[deleted] t1_iw3sbtb wrote
Federal has more impact for more important national/global issues so I feel like those are more important in a void.
But, to get your issues represented at the federal level you need state and local support so it's "more important" in the way a foundation is the most important part of the house.
Smirkly t1_iw3tt9e wrote
For me it is local due to the continuing war on drugs concerning pot. We are the Ostrich state with our heads buried in the sand. Missouri just legalized recreational and Arkansas, North Dakota and South Dakota considered it. Never mind the will of the people, just say no?
Regulator275 OP t1_iw4cu0b wrote
I tend to agree with you. What I find unfortunate is that we have less say in federal decisions given how the House and Senate are set up.
Regulator275 OP t1_iw4cw27 wrote
I very much agree on the marijuana topic. I think it’ll happen eventually though.
widget_fucker t1_iw51teg wrote
I think it probably hinges quite a bit on age. When youre young and starting your career its hard to be engaged locally. As you age, have kids, pay higher taxes, and get more skin in the game- local politics feels increasingly important.
averageduder t1_iw5ae5g wrote
Well, maybe a bit odd, but I'd rank them like this:
Local - I know these people, and know how good/bad they are. And elections are decided over dozens or hundreds of votes.
Federal. Go team etc. But I care more about the health of the party as a whole than any particular candidate.
State. Not overly interested
seanwalter123 t1_iw5gu1q wrote
State by far. If Covid didn’t teach people this nothing will. Some states you were locked inside of your house, others you were free to do as you please, vaccine passports etc.
Regulator275 OP t1_iw5i5c6 wrote
Definitely agree with that!
Regulator275 OP t1_iw5if41 wrote
Interesting point of view. Feds take so much in taxes for things I “might” not care about. If it wasn’t for that, I’d be all state and local.
roundeye2020 t1_iw5tndc wrote
A candidate that respects democracy.
Regulator275 OP t1_iw6v7dt wrote
Pretty broad statement. Care to elaborate?
Smirkly t1_iw74mvp wrote
Come on, I'm 77. Eventually? Sure. In my life time? I'm losing hope.
Itsaburner777 t1_iw7504s wrote
Probably not since we are a republic and not a democracy.
valleyman02 t1_iw7dzrh wrote
A distinction without a difference.
Itsaburner777 t1_iw7nw8s wrote
A post without a point.
valleyman02 t1_iw7o4g0 wrote
The right wing hardliner like yourself have definitely made it an art form. Rage on brother!
Itsaburner777 t1_iw7peos wrote
2022 when Truth is hardline right wing.
Regulator275 OP t1_iw7xms7 wrote
Ha! I wouldn’t have guessed. I’m just referring to the recent laws passed in Maine, Mass, etc.
Smirkly t1_iw7z6li wrote
and Vermont and New York and the entire nation of Canada. On this subject we (NH) suck.
Lords_of_Lands t1_iwfi8dw wrote
How do we have less say?
Regulator275 OP t1_iwiceab wrote
I should rephrase my statement. My intent was to say that the federal government is out of control and that most of what they do is a power grab. Examples include, income tax rate many times higher than the state rate, the ability to randomly create departments Where the need is questionable and frankly just doing whatever they want. Compare this to a state level where the people of the state are closer to the politics and have the ability to affect change easier.
vanillagorrilla23 t1_iwkvvbi wrote
Definitely state elections I feel the impact more
Regulator275 OP t1_iw3gylv wrote
I’m curious because I see such a difference between candidates that won the NH vote.