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OscarOrr t1_iw42jlq wrote

Not advantage. Look carefully at supplement then u can go anywhere


astralpen t1_iw4nc2v wrote

Medicare Advantage is not great. Networks have to do with who they could negotiate low prices with. Not with who provides the best care. Regular Medicare lets you go pretty much anywhere with no referrals.


kimbed t1_iw5hqgh wrote

Don’t do it. Straight Medicare A and B with an additional supplement such as AARP. Manage your own healthcare. Advantage plans manage it for you.


scajjr29 t1_iw6zonh wrote

Ever notice all the Medicare TV ads are for Advantage plans? Why? Cause they make ton's of money for the insurance companies. An Advantage plan is just like getting health insurance thru work. Most are managed care, limit you to in network providers, require referrals, and the lowest priced ones have high deductibles.

You are much better off sticking with regular A & B thru Medicare getting a supplemental plan and a prescription plan.


Paper_Disastrous t1_iwgkm6o wrote

Correct. When you are young, health insurance makes sense because you are betting against getting sick. When you get older, you want healthcare, not insurance. You are going to be seeing doctors more. It's better to just have healthcare and use it.