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Connect_Stay_137 t1_iw3ydib wrote

Tax cuts are better.

I shouldn't have to pay a singular fraction of a penny because you're unable to care for the child you had.


wRIPPERw_ t1_iw3ytxz wrote

Well then you're an asshole. Straight up saying "fuck you, I got mine". God forbid your taxes go somewhere useful.


Connect_Stay_137 t1_iw3yzft wrote

They should go to fund the military and build roads like God intended.

Not watching your kid because you cant


wRIPPERw_ t1_iw3z8p2 wrote

Ah yes, thousands of years ago God decided that the United States should not fund childcare, and instead fund the world's largest military and roads that are in disrepair anyway.


Connect_Stay_137 t1_iw48oz3 wrote

Ah so you understand the federal government misuses taxes, therefore proving my point that we are better off with tax cuts VS child care.


wRIPPERw_ t1_iw4c69m wrote

Maybe you are, but everyone else in the country would be better off if taxes actually paid for things that we needed, such as healthcare or childcare.


Connect_Stay_137 t1_iw4cfz5 wrote

You entirely missed the point.

Fix your own roads. And take care of your own child.


MsTomHardy t1_iw4xt36 wrote

Surely you realize at least some of the people responsible for building roads require childcare.


wRIPPERw_ t1_iw4fl54 wrote

I don't have kids. I never will. But I understand the value in paying my due so that everyone benefits. You're clearly too selfish to understand that.

Also, what do you mean fix my own roads? I don't own any roads. Neither do you. Earlier you said to build more roads. Who's paying for that? Trogolodyte.


Connect_Stay_137 t1_iw7sb6g wrote

I own a road on my property.

Guess you don't understand how private roads work.


KingBubbaBouy1 t1_iw6g5il wrote

You obviously have never looked at a property tax bill.


Connect_Stay_137 t1_iw7s4i3 wrote

I have. Taxes are a scam and should only go to pave roads and fund a defensive military


KingBubbaBouy1 t1_iw82clr wrote

Take your red hat off, wipe the blue paint off your face and join our democracy! We call it the American way my friend!