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Ok_Birthday749 t1_ivxon15 wrote

Actually the percentage of the human population born as intersex is about the same as the percentage born with red hair.


NickTz20 t1_ivxrsyi wrote

You keep saying that. Where do you see those numbers?


Ok_Birthday749 t1_ivxsqpr wrote

Amnesty International for one. Hit the Google button for fucks sake.


NickTz20 t1_ivxt6i8 wrote

I mean that's not anything I ever thought I'd have to Google and I'm not sure who the fuck amnesty international is lol.

Ahhh a quick Google search shows here that they're a left wing nut activity group. They also don't seem to have the resources to give you accuracy on that claim you're making. I'd take it with a grain of salt.


Ok_Birthday749 t1_ivxtbcr wrote

Amnesty International is a well known and long standing non profit organization with a mission to end human rights abuses throughout the world. If you think that makes them nuts than you’re a moron and there’s not hope for you.