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Least-Car6096 t1_ivvjcdz wrote

Classic how people shit on free staters & libertarians so much when all they really want is for the government to leave us all alone to make our own choices without so much overreach.


smartest_kobold t1_ivvlqe4 wrote

They want the government to leave us alone except abortion, sympathy strikes, malicious compliance...


wegandi t1_ivw427s wrote

People are free to strike, youre just not allowed to prevent people from being hired to do your job as you strike. Abortion is legal up until 24 weeks and Republicans do not want to change that. Anywhere else in the world you propose abortion legal to 24 weeks youre called pro choice, but yes Republicans need to be more clear so voters understand where their position is (Id say 60% FSers self identify as pro choice anyways).

NH GOP expanded overall freedom in the last legislative session. I know lots of good bills coming down the pipe (that most Dems would also classify as good).


smartest_kobold t1_ivwgch5 wrote

There are actually some pretty strict regulations on who can strike, how, and when. You're just not aware of them because libertarians have never given serious thought to labor.

The abortion thing is fun. Any other ways we might like to use the standards set in Europe?


No_Detective_118 t1_ivxspj6 wrote

To be clear, you're saying that Republicans are okay with abortion until 24 weeks?


AMC4x4 OP t1_ivvkr92 wrote

If that's really what the Free Staters were for instead of moving into areas and imposing their will on longtime residents, I think we'd have no reason to shit on Free Staters. But that's not what we've seen over the last decade or so from them.


[deleted] t1_iw3xcj7 wrote

Libertarianism as a personal credo is fine and even admirable.

Libertarianism as a political ideology is Anarchy with window-dressing and ignores the realities of living in a society. It's the political version of sticking your fingers in your ears.