag millionaires will do anything besides pay taxes


RelativeMotion1 t1_ixobbek wrote

Current NH postings appear to be $20+/hr for warehouse positions, plus benefits. Including college tuition reimbursement. What do you think they should be getting paid?

Maybe he could help folks more by offering financial literacy classes? I’m sure the job is hard work, but it also requires essentially no skill or education. Going to be hard to beat that pay/benefits:skill ratio elsewhere.


Ouijabored1776 t1_ixobjru wrote

Hey even if it's because of a spousal pissing contest at least they're doing the right thing. Good comes outta bad more often than not. Let's just be thankful for that. Send them both a "BORK BORK BITCHES 🤘🦃" it'll be Amazon prime.


scarletuba t1_ixobwn2 wrote

Lots of us choose to avoid Amazon. But my main complaint against your comment was claiming people could easily find another job. You know that's not true, why pretend it is? That's like saying it's easy to move to another place if you don't like where you live. It's more complicated than just apply and get another job.


Ouijabored1776 t1_ixoc2a2 wrote

Life is a game and they knows how to play it. Learn from them and you get to do it too. That's why they should monetize me so I can do altruistic shit and not pay taxes. Instead I work at gas stations and sell my body to rich people in order to eat and it drives me insane and makes me feel bad about myself, because im pretty sure the dude exploited me and took advantage of my mental illness. So here we are. Bork bork it's a sick sad world. Swag swag uwu.


MiggySmalls6767 t1_ixoc38o wrote

It’s a good thing. Glad he is giving away all his money.


Ouijabored1776 t1_ixocbzc wrote

Yall didn't like that one? Neither did Elon musk. He must be down voting me again. The man's always bagging on me. Electric cars are why electricity prices have skyrocketed like his stupid failed space X project. My projects fail too so I guess we have that in common. But I didn't pay into mine with my daddy's money so whatever.


FaustusC t1_ixockb4 wrote

"He's doing it to avoid paying taxes!!!"

Yeah, no shit. But here's the thing:

Let's do some fun math.

Shithead billionaire pays $1.25 million in taxes. The government spends $400,000 on a study to see who needs Money, $400,000 advertising grants & reviewing applicants, then selects 10 for $40,000 checks.


A charity we know and know actually exists gets a million dollars to do good in our community.

He may be a piece of shit, but like, if he's dropping checks to groups that do real good where it matters that matters more to me. We already know we can't trust the government to use our money wisely.


Breejenn t1_ixocudv wrote

Very glad they're getting it. As far as Bezos is concerned, I think he's a complete jackass and soooo transparent but just like Dolly Parton, I'd take his money for charity with a big smile


Melo8993 t1_ixocugk wrote

For as many people who choose to avoid Amazon, there’s that many more who binge shop because they lack self control and are trying to fill a void with consumerism. Moving and finding a job aren’t comparable. How is it not true that people can’t find another job? What person can’t learn a skill given the opportunity? Not saying everyone but I think too many people would rather accept victimhood in a mediocre job instead of embracing hard work.


the_sky_god15 t1_ixod7w9 wrote

Isn’t Amazon trying to build a huge new warehouse in Hudson? Seems like bezos is trying to buy goodwill.


FaustusC t1_ixoegn1 wrote

Name me 3 Government agencies where if they were given $1, .80 would go to the actual beneficiaries in need.

Go on.

Tell me the government agencies where half their budgets aren't administration and fluff.


DethKnotWurst t1_ixofak5 wrote

Charity is just a way to allow people to buy good publicity. I'm glad the soup kitchen got money, but I'd rather the money/resources already be there for the people that need it, instead of waiting for Richie Rich to need a distraction from major layoffs.


b1ack1323 t1_ixoh833 wrote

Thanks Bezos, but if people like you just paid your workers then we wouldn’t need donations.


ballwasher89 t1_ixojy47 wrote

Meh. Moderately humourous. I would lol, but I am comatose from binging on turkey.

Electric cars are why electricity has skyrocketed? you know that or are you just spitballing.

I would wager a guess the ongoing Ukraine/Russian war has a greater hand in the current market rate for electricity..since Russia is/was cutting their oil/gas exports. Heard it's way worse in the UK. Whole goddamn country struggling to heat their homes/keep the lights on...hey that sounds familar


Ouijabored1776 t1_ixokr14 wrote

Just seemed awfully convenient. It might just be an inconvenient truth but I'm not an electrolysist. I just bring the electrolytes because they're what plants crave. Drink raveraide. Endorse the quench, its zesty af.


travelingtutor t1_ixompgi wrote

He (his company) still needs to pay fucking taxes.


Clock-Full t1_ixoo30o wrote

A $1.25 million grant from Jeff Bezos is what it is.


lilephant t1_ixoodzs wrote

There’s also an Amazon Fresh going into the mall area in Nashua. Store is there without signage (identical footprint to other stores) but hasn’t been formally confirmed as far as I know.


CheliceraeJones t1_ixopmxu wrote

The total amount given via 40 donations was 123 million. That's 0.07% of Bezos' net worth as of October, 2021 ($177b).

If you donated the equivalent on a $50k/year salary (after taxes), that would be a whopping $35.

At a $35 donation per person, it would take 3,514,286 people to reach Bezos' total donation of $123m.


UnfairAd7220 t1_ixor5fu wrote

That some meth heads are going to eat better? That tents will be set up outside the soup kitchen?



MyNamesNotJeremy t1_ixor9o1 wrote

So you think we should blame the companies not the loop hole? (actual question)

Also do you mean less by percent? Because I just looked it up and they paid over $4 billion in 2021.

Thank you for your time. I see so much hate toward big entities and always wonder why we aren't mad at the legislative bodies. I feel like businesses should try and pay as little as possible and voters should make closing these loopholes a priority of the people they vote for. I'm super uneducated in polisci though. I know I make choices to pay less taxes.


UnfairAd7220 t1_ixot7iu wrote

Just like 60% of Americans! How about that?

It's gonna be a struggle for me to think that you're in the 40% of us who do pay federal income taxes.

FWIW, he and Amazon pay exactly what they owe and not a penny more. That's what the US tax system is predicated on. Not your hurt, clueless feelings.

As previously noted, corps NEVER pay taxes. THat liability is added to the prices we pauy for their products and services.

I have no idea what you find so attractive about living in a crab pot. Applaud success. Quit the back biting.


Environmental3rdEye OP t1_ixou1tn wrote

The US tax system is built on lobbying for mega corporations. I actually pay federal income taxes and don’t appreciate your ad hominem attack. Company’s have spent billions to get out of paying taxes.


Themalster t1_ixoubfb wrote

1.25 million to feed hungry families is a good thing. He could also help by actually giving a fuck about the people that keep his company running too.


FaustusC t1_ixovag6 wrote

$10,000 Toilet cover.

This Shit show going back to the 80s.

The Author May be kinda a shit, but, "$8 million spent by the Department of Veterans Affairs to purchase solar panels that were never used and $28 million spent on heavy equipment lost by the Department of Defense in Afghanistan."

5 Fantastic examples.

I'm currently indifferent to taxing the rich even more because, frankly, without oversight it just means more for the elected upper class to steal.


Tai9ch t1_ixoy436 wrote

The government or any other large institution will never side with you over the wealthy. There may temporarily be exceptions where political power ends up in the hands of a few people who previously weren't wealthy and powerful. When that happens they will quickly use their political power to amass wealth befitting their status.

Liberal institutions and ideals can partially ameliorate this issue, but even in the best case scenario expecting billionaires to pay taxes just means that you fundamentally misunderstand the basic nature of the world you inhabit.


Azr431 t1_ixoz34h wrote

This is exactly right. They do their occasional benevolent acts like this that garner public support for them from the simpletons. It’s a PR move that temporarily helps the very problems people like Bezos creates and they think we should thank them for it.


Azr431 t1_ixozkcd wrote

A million dollars to a billionaire is like $10 for us serfs. It’s the cost of one beer for these people. So many people can’t or don’t truly comprehend how much just one billion dollars is. While it does help those in need, people like Bezos are creating the class of people he’s donating to “help”


sje46 t1_ixp19w9 wrote

Only billionaire i can think of who might be considered a decent person is Paul McCartney. Truth is that it's very difficult to accumulate that kind of money without exploiting your workers, even if you're a "good boss".


snerdaferda t1_ixp2saz wrote

Deflecting media coverage from some upcoming shady shit


sje46 t1_ixp3lx7 wrote

It's not hatred; the existence of a billionaire class is just inherently incompatible with my political ideology. unlike most socialists on this matter I try not to be overly simplistic...I recognize that people are more complicated than solely good or solely evil (although obviously people like Hitler or serial killers have so much evil that it's counterproductive to talk about what little "good" they have). I recognize that someone like Bill Gates is probably a kind person interpersonally and has done a lot of charity work. But as CEO of microsoft he still did a lot of damage to the world especially with his anti-competitive behavior and anti-open source bullshit. Hell, George Washington was a pretty decent guy in lots of ways...was a great general, had a strong sense of virtue while in office. But he literally owned slaves. Was the norm at the time. Never heard any rumors of him raping them. But nevertheless, his wealth came at least in part from literally owning human beings.

If I believe that capitalism is about taking the value of someone's labor away from the laborer, and that capitalism results in private property^1 owners simply using their capital to accrue more capital at the expense of the general population as a whole, then anyone who owns a business is inherently exploiting their workers. Even if they're a very nice person who goes to church, gives to charity, pays better and is kinder to their employees than the norm. To get to billions of dollars, you'd have to do a lot of worker exploitation--no two ways around it. And we know that Jeff Bezos is below the norm for private property owners. The conditions for Amazon pickers are horrendous, and his drivers have to piss in bottles, and he's a complete asshole to his employees interpersonally.

The fact that he gives to charity could be to alleviate guilt, could be to get clout, could be to improve his brand, could be because he feels bad and just wants to feel better about himself. And sure, a world where Jeff Bezos gave moneyy to a soup kitchen is better than a world where he didn't give money to a soup kitchen. But since he still profits off the exploitation of workers, he's still not really, like, a good guy. He's still contributing more to the world being shitty than the world being better. What he could have done is instead of resignng as CEO last year was to make Amazon a worker's co-op. But instead he just union-busted and treated his employees like trash, while accumulating billions for himself.

But yeah I'm a socialist, so I'm sure it's just a vapid hatred of rich people without any real thought behind it. It's just that an act like this is sorta like seeing a story of a serial rapist donating money to a woman's shelter.

^1 in academic socialism, "private property" refers to things like factories, railroads, mines, apartment complexes, etc, not personal possessions or even your own private home.


trolllord45 t1_ixp9nqb wrote

Seriously this. Guy must be throwing a mil at every charity he can find to try and put some good will on his name around the holidays so people won’t not shop on Amazon.


gOrDoNhAsNtPlAyEdIn3 t1_ixpjgbs wrote

This is what I think about it

You need a visual aid to truly understand how much money Bezos has.

On July 20th 2020 Jeff Bezos made $13 billion in a single day.

The estimated cost to pay for chemo for EVERY SINGLE CANCER PATIENT IN THE COUNTRY is $9 billion.

Jeff Bezos made enough money in ONE DAY to pay for chemo for every American who needs it and still have $4 BILLION dollars left over.

Jeff made ~10,000x more in a single day than he donated to that soup kitchen (for a tax writeoff). That's 0.01% of a single day's income.

Ya... Bezos can take a long walk off a short pier.


PersonalFudge9059 t1_ixpka67 wrote

I don’t think most people who speak on billionaires know what they’re talking about. People like Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Musk, they are worth “$”, but that doesn’t mean they have all of that in the bank. About 95%-99% of their wealth is literally tied to their companies wealth in stocks/shares. They cannot sell any amount of shares without notifying other shareholders as he has to act in the best interest of them; Selling shares can effect the value of the shares held by shareholders, which they can sue him for. So, no, he doesn’t have, say, $80B at his disposal, or ever will. He’s much more likely to have tens to close to hundreds of millions of dollars at his disposal, but not billions. I don’t understand why no one can just accept good gestures when they’re given. Do any of you have $1.25M to hand out on a whim? Or even a fraction of that? No? That’s what I thought. Also, net worth is tied to other assets as well, such as property, jewelry, cars, other investments under his name, not necessarily cash locked in a vault somewhere.


eplusk24 t1_ixpl965 wrote

I don’t really like a lot of things about Bezos but $1.25 million is still a very good thing. I never understood the “$1.25 million from billionaires is like $5 from us” crowd. okay well it’s still $1.25 million more than he had to give. And by the way, how much did you give?


Aviendha_mg t1_ixpy1xj wrote

They are laying off 10,000 people. It’s preventive PR.


Different_Ad7655 t1_ixpy8yh wrote

What's your point that makes just a lot of crocodile tears lol. I think anybody understands this, except for perhaps the most basic rube, . Yeah he is sitting on his assessed value, net worth and not necessarily on a gold throne, well actually maybe some are,. But almost everybody's like that who has a 401k or lives in a house lol on a more modest level or has a business that they profit from. Just a very different scale.. But as you said he has plenty of cash, and things do get liquidated, estates do get settled and cash does get transacted. Ultimately the rubber does meet the road


nobletrout0 t1_ixq6bsk wrote

I think homeless people will have soup


razor_sharp_pivots t1_ixq7d0w wrote

He's also supposed to give money by paying taxes, so I'd say 1.25 million is a bit low when you look at it that way. I'm glad they're getting the money, but I'd rather these billionaires just pay their fair share. We shouldn't have to rely on the mega-wealthy being "generous", when there is a system in place that requires them to pay, and they're simply not doing it.


ILikeCrabbyRobots t1_ixq96t7 wrote

I'm very thankful. The foundation and Amazon are not connected, there is no conspiracy.


HappyGiraffe t1_ixqdndg wrote

Organizations doing direct service are almost always in need of cash flow. Any cash donations are a good thing.

It’s a shame that when these large, public donations are allocated they are almost always one time, to one organization, and the organization is almost always a downstream intervention. Feeding people who are hungry is necessary, correct, important and ethical. But there are MANY organizations who are also not for profit who are doing work to address, for example, root causes of hunger and homelessness, or who are doing advocacy to change policies that have made affordable housing inaccessible, or who are working with people who are homeless to help them get I9 ready (which usually includes covering fees to get replacement ID, copies of SS card or birth carts, etc) so that they are eligible to seek employment, etc. These organizations are usually not the recipients of these kind of large, flash in the pan donations because the PR effect isn’t as big. It would be great to see these types of orgs, who work in tandem with and not in opposition to orgs like soup kitchens, also receive the same kind of cash influx to sustain their work, which in turn helps places like soup kitchens sustain their work by reducing demand for those services.

Money going back to the community is always good. There might be ways it could’ve been even better, but that doesn’t mean this wasn’t good.


JuggernautFabulous39 t1_ixqgosf wrote

The rich don't give from the goodness of their hearts,they give to get...they get tax breaks,they get to skirt more tax obligations for years even.hi is just doing for himself...not for others.he is a patronizing crooked person just like his butt buddy Trump! He should be giving fat more than a lousy 1.25 of American rax $$$ he owes way more!!!


Nestormahkno19d t1_ixqhm77 wrote

If he paid his fair share of taxes then a lot more than $1.25 million would be going to help the poor. Philanthropy is just PR for billionaires.


SynthwaveEnjoyer t1_ixqmxek wrote

Philanthropy is just how Billionaires launder their reputations


Trailwatch427 t1_ixqp13t wrote

When Bezos lays off 10,000 employees, they will have to eat somewhere.


sathingtonw t1_ixqqi3i wrote

Billionaires don't need to sell shares to spend. They go to a bank and get low interest loans against their assets. I don't think you understand the level of tax loopholes, accounting tricks, and cozy relationships with banks that become available when you have this level of wealth.

Elon Musk can spend 44B to buy twitter on a whim but Jeff Bezos really can't spend any money on anything he's just a small little guy. Cmon man.


Odd-Chapter756 t1_ixqt6e8 wrote

Funny I tried to get help with xmas for the holidays for my kids and I was told they are not doing it this year..wonder why with all this new money..assholes!!


bukwus t1_ixqw8uv wrote

This is a common capitalist tactic to support the false narrative that he is a generous philanthropist while he continues to pay his laborers way under the cost of living and treat them like slaves.


saxximus t1_ixr0fl2 wrote

I could use a grant


CheeseHasNoSoul t1_ixr57it wrote

$23.55-$28.10 is what Walmart distribution center in NH pays with similar benefits, so I would say around that. If the job is similar to my experience at one of those DC’s, (10+years ago) the pay is ~fair~, but you can’t expect to do it for long, it destroys your body. Jobs like that should be paying a premium.


Ok_Nobody4967 t1_ixr7c72 wrote

I happily pay my property taxes because I know the bulk go to education. We need to make sure our youth is educated, even though the gop is trying to destroy our education. I am also very happy to pay my taxes for infrastructure and for our emergency services.

Unlike the billionaires, I believe in being a responsible citizen. They think they are playing monopoly.


CheeseHasNoSoul t1_ixr7yxm wrote

The risk of taking a new job that may or may not work out, when you have one now that pays enough to pay your bills is too great for many people.

61% of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I fully agree with your last point, however the fact is the majority of the country simply cannot afford the risk.


Taladanarian27 t1_ixr9xwk wrote

$1.5m donation to bezos is equivalent to me donating $5. Not exactly awe-inspiring lol


PersonalFudge9059 t1_ixrdih0 wrote

Elon Musk had to get backing from multiple lenders, because he cannot, or ever will have 44B available to him. But donating 1.25M to any valuable charity is worth giving some amount of praise and thanks, because that is more than likely from his own pocket. Also, getting loans against your shares still lands you in the same hot seat as it would if you sold shares, why do you think Tesla shareholders were furious with Elon for that purchase? Because those shares will have to be sold at some point to pay the loan….


baxterstate t1_ixriiwe wrote

I don’t care if Bezos is at heart a good person. Amazon is a good company. I’ve used them. Henry Ford was a rabid anti semite and probably drove his son Edsel to an early death. He’s not remembered for that. He’s remembered for Ford Motor Co.

Why does anyone care if Bezos got a tax break for his philanthropy? Isn’t that the purpose of the tax break?


tech1010 t1_ixrivqa wrote

Collusion to set wages never works in practice because any upstart that wants to steal talent will pay higher wages (e.g. Costco has always paid much higher entry level wages). Federal minimum wage should be $0.


golfgrandslam t1_ixus9i8 wrote

I don't give a shit why he did it. The Nashua soup kitchen should only get the money if his motives are pure? I don't get this obsession reddit has with denouncing every rich person giving to charity. It's exactly what we want them to do.


sathingtonw t1_ixuw9wy wrote

According to Reuters Musk borrowed 13B to buy Twitter so he personally paid like 31B. You're right, these billionaires are penniless 😢 it's so hard for them to get money! someone should be donating this soup kitchen money to them instead!

Listen, in a world where Jeff Bezos exists. I prefer to live in the one where the soup kitchen gets the money rather than not. But let's also not pretend he's doing this for any other reason than PR or some tax avoidance scheme.


Odd-Chapter756 t1_ixux14c wrote

Everyone in NH doesn't need a dollar. Its the Nashua soup kitchen, serving the NASHUA area not all of NH. I have reasons why I need help and they are legitimate. I'm not into scamming like half the people that actually go there, who just go to eat so they don't have to buy food, and they can drink and do drugs instead.


Wiked_Pissah t1_ixvqvr9 wrote

Hey that's great. You don't give a shit. But I would prefer to see those people in the soup kitchen get taken care of for a little more than 1 meal. Greedy pieces of shit like Bezos are only doing what they are doing so they can screw the poor more in the long run. But hey, you don't give a shit. 👍👍


UnfairAd7220 t1_ixxnung wrote

In your long winded and dislocutive way, you're trying to defend your hate by citing marxism as a rational choice.

Its not. Not is your hatred.

Figure out that next better mousetrap, become a billionaire or run your kolkhoz the way you want.


sje46 t1_ixxpcfd wrote

Yes I do believe marxism is a rational choice

I don't hate billionaires. That was part of my long-winded comment. That was the point of it.

Good neologism with "dislocutive" btw, I like that word.


lendluke t1_iy3xqqf wrote

Do you know how tax incentives for charity work? There is no method he can use to save money be giving money away, best he can do is avoid paying the 37% or 20% tax on the money he is losing 100% by donating. How exactly is that a bad thing?


anung_un_rana t1_iy44m4s wrote

Oh I wasn’t suggesting he is saving money through the donation, rather that it is a means to ‘put a good face’ on the charity.

I am by no means an expert in charities or wealth preservation, but the charity he was reported as having set up a week or two ago is a common tactic used by billionaires to shirk income and capital gains taxes. Zuckerberg and Bill Gates did the same thing with each of their charities. Each of them donates significant sums, which is certainly a good thing, but these tax loopholes are a net negative for the economy and society in general.


Suffolk1970 t1_iy5afof wrote

Democracy is not perfect. Politicians are bought out by the wealthy, who make sure laws favor them. Poor people get into power and sometimes steal, for themselves or for the kickbacks. So what?

The truth is the billionaires are making so much that should instead have been put back into society, via taxes. Regan and Drumpf dropped their tax rates, but it goes back to the 1950s.

In any case, our tax dollars (all of us) goes to pay for the screwups and for the good programs (think medicare, and SNAP) and our payroll taxes pay for our own Social Security when we get old. Those programs are fantastic, and constantly threated by the above named corrupt politicians, bought out by wealthy racists, etc.

As for New Hampshire, the gov denied the expansion of health insurance for how many years? How many poor people denied health care for cancer? How many lives lost? Do the math.


Suffolk1970 t1_iy5buku wrote

I worked for a soup kitchen for a few years, part-time, as part of a religious group. I was surprised at the variety. Yes, there were drug addicts, and they are sad to see. There are also families. Also hard to see. (We gave take home bags to the groups with kids.) There were also some "just barely making it" folks. I remember one guy who came in with a tie. He told me he was still homeless, but he had a job, and someday he would be able to buy his own meals. Meanwhile, he was grateful. We served a nice meal. I was proud to work there. It was hard, emotionally, however.


boarderline5152 t1_iy5frwx wrote

Bezos I think is a good person and is donating most of his money to charities from what I read last. I think it's great.


goddammnick t1_iy5g40g wrote

you do realize that the large majority of NHs population lives in Manchester and Nashua right? lets say you dont for educational purposes.

Manchester has approx 115,000 people
Nashua has approx 91,000 people
Concord has approx 44,000 people

So you are right, lets limit it to Nashua - $1.25m will give each person in Nashua $ again, I think you underestimate how much that will provide.

You're reasons may be legitimate. But, to disregard half of everyone else as being freeloaders makes your argument less valid.


Odd-Chapter756 t1_iy5jcqx wrote

Have you actually taking any trips to the soup kitchen for the daily meals or the food pantries..its an eye opener..I went when I was down and out and I was disgusting and disappointed to say the least.