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seanwalter123 t1_ivxrra9 wrote

Do you have a single piece of data to support your unsafe claim and reasoning? I have yet to find one. When did letting your kids just take the wheel and make horrible decisions become the norm? That’s the total opposite of what parenting is supposed to be, you’re supposed to be the guide. The red hair thing is a good example but doesn’t explain the phenomenon of gen z. I would agree with you the box we expect woman to live by should be expanded, you’re indeed a woman, even if you’re not super feminine lol nothing wrong with being a “tomboy”. I’d say they’re definitely is something wrong with getting an automatic win in a pageant because you wanted special treatment, then getting that special treatment and forcing everyone to go along with it or get lynched in the streets for it by once again a small but loud minority. This is as bad as shit that happens in china, go to a corporate job and say you don’t agree with this and they’ll fire you on the spot, this isn’t normal, and the fact people who don’t want to play this game are either having their tongues ripped out or being forced to say things they don’t agree with is sickening.


Ok_Birthday749 t1_ivxsmdm wrote

There is a plethora of data available on the internet about the rates of violence against trans people especially women. It was the same for decades for gay people. I’m not going to do your job for you. If you really care to be educated you can easily find that data. I did say I agree with the bandwagon phenomenon. And it’s sucks that it’s not possible to have an actual dialog about this because you immediately get labeled as hateful. Like I definitely have views on this that many would say makes me transphobic. I never said I thought it was ok for kids to be taking puberty blockers etc. Although if a child is known to have been born intersex that is different. And many are. We just didn’t know it in the past and nobody was listening to these kids when they said they felt like they were in the wrong body. They were just assigned a gender and sex at birth based on what it looked like was the closest fit based on the outward appearance of the genitalia when a whole bunch of other stuff was going on internally inside the body. This isn’t a simple black and white issue at all that people wanna make it out to be. I mean what are you gonna do if you find out your kid has ovaries and that the small penis he has it’s actually an enlarged clitoris? Nobody wants to talk about these things but they are not as uncommon as people think they are. Or your daughter is found to have undescended testicles.


Puzzlesocks t1_iw3bety wrote

A lot of the data we have is either slanted, misrepresented, or just factually incorrect. The trans suicide rate constantly repeated for instance is actually just suicidal thoughts. If the suicide rate was actually as high as they say then even despite the extremely small number of trans people the annual suicide rate would be many times higher and completely dominated by trans people. So much of this has become a horrible game of telephone. We need to forget this group identity nonsense and stop letting uneducated activists disseminate scientific studies for the public.
As far as this being a beauty competition so it doesn't matter... I mean, a lot goes into this and I don't want to write an actual essay. I'll just say that when one of the things you take pride in is intruded upon that most people feel threatened. I think these competitions are dumb and even potentially harmful to women's image in general, but letting an obese man in a dress win it is even more harmful because it says that women don't even have that beauty to begin with.
Is that harm good or bad? I tend to think bad because it denies the basic human experience, but the real answer is that we don't know the result of attempting to tweak these cultural levers. I will say you shouldn't ever feel bad for whatever you are naturally attracted to, we know now that it's just another inalienable characteristic. The point of a beauty contest though is to show what the plurality of people (at least within a sub group) find attractive. I can't imagine the target audience of this pageant is a group that finds him more attractive than these women, but I've been surprised before.


seanwalter123 t1_ivxtkf2 wrote

There is no long term data supporting that , A violence against transgenderism was prominent, and a reason for the lack of it existing. B the reason you must accept it is because they’ll commit suicide like they used to. You’re 👌 especially the actual intersex stuff is spot on and something that needs further evaluation and unfortunately I believe the evidence with this current gen z age group proves it that this is just group think, seeking to be different/ special treatment.


Ok_Birthday749 t1_ivxuc5e wrote

There’s no long term data because it’s a new field of study but ALL the data shows much higher rates of violence. And yes I agree that there is a component of it being a fad as do the few trans people I know. I’m Gen X. And even trans people are afraid to voice these opinions because they get labeled as traitors to their community. I’m just so sick of people not being able to have a conversation about things. Like the dumbing down of our society has reached a critical level lol. Like no way should trans folks be competing in sports with their chosen gender. There are biological advantages for people born male regardless of hormone level requirements. Bone density, limb length, muscle mass and structure and the list goes on and on. And in those cases I 100% agree with people being pissed. But Miss America? Lol give me a break. If people are butt hurt that their narrow definition of beauty is changing they can ya know, fuck right off or just ignore it.