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Rixtertech t1_ivpun8i wrote

Not all backwards states have a State Liquor Monopoly. I'm old enough to remember when it was a big deal that the state had finally allowed grocery stores to sell wine. They will use every tactic in the book to hold off full legalization as long as possible.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_ivq5dm8 wrote

Is there some reason why signatures cannot be gotten to get it on the ballot next election? Whether binding or not, at least the politicians will know how people stand on the issue.

Does anyone know the reasons they cannot/will not pass this as well?


travel_tech t1_ivq5q4o wrote

When will you understand?

We are one of the backwards states.


SheenPSU t1_ivq796q wrote

The state wants to sell it, like they do liquor, for the $$$$ but can’t while it’s federally illegal. So it’ll remain illegal until then.

That’s my take at least. I don’t like it by any means but I’ve convinced myself this is the case


DegenGolfer t1_ivq7i71 wrote

We won’t legalize until it’s federally legal lmao, plus I’m pretty sure most citizens live 30 mins from a dispensary in VT, ME, or MA


NHDraven t1_ivq7v4z wrote

In my opinion, NH will not legalize it until it's dropped from schedule 1 federally and the profits it generates are not at risk. At that time, they'll legalize it and sell it only at NH State Liquor stores. Legalization is a non-starter as long as Sununu is in office AND it's still on schedule 1 federally. Change either one of those, and we'll see it change in NH.


Hutwe t1_ivq8mm9 wrote

According to this, New Hampshire doesn’t allow citizen driven ballot initiatives. The only two ways of getting this done are:

  1. Voting in favor of a Constitutional Convention (we just voted ‘No’ on this). Next chance is in 10 years.

  2. It has to be passed by 60% in both state legislatures and presented to the public an a constitutional amendment. This would require only voting in state senators & reps who are in favor of this.

Sad to say, I’m not confident either are likely any time soon, but that doesn’t mean much, and I’ve been wrong about things plenty of times before.


koidrieyez t1_ivq8thg wrote

Not sure how things work in NH but here in RI we couldn't get it done until the payoffs were lined up and bury political ties deep enough. Sure enough ex police chiefs, political cronies and ex-mobsters got the licenses. So we're good. Starts 1/1/23.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_ivqli9r wrote

Which absolutely slays me. Why do we continually elect a governor that can't decide whether to follow federal regulations or not. Legalize weed? Absolutely fucking not, it's not legal federally and they know what they're talking about. Ban assault style weapons? Absolutely fucking not, it's a violation of our rights and they have no clue what they're doing. Ban abortion? Absolutely not...well, yeah, maybe just a little bit. The federal government says it's up to me to make that decision.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_ivqmbux wrote

> The state wants to sell it, like they do liquor, for the $$$$ but can’t while it’s federally illegal.

Go can say it. It's greed. The state and the politicians of this state don't want to make it legal until they've found a way to line their own pockets with the profits. It's not like 23 other State/Territories have figured out a way to make it work without it being legal federally or anything....


Vi0lentByt3 t1_ivqsjtl wrote

Just gonna hop the border and live in maine at this point


NewPhoenix77 t1_ivqzonb wrote

Yes, it’s like sports gambling in Massachusetts. I guess every state has to stand for one thing that’s the opposite of what all of their constituents want.


outer_fucking_space t1_ivr0aoc wrote

As a Mainer, I hope you guys do too. Trust me, you’ll feel so much better and you’ll get a little bit more tax revenue.


RSN1968 t1_ivr1438 wrote

That has been my theory for a while as well. Once the state is allowed to sell it they’ll control the dispensaries and undercut the neighboring state prices. In the meantime it’s a pain in the ass for residents to drive across whatever border you’re closest to and buy it there.


HowardNelsonJr t1_ivr60xz wrote

What do you mean? This state is very backwards


lechydda t1_ivr63nz wrote

NH seems to be the backward state in this scenario.


JoesBurning t1_ivrhmmv wrote

This states Cannabis laws are a dizasstuh. I ewrned my Mawawanna


[deleted] t1_ivrl518 wrote

How many times does it need to be repeated.

The state is waiting for it to be federally legal.

There's no conspiracy. There's no confusion.

That's the reason. Like it. Hate it. Whatever.

Just stop fucking being confused.


BobKelso14916 t1_ivrn74x wrote

Lol, so angry at strangers for being frustrated at a victimless crime being illegal?

And you’re flat out wrong, it is a conspiracy to not change immoral laws to benefit police/prison lobbies.


bilug335 t1_ivrs8t2 wrote

This state has been Sununu'd


beepboopbeep1000 t1_ivrx4mn wrote

But we lead the nation on BOOOOOOOZE and we cannot have both, i guess.


rabidhamster t1_ivsckei wrote

I just love how the Live Free or Die state won't legalize until they can literally seize the means of production/distribution like with alcohol. I'm going to start calling him "Comrade Sununu."


joeLivingston t1_ivsx201 wrote

If you need it that bad get a medical card like I did.


tugboat100 t1_ivt5p37 wrote

O shut the fuck up.

You fucking leave. You are not moving your hick ass from Canada to tell other people to leave. You fucking chud.

You think NH aligns with your political beliefs, so you move here, to tell others to leave. As a NH native, you better get fucking use to the progression, because this state is dying without. facepalm

And to stay on topic, Fuck NH for penalizing citizens, to then turn around to become the drug dealers themselves. It will happen. People will NOT forget that. Hypocrites.


AuthorSnow t1_ivt8564 wrote

Lol trigger clown says what? And I’m from here bro. Nice try, bigot. Because I’m a dual citizen apparently that makes me a hick. What a trigger loser. You’re not a native. I’m a native bud. Family been in nh since the 1700’s. You’re nothing but a trigger Bostonian.

Reeeee on Reddit. Progressives failed here bud. Free staters got more seats. Cry harder


AuthorSnow t1_ivt8ftc wrote

Statist always need permission. It won’t happen bud. You want parental authority then move. Nh won’t legalize it until they can monopolize it for state revenue. They know it’s a cash cow. It’s asinine to get bent out of shape and reeee on Reddit. Wait till it’s passed federally or leave because it won’t happen until then. It’s pretty basic


AuthorSnow t1_ivt9bar wrote

Lmao. Yeah. I am. I have dual citizenship. Native of NH and I have my Canadian citizenship, clown

And no, you can just cry as you drive to work. Maybe you can look at other jobs out of state while you’re at it


SameOldiesSong t1_ivta1ze wrote

I would bet the state is waiting for it to be federally legal so they can sell it directly like they do with alcohol.

I wish they wouldn’t wait for that, but I would bet that’s what’s happened.

If not, why the hell is the Live Free Or Die state ticketing people for using marijuana and arresting people who sell it? We are bleeding money to MA.


capttuna t1_ivthmb6 wrote

Or just get your weed the same way everyone has for decades… what’s the rush to let the government control it…


besafenh t1_ivtjxlb wrote

Don’t excuse our two former Governors now Senators, nor our two pearl clutching Congress critters. “Legal cannabis is the wrong message in a Fentanyl epidemic!” “I have secured more Federal funding for New Hampshire’s war on drugs through our partnership with the DEA.”


yo_mama_5000 t1_ivtpbvr wrote

I used to live in Missouri. Nice people, nice state. No need for ignorance here.


AKBigDaddy t1_ivtpiwr wrote

> And you’re flat out wrong, it is a conspiracy to not change immoral laws to benefit police/prison lobbies.

Yeah no... in NH it's straight up because they want to control the means of sale just like they do in Alcohol, but doing so is risky on an item that is federally illegal.


BobKelso14916 t1_ivtq4jr wrote

Nope you’re definitely wrong here, you can still make it legal for recreational use without touching that side of the sales part, which still would help prevent innocent people being punished and put in cages for a victimless crime. You’re being manipulated by big lobbies just like the angry guy who commented above.


MinneapolisKing25 t1_ivts5s3 wrote

I’ve found people who call the state Missouri to be lovely people, and people who call it “Missoura” to be the worst most hateful racist backwards bunch I’ve ever met. This is just from my personal experience and exposure though


thrudvangr t1_ivtsrsx wrote

backwards? have you looked at some of the ppl who live in NH?


AKBigDaddy t1_ivtuejz wrote

> you can still make it legal for recreational use without touching that side of the sales part

You can, but they don't want to, not because of wanting to keep people criminals, but because they want to capture the profit from sales. It's all about the money here. The state want to be the sole retail distributor in NH, just like they are for liquor.


jeanlenin t1_ivtuntp wrote

Because the reason is idiotic. Why wait for the federal government to do anything to take care of an issue that states have been doing on their own for almost a decade at this point? Washington can’t even get rid daylight savings. Smooth brain right wingers be like “look at our basic excuse! What do you expect to government to do its job? Stupid leftie!”


MinneapolisKing25 t1_ivtvt86 wrote

Id never use them to generalize a whole area though as you said, just a habit/speech pattern I’ve noticed amongst certain “like minded” individuals. Like I said, I have met plenty of people and have good friends from the state that are absolutely lovely. Same with the south


BobKelso14916 t1_ivtw3as wrote

Hahaha- as I said, you’re heavily manipulated and flat out wrong here. How can you say they don’t want to keep people criminals? That’s literally happening because recreational consumption of marijuana is illegal, and could be passed separate from the racket that would be the state making corruptly awarded state run marijuana stores.


ghostlyone t1_ivtzwfa wrote

We do live in the "live free or die" state, after all....seems crazy that every one of our border states has legalized it and the state where personal liberty is so important, it is illegal. LOL


ggtffhhhjhg t1_ivu0dzr wrote

They just have to tax it at lower rate than MA,ME and VT. Your biggest problem will be competing on price. I can already buy once’s for as cheap as $120 tax free in Maine and MA.


Consistent-Winter-67 t1_ivu20sc wrote

I don't want to drive an hour to Maine to buy weed. I will until its legal here.


HowardNelsonJr t1_ivu22nc wrote

Yea in New England, everyone just thinks those type of states are full of inbred racists. Because people in New England think they are gods gift rather than the absolute assholes that they (we) are


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_ivu3057 wrote

For you to insult a whole state like that just because your entire outlook is only about the ease of access for you to get wasted on weed is appalling. This sub is completely off the rails with the hard core leftists.


capttuna t1_ivuattz wrote

Yeah it should be legal but nobody is going after a recreational toker unless you’re driving.. it’s been illegal for so long it’s not stopping anyone.


Entire-Treacle-379 t1_ivucv66 wrote

New Hampshire will be the last one to legalize weed New Hampshire’s biggest thing is the sell alcohol if you legalize weed alcohol sales will fall


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_ivue04s wrote

You are the one that attacked me, I simply gave my opinion- one that has been historically accurate the world over since the beginning of civilization. Just because we have enacted some social experiments in the past 15 years or so, doesn’t erase history. Why do you call me names?


TheodoeBhabrot t1_ivuevaj wrote

Lol if you’re not a statist you should be upset that the state is using it’s monopoly on violence to wage the drug for and want legalization not whining about people wanting legalization


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_ivumlvt wrote

Meanwhile yall keep voting for prohibitionists. Maggie is no friend of weed nor the Balduc guy but fuck you get what ya vote for. I moved out of NH years ago one of the biggest reasons the weed laws. I did a few years in Concord for a couple zips fuck that state. Thankfully now I am just over the river and can grow freely but fuck NH is ass backwards on this one.


blzac33 t1_ivv826z wrote

Fill out the app, have doctor fill out app verifying that it would be helpful (you can now use insomnia as a valid reason). Pay the fee, choose a dispensary. Wife did it all within a couple of weeks.


drivermcgyver t1_ivvyxuh wrote

Wasted on weed lol

People should be able to grow it as much as they want on their own property. I can brew my own beer. I'd rather be surrounded by people who are "weed wasted" than people who are belligerently drunk off their ass, puking their brains out and getting into fist fights.

I worked in bars for a LONG TIME and I can tell you I never saw two "stoners" do anything remotely close to that. Why do you want booze instead of weed?


drivermcgyver t1_ivw3fr0 wrote

I feel through the.comment you made that I had a pretty good judge of how you felt about marijuana in general. I would love to hear your opinion on what I said.

I do get the first part of what you're saying (and I do agree), but I don't like your stance on weed. That's all.


skullpizza t1_ivxzz9u wrote

Legalized weed in a state that love the motto "Live free or die"? I don't smoke weed but I still think it should be legal. You don't think legalizing weed would make NH a better place?


AuthorSnow t1_ivy17kp wrote

🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤣🤣 maybe you should look at the historical matrix around the quote, do a little digging at how NH interpreted that quote historically 🤦🏻‍♂️

You transplant people know nothing of this state


skullpizza t1_ivy1ojm wrote

I mean, you didn't answer the question. What don't you like about legalized weed?

Also, I have read the history of the quote. It was initially attributed to a famous revolutionary general from NH. What is your point?


Adeling79 t1_iwub20e wrote

To be fair, there’s very little about NH law that aligns with the motto. Any time a law does not protect someone else, the environment, or an animal, the law is in breach of the motto. For example, jay walking.