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Ok-Glass7272 t1_iwjs8ii wrote


This is MAGA MEGA! Trump is going to hug this news - awkwardly (read: cringeworthy) - like the American flag.


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_iwju8n0 wrote

Watch out what you say here or the comments might be shut down by the free speech loving libertarian that runs this subreddit. Just like this.


UnfairAd7220 t1_iwjuy6i wrote

BFD. Legislative gridlock for 2 years. yay. Calm down commies. The ball isn't getting moved.


onetwentyonegigawatt t1_iwjz1r0 wrote

WTF, has this even happened in our states history? Legitimate question.


vexingsilence t1_iwk5ljs wrote

Got to love those recounts finding just enough extra votes.


realnrh t1_iwk6kir wrote

Looking at for a quick rundown of party control over time, no, this looks like this is literally the closest the chamber has ever been to parity. If you mean 'close seats flipping in recounts,' then yes, with so many seats and so relatively few votes for each seat, I expect it has. There's also the notable case of Durkin v Wyman for the 1974 Senate seat, which ultimately was declared by the US Senate to be vacant and a new election held because the deadlocked Senate couldn't come to an agreement on the resolution otherwise (


Skoota42 t1_iwkqck2 wrote

It’s not the ones who run the sub… it’s the asshats that moved to NH and now think they know it and are turning it into the very thing they fled from… good luck…NH getting ruined


smartest_kobold t1_iwktedf wrote

Wow, recounts flipped two seats in a close election in a state with a tiny voter to representative ratio.


vanillagorrilla23 t1_iwkv06p wrote

So, Columbia NH. What happened with that? Wierd.


NickTz20 t1_iwkyo1j wrote

Wait, so a town worker "accidently" put an extra 1 on Democrat votes. You don't say 🤣. Here I thought it wasn't this fkn easy to scam the voting system.

If you see this and disagree with my ironic joke, please block me. We won't get along.


NickTz20 t1_iwkyrmu wrote

"mistake" probably the very top of the list of this person's job specifically says not to fuck something like this up. Turns out, it's really easy to scam an election I guess.


littleirishmaid t1_iwkzjjp wrote

If they used a machine, the tape run at end of day would have to go to the state. Difference would be found from handwritten results. If only hand counted, it may never be found if there was a smaller difference. Because it was exactly 1,000 and written as it was, I am thinking it was an end of day error. One thing I found interesting is that the results cannot be found on the town website, at least I could not find them.


Admiral_pumpkin t1_iwl159z wrote

Hahahaha! It’s nice to see Arizona isn’t the only clown show in the country.


dj_narwhal t1_iwl2cd9 wrote

Hey man I know it is tough, midterms, Russia is getting stomped in Ukraine, Trump just announced his new diaper tour, this clerical error, but things will get better for you someday.

Edit: lol blocked. What is next, sends some goons to harass me like trump did with all those teenagers he raped?


veed_vacker t1_iwl4f5y wrote

maybe if the republicans didn't do things like 24 week abortion or did things like MJ legalization, they would still control it.


fins4ever t1_iwl4iyc wrote

Ah we're screwed anyhow


TreePointOhhhhh t1_iwlb8m7 wrote

Dem voters are funny, they got played so hard and they’re still giddy lol. Immediately after they voted, courts ruled student loan forgiveness by executive order is unconstitutional (which everyone told them it was). Then jeff bezos and David Solomon comes out and says, yes, recession’s definitely on the menu, economy’s going to get way worse. Mass unemployment is coming. Then gas and oil prices start to jump again. And these guys are celebrating lol. It’s like they were promised Rebecca Romijn but got Rosie O’Donnell and they’re celebrating 😂


musicdude2202 t1_iwldmq4 wrote

Are you seriously advocating for 3rd term elective abortions? Is that really your position that it should be legal to kill a completely viable baby for funzies or because “oops I changed my mind”? You people are sick.


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwleolt wrote

Lmao, this MF for real think that third trimester abortions are acceptable.

Congrats, you’re now in contradiction with Massachussetts state law and New York State law, some of the bluest states in the nation that ban abortion after 24 weeks.


gjcs14 t1_iwlfq77 wrote

Personally I think abortions should only be performed after that period if they're medically necessary (or maybe if it's a minor or rape victim who for some reason wasn't able to get one earlier), but technically that would still be the second trimester. Prior to that I think elective abortions are fine. Abortion really only came to be this culture war thing in recent decades. When Roe happened in the 70s, it was hardly the partisan issue it is today. In truth, I doubt half of these moral crusaders would give a shit if it weren't a matter of toeing the party line.


PolarBlueberry t1_iwli6jg wrote

Do you think women make it to the 3rd term of pregnancy and go “nah, I don’t want to do this anymore, kill it.” At the 3rd term you’ve gone through the worst of the sickness, you’re having baby showers and decorating the nursery. Then you find out your child has a heart defect and might possibly survive but will not live a full or healthy life and will probably require extreme and expensive medical care. People go “no, I don’t want this child” in the first trimester as they just find out. People who need late term abortions aren’t doing it on a whim, it’s medically necessary for the health of the mother or the child will not be born viable.


gjcs14 t1_iwlj564 wrote

People like to run around with the narrative that at that stage it's about birth control as some sort of rhetorical cudgel. People who aren't even religious and if they were old enough to formulate an opinion 30 years ago, wouldn't give a shit about the issue at all. It's bizarre


snailfighter t1_iwlj5m7 wrote

Ran the country into the ground, you mean.

Then ya'll wanna gaslight everyone into believing Biden created our economic strain, as if the tariffs that soured international relations, the coast to coast lock downs, the PPP loans (and their forgiveness), the free covid money, the student loan freeze, the eviction freeze, the higher gas prices, and so much else didn't happen under Trump.

It's almost like we passed the buck during a pandemic so we could weather it and now we're trying to bleed it off slowly.

A thing any president would have to do.

Little psychopaths, these Republicans.


pbsolaris t1_iwljcdr wrote

If they focused on freedom and small government, not some BS christian Fundy dream BS they'd be in power still. Weed, guns, shrooms, abortions, gays getting married, fireworks, low tax. Is that hard to fucking ask?


DareMe603 t1_iwljkg2 wrote

Doesn't matter who likes who anymore. It's clear the dems lie hard & they will take over your complete lives. Welcome back to the 17th century, from which we ran here from.


NickTz20 t1_iwljlez wrote

@snailfisghter - Lmao hypocritical AF from Democrat believe against Republicans. Do you have any thoughts that are your own, or you just jump on the far left band wagon?

Love how little bitches can respond and then block someone right after. Grow a sack.


Mateo2 t1_iwlrn7s wrote

NH has been a purple state for as long as I can remember. I have lived here my whole life and have voted for both dems and republicans. I think part of the reason this state is so great is because no side ever has a huge, long lasting majority.


mackerdoots t1_iwlt6xr wrote

NH has a ban after 24 weeks and that ban is even lifted after 24 week in cases of life of the mother or child. It is probably one of the most reasonable approaches to a compromise and a moderate stance

Asking to lift the ban completely after 24 weeks would actually be in support of people just getting an abortion on a whim and not much more. I would argue 24 weeks is probably a bit too long to allow people to get one on a whim. Even in the case of rape you don’t necessarily find out you were raped 4-6 months after the fact and then decide whether you want to keep it. Even for some extreme outlier cases we can put something in place instead of just opening up abortions to a free for all up until conception


baxterstate t1_iwlxanq wrote

“I’d take a nobody, see, teach him what to say, get his name in the papers. Then I'd pay for his campaign expenses. Get my boys to bring the voters out. And then count the votes over and over again 'til they added up right, and he was elected.” Edward G. Robinson in “Key Largo”


PolarBlueberry t1_iwlxqqy wrote

That's quite reasonable and my response is directed at the "Oops I changed my mind."
Now, for the sake of looking at all angles, what would you think of this scenario:
A 33 year old mother of 2 is 26wks pregnant with her 3rd child and it is a healthy pregnancy. She has been at home for 8 years because her husband is able to provide enough for them to be comfortable, but paycheck to paycheck. Suddenly the husband and both children die in car accident. He does not have life insurance and now this woman who has been out of the work force will need to pay for the mortgage and all bills and still need to give birth and care for this child and she decides that it's too much and she doesn't want it.
I know this is made up, and many women would want to carry through as something to keep from her lost family, but for some it would be too much. Do you force this women you don't know to care for a child she does not want out of a moral obligation?
I'm not trying to change anybody's mind, or even push a single side. It's a difficult moral dilemma similar to the classic "Trolley Problem" and it's worth thinking about from multiple angles.


Environmental3rdEye t1_iwm0s6m wrote

Who gives a fuck what those states have? This is New Hampshire. Literally almost all abortions that happen are not 3rd trimester. People who have 3rd trimester abortions WANT their baby( wow imagine that) but get them due to medical emergency to save the mothers life. I’m so sick of uneducated moral stances based on boogey man they hear from the fucking news.


Statbot5000 t1_iwm1xzv wrote

It's interesting when people are quick to jump on these types of theories...but only when it doesn't fit into their agenda. So basically your mind set is "if my guy wins it's legitimate...but if your guy wins its rigged"....ok buddy🤘. It's the soar looser mentality...key word LOSER...but you do you...


Statbot5000 t1_iwm2grs wrote it. Not sure what your point is. Not sure if you know what your point is. As stated in the article...

The change did not affect the result of the election, which Hassan won by more than 56,000 votes.


NickTz20 t1_iwm2mcw wrote

So then what's your point? All I said are the odds are this happened before, in more than one place, in more than one election, whether for Republican or Democrat. So what was your point?


lMickNastyl t1_iwm2vsr wrote

If it's so clear why has no republican representative shown any proof? Wouldn't it be in their best interest? They'd become a national celebrity overnight and launch their career into outer space.

Could it be their is no proof's not fucking happening you sheep, swallowing down lies with no substance to back it up whatsoever.


pahnzoh t1_iwm2yfk wrote

People need to register as Republicans and vote in the primaries if this is desired.

People keep electing these wacked out trump lackies in the primaries.


Statbot5000 t1_iwm34h1 wrote

Point is these results are looked over & scrutinize very closely. Sure...mistakes happen but they are far & few between. It's not ok to perpetuate a false claim wile simultaneously undermining our democracy. It's ok to be skeptical and cautiously observant...but it's not ok to just toss out false information like it's facts.


NickTz20 t1_iwm3c4h wrote

Oh ok, so then it doesn't pertain to anything I said. All I basically started are that this happened, which means it's possible that it could happen again or has happened before. Didn't undermine anything or anyone specifically.


Ok-Glass7272 t1_iwm3okg wrote

Not the important ones. Not the ones he went to the mattresses for. Why do you think every news source - Fox included - is hammering him? Massive loss and probably unrecoverable. The party's moving on. He's poison. DeSantis is the new emperor. Give it a little time.


Statbot5000 t1_iwm4gal wrote

Don't attempt to mask your satire in sarcasm, it was very clear what your intention is. You a troll...I can tell by how you interact with people. Your the type of ass hole that finds enjoyment in getting under people's skin. 👍


Statbot5000 t1_iwm5dag wrote

Ahhh your too funny. Not a temper tantrum. You may want to go back and look at some of your comments and then decide who's throwing a tantrum. A little self reflection can go a long way. Or...get this crazy idea. Go back to living your medial life and do your very best to be a good individual instead of whatever the Fk you currently are. Just a thought....


mackerdoots t1_iwm69me wrote

Well that is certainly is a very particular circumstance that sounds really unfortunate all around. If we want to make exceptions we need to pursue those specifically though. Making abortions open season for the sake of women’s rights though is a road that can lead to pretty immoral circumstances pretty quickly

I’m partial and biased because my daughter was born premature at 26 weeks. I find a moral line crossed when people push for open abortions at that point. In the example you gave if a woman had a premature birth it would be murder if she wanted the option to terminate it. If the baby is in the womb it suddenly becomes well within the woman’s right in some peoples eyes. That’s where I start to lose understanding and a little sympathy with those that support open and late term abortion rights. A baby shouldn’t have to come out early for better chances of survival in the third trimester. That’s a functional human being fighting for its life like anyone else at that point.

My opinion on your example is to definitely try to convince her to have the child and then choose whether to give it up for adoption. Postpartum depression can be very harmful but for all we know once the baby is born she ends up living with no regret and it’s what she ends up living for. So it’s definitely tricky and those things should be talked about instead of telling people they have no say in setting limitations


lMickNastyl t1_iwm7mpq wrote

The candidates that trump endorsed and won were in heavily red states with leads of like +20R, Stalin could've endorsed them and it wouldn't have changed a thing. What matters is the swing state candidates endorsed by him being soundly rejected.

Now that the GOP is trying to drop him like the dead weight he is and he is more divisive than ever before... Actually you know what all aboard the maga train I'm sure it won't blow up spectacularly.


Relative_Election_81 t1_iwm7uep wrote

80% success rate. Cope. Establishment GOP shills are continuing to reject him just like they've been doing since before 2016 because they're more interested in making money than representing their voters? I'm shocked! lol at least you tried


lMickNastyl t1_iwm8c8i wrote

Trump being elected in 2016 was because people underestimated him and ran a horrible candidate against him (Hilary being president and Bill being first gentlemen, lmao, get out of here). People have years of judgement now, everyone knows what he is about and is either pro or against him. No one is independent when it comes to trump.


Relative_Election_81 t1_iwm8xwd wrote

He got millions more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. he had an 80% success rate with his endorsements in this last election, and the Republicans won the popular vote by 5 million, despite the Dems engaging in dirty tactics like ballot harvesting and despite the GOP actively trying to sabotage many of the candidates he endorsed. As I said, reality simply does not conform with the narrative you're desperately trying to push.


Relative_Election_81 t1_iwm9e2m wrote

I didn't say anything about any conspiracies, when you're forced to argue against what you wish I said instead of what I actually said you're admitting that you don't have a leg to stand on and are so far out of your depth that you can't even try to form a coherent response. Thank you for conceding the argument, take care.


_drjayphd_ t1_iwm9i1x wrote

>Are you seriously advocating for 3rd term elective abortions?

Yes, and I'm sick of pretending we need to say no. They're so incredibly rare that the only reason to ban them is to grease the skids for further restrictions. The vast majority of abortions that far in are because the fetus isn't viable, is already deceased or is endangering the health of the mother.


_drjayphd_ t1_iwm9zpb wrote

>Edit: lol blocked. What is next, sends some goons to harass me like trump did with all those teenagers he raped?

Nah, that'd be too much work for him, he'll probably just fire off a bunch of reddit_cares referrals. That's what the weirdly obsessive WWE stans in r/SquaredCircle do.


Relative_Election_81 t1_iwmcrxr wrote

You're confused. What's happening here is that you think I'm talking about voter fraud when in reality what I'm talking about is totally legal in the places where it's happening, at least for the most part. You think I'm talking about something completely different than what I'm actually talking about because you don't read the news, so in your ignorance you are making baseless assumptions. How embarrassing for you.


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iwmdztd wrote

Keep counting until the democrat wins…. Our democracy has been turned on it’s ear by all the bs ways to vote now. One day, one vote, show id - it’s so simple


lMickNastyl t1_iwmeybc wrote

AP quotes an academic I much respect: “There’s no evidence a massive ballot harvesting scheme dumped a large amount of votes for one candidate into drop boxes, and if there were, it would likely be caught quickly, according to [Iowa law professor] Derek Muller.”

I'll admit of all the different conspiracies, this is the one that at least deserves a little skepticism. That being said there is no evidence whatsoever it's being used to change any outcome.

That bullshit 2000 mules has brought shit like this into the spotlight where before it was only heard in conspiracy circles.


Relative_Election_81 t1_iwmf6u4 wrote

I love it how I keep calling you out for assuming I'm talking about something I'm not, and you just can't help but continuing to do exactly that every single time 🤣 Go get yourself educated on current events before you try discussing political issues, you are not currently equipped to have grown up conversations. Take care, and thank you once again for conceding the argument by refusing to operate in good faith.


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwmfkah wrote

All these state laws I mentioned have exceptions for medical purposes, etc.

So idk why people are downvoting other than they think it’s totally fine to kill a kid in the third trimester on demand…for no good reason.


Environmental3rdEye t1_iwmfm4j wrote

People are opposed to banning them ? I’m opposed to all laws that ban them, because well they are needed. If doctors are too afraid to preform life savings procedures then something is wrong with the law. People are opposed to new laws that are restrictive on the health care


SkiingAway t1_iwmg942 wrote

> One day, one vote, show id - it’s so simple

That's pretty much the only way to vote in NH, yes.

Absentee/mail ballots in the state require an actual cause for why you need one, they're not just available because you don't feel like voting in person.

So regardless of your feelings about radical, difficult to comprehend concepts (/s) like "voting by mail" or "voting early"....they're not really a thing here anyway.

I'd think a person like you would approve of a hand count of the actual paper ballots under the supervision of both parties and election officials. Which is what happens in a recount.


lMickNastyl t1_iwmhuwl wrote

Just to be clear anyone who advocates for third trimester abortions (barring extreme medical emergencies) is viewed as an extremist by rational people on the left too.


[deleted] t1_iwmhxgi wrote

That's right! We're taking over and going to give you free healthcare, get rid of your student loans, and legalize drugs whether you like it or not.

And if you act up, we're putting CRT in every classroom! Mr Burns laugh


DareMe603 t1_iwmmamq wrote

Dems, Rep, Government, Police, Media, News.. they all don't care. I have no side. Sheep follow I imagine. I don't follow any of them. I'm just speaking about where your heading. Some just started following all this Political TV Show going on. I've taken political science, it's all just a game show at this point. Eat up.


gjcs14 t1_iwmn66f wrote

I think the poster might have been referring to initiatives that were brought forward by lawmakers in the house that ended up blocked by your governor. Or maybe all the things Bolduc was talking about with it being too lax, how that might be off putting to voters. I won't speak for them, but where I live currently, it's a near-total ban including incidents of rape or incest, even for minors. So with that national backdrop, it would make sense to me. But I don't know. They're so rare it feels like a pointless issue to zero in on, but I wouldn't support a third trimester abortion without good reason like rape, incest, medical, etc. But of course, nobody's really doing it for "birth control" at that stage anyway.

So yeah, of course, have doctors or social workers assess the situation. But we're talking about something incredibly rare that has no business animating people like this, unless someone views it as a stepping stone to actually outlawing abortion in the state which politically isn't happening.


lMickNastyl t1_iwmnsgr wrote

Why is it everytime someone points out your guys bullshit you all claim not to have a side when clearly you do. Is it part of a playbook or something?

Political science doesn't mean shit when you push baseless claims. Didn't they teach you guys how political manipulation works, or did you miss that day in class?


_drjayphd_ t1_iwmoe0w wrote

No crying, I said there shouldn't need to be exceptions because there shouldn't be restrictions in the first place. That ban (which, as we all remember, didn't have those exceptions originally because the Republicans were running such a sloppy shop) only exists to normalize pushing for more restrictions because elective abortions are nearly non-existent that late.


lMickNastyl t1_iwmpm3t wrote

I'm aware haha, that's why I said it. I feel bad for some of them who just don't know better because they didn't have good opportunities growing up.

I don't know if you ever saw borat 2 but the two Qanon guys he meets are a good example of good people unknowingly becoming a part of something bad.


lMickNastyl t1_iwmr70d wrote

Yeah that feeling you get when you hear third trimester abortions, is the same feeling people on the left feel when they hear no abortion access period.

It's that "wtf is wrong with these people" feeling.


zeus6793 t1_iwmxzud wrote

Unless your ancestors were pilgrims, what's this "we" ran here? And if you should probably be aware that they did not run from England as much as got pushed out of England. The Puritans were considered so extreme, so outlandish in their faith, and so utterly closed minded about anything that didn't follow their faith, that the rest of the country hated them with a passion. They left because they were coming under more and more justified anger and hatred, and decided to travel to the New World where they can set up a community (cult) and lay down the rules per their beliefs. These are the people that got this country started as a Christofascist nation where belief in the Puritan religion was absolute, and any deviation could get you hanged, or burned. These are the people we can blame for this country's screwed up morality. This is the foundation of the white anglo-saxons in this country. And they continue it to this day.


gOrDoNhAsNtPlAyEdIn3 t1_iwn016m wrote

You probably do. Any questions, even ones like this, are immediately thought of as anti-<topic>.

It's politics on Reddit. Everyone is SO AFRAID of "losing" a discussion so there's zero good-faith engagement. If you're talking to someone "on the other side" they must be trying to undermine you.


SnooPeripherals5969 t1_iwn4p2c wrote

Because he’s a super cool lone wolf!

((Disregard the fact that lone wolves in nature only exist because there is something very wrong with them physically or mentally and they’ve been ousted from the pack))


Hardmeat_McLargehuge t1_iwn9x26 wrote

Yet no evidence to show of foul play. If we can pay taxes by mail, we should be able to vote via mail. It’s not hard for the state to check a box that they received your ballot.

All this hysteria over how we vote is hilarious, because it should be in our democracy’s interest to have as many people voting as possible. Why not help enable that?


gOrDoNhAsNtPlAyEdIn3 t1_iwncya9 wrote

I'd look in a mirror. You think you're owning people, but based on your comment history you're 25 - 35, a Republican and would unironically wear a Rick and Morty shirt.

Aka, you're an incel.

Bye bye 👋


musicdude2202 t1_iwnkiw8 wrote

So why limit it at birth then? Why not have the option to kill your kid until 2 or 5 or hell until they leave your house at 18+? Why even consider murder bad? Just do what you want we need to limit the population anyway.


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwnkskg wrote

Does it matter?

The percentage should always be zero when it comes to abortions beyond the 24th week that isn’t for purposes of protecting the mother’s life. Period.

I don’t give a fuck if it’s only 1-2% occurrences. If they’re out of convenience, it’s murder. No other way to put it.


Yonand331 t1_iwnp10u wrote

So what if it's a teenager, who was being a stupid teenager that's on the lower end of the social economic ladder, are you also gonna bitch about them also them being on welfare, are you also against contraceptives, a lot of red states seem to be wanting to add that to their list of laws...


WeimarStreetCrust t1_iwnpffg wrote

I don’t have anything against contraceptives, and I support proper sex education for teens.

If you fuck up, either the family can take care of it, or the teen can put the kid up for adoption. There is no excuse to kill the child when there are plenty of families who can’t bear kids to adopt that child.

You can’t justify killing a child. No ands, ifs, or buts about it. Evils typically can never be justified. That’s why they’re evil….like you apparently


Yonand331 t1_iwnsv4a wrote

Why am I evil exactly? You're the turd that's a trump fan, and God knows how many abortions that 💩 s paid for; looking at your post history you voted for the evil bastard, which in turn would make you an evil hypocritical 🤡


kearsargeII t1_iwo1qa2 wrote

ITT: a bunch of morons humiliating themselves by rambling about “democrats recounting until they win.” Democrats couldn’t bother rigging the state senate, the executive council, and the governorship positions that have actual power in the state., but there is clearly a secret cabal plotting to flip induvidual NH house seats for that sweet couple of hundred dollars a year salary.

With a couple more percentage points, the democrats would have swept the executive council given how competitive most of the seats there are, and made actual gains in the state senate, catapulting the state party into actual power in NH, but they were clearly too busy focusing on rigging a handful of state house results to bother. Actual intelligent thought would make these people realize how fucking stupid they sound.


bdolan3 t1_iwoaf7c wrote

The goal is keep counting till they win, this isn’t a new news.


cronuss t1_iwocwm7 wrote

Great, the middle class will continue to suffer


_drjayphd_ t1_iwogqhl wrote

Guess you gotta sink into delusion when your party fumbled the easiest bag they've had in years. Midterms favor the opposition party, the recession, gas prices, everything else youse tried to hang on Biden... and the Republicans picked up exactly zero net seats in the Senate (and may lose one after the Georgia runoff), only won the House by the smallest of margins (if the projections hold the Republicans will have a seven seat majority and only flip eight net seats when y'all flipped 50+ seats in the first midterms against Clinton and Obama each)... Republicans had everything going their way and you. blew. it. Save some copium for Lakers fans, Republicans are hogging it all.


Relative_Election_81 t1_iwogxol wrote

  1. It's not my party, the fact that you assume it is just because you disagree with me is a big red flag that you have tumbled down the rabbit hole of extremism. Seek help before you become a danger to yourself in those around you.
  2. Your assessment is completely delusional and is one that could only be made by somebody who is either dishonest or simply doesn't read the news. Run along and get educated.

_drjayphd_ t1_iwoh4co wrote

Shhhhhh, just be happy someone's paying attention to you. None of what you said made any sense.

EDIT: aaaaaaand dude told me "cope harder, ignorant extremist" then probably ran out of buzzwords and blocked me. You sure showed me, buddy.


musicdude2202 t1_iwp3t0e wrote

Well clearly I’m using reductio ad absurdum but frankly I don’t see a difference in killing a baby that has just been born and killing one that is mere weeks from birth. It’s infanticide and it’s wrong. Abortion was supposed to be safe legal and RARE, not an alternative to contraception. Sure you can carve out exceptions and rarities and what ifs all day but at the end of it the majority are elective and I believe there should be a limit as to how far into term that should be allowed. +- 12-15 weeks with exceptions for catastrophic rarities like a death potential seems more than fair to me


_drjayphd_ t1_iwpytiz wrote

You did a really terrible job of it, for starters. And the numbers don't back up what you're talking about either. What I was talking about is well beyond any kind of contraceptive use, as the vast majority of abortions after 24 weeks are because of complications. (And notice how we're talking about 24 weeks and now you're moving the goalposts to "oh, I would be okay with 12-15 weeks"? Fuck outta here with that.) I recognize that my view on abortion (no restrictions on elective abortions) isn't exactly shared with everyone here but guess what, yours isn't either and it's not grounded in reality.

Also I'm gonna assume you're going to support legislation to enshrine Griswold v. Connecticut and the subsequent right to contraception before Clarence Thomas isn't just musing about getting rid of that decision too. You can't base your views in "well, it shouldn't be an alternative to contraception..." without protecting access to contraception too.


Hardmeat_McLargehuge t1_iwr6qq7 wrote

>Only informed people should vote

Ok, so basically anyone who thinks the 2020 election was stolen despite zero evidence should not vote then by your logic as they're probably the largest population of misinformed people. Also add on people who don't "believe" in vaccines.


musicdude2202 t1_iwtk7ce wrote

So emotional lol. Yes you are correct you are an extreme minority believing that elective abortion should have no limits. 12-15 is right on par with the overwhelming majority of the developed western world so I’d say I’m in the supreme majority on that. Yes use of contraceptives should be protected. Preventing pregnancy isn’t the same thing as killing a human being. Your view is radical bud. You won’t get your way


_drjayphd_ t1_iwtlgcn wrote

You ever consider that maybe "the overwhelming majority of the developed Western world" has reasons why it's so short that aren't applicable to the US? Like long established (longer than the US has been a country) intertwining of religion and government? Look at how long it took Ireland to decriminalize abortion because of the overwhelming history of Christian denominations as seats of power. It was only legalized four years ago because of a dentist dying from a miscarriage. That was the impetus to repeal a constitutional amendment that banned abortion in Ireland (which had already been outlawed since 1861 but anti-choice dickheads wanted to lock it in once they saw the tides were turning against them). You have zero perspective and you think you have the high ground. Do yourself a favor and walk away, neither of us are enacting any policy changes, especially not this deep in a thread.