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knottedoaks t1_ivwfrvi wrote

A large majority of women vote for candidates that support this. These women and their daughters are the ones being affected by stuff like this in athletics and competitions. I say let them reap what they sow. I don’t care and congrats to the ‘winner’.


Ok_Birthday749 t1_ivxp2zn wrote

Kinda like they don’t feel like it’s a threat to them perhaps. The Republican base is the party known for ALWAYS voting against their own self interest. That’s what happens when your base is literally comprised of the uneducated ignorant masses. Ever wonder why your party is so against education funding? Because you have to be fucking stupid to support them. That is the clown world we are living in. People like you have turned this country into a living breathing live action version of Idiocracy. It would be funny if it weren’t so fucking mind blowing. Half of this country is literally the laughing stock of the entire fucking world and it’s not the half you think it is. It’s the half you belong too.