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averageduder t1_ixywwt8 wrote

Really doesn’t seem like the point the article is attempting to make at all.


mmirate t1_ixzdnx3 wrote

What else - other than attempting repair of the fused disks even if it meant guinea-pigging for medical experiments, or at least attempting to control the length of time the fused disks are consciously experienced - could possibly be the objective in life of a person with fused disks?

EDIT: you should be ashamed of yourselves. Downvoting questions instead of answering them.


TarantinoFan23 t1_iy3cqpq wrote

Be useful and happy? What is your answer?


mmirate t1_iy3e4ph wrote

I don't have one. It's not a rhetorical question or something.


TarantinoFan23 t1_iy3kxs1 wrote

So you're mad that people are not answering your rhetorical question?


mmirate t1_iy3mmik wrote

... that's backwards. A rhetorical question is one to which the asker does have an answer in mind.


TarantinoFan23 t1_iy3qj1g wrote

Not necessarily.

rhe·tor·i·cal ques·tion


a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer. "the presentation was characterized by impossibly long sentences and a succession of rhetorical questions"