No-Masterpiece-7577 t1_ivw2l2f wrote
If they go with that model, and I fully expect them to, I also expect them to hand over the only cultivation licenses to big corporate places which will be bad for the NH cannabis market/consumers. I’m from NH but live in Maine and work in the cannabis industry here, all the corporate MSO (multi state operators) companies grow complete trash. The medical model in NH already sucks and tons of patients travel to Maine to purchase anyway.
If they want to reap the tax benefits, it’d be smarter for them long term to give out more licenses for retail and cultivation and let the market work itself out, imo.
howie_doin t1_ivw396g wrote
100% the locals who fought their whole life will lose to deep pockets and “campaign donations”.
shervbert t1_ivwgckj wrote
As a NH patient who travels to Maine, I wish New Hampshire would replicate their medical program here. And we wouldn’t push for a rec program. We should push for full decriminalization, and allow for a robust and illustrious medical program pioneered by New Hampshire citizens to create a small business minded industry. I fear though, it is only a matter of time the massive Wall Street investors and corporations will come knocking when/if rec happens. It’s pretty sad.
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