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NotARobotDefACyborg t1_iy8bqae wrote

The property owners booted all the interior stores out more than a year ago. Literally all that is still active is JCPenney. Damn shame. That was a great mall in its day.


_drjayphd_ t1_iy94o6i wrote

I really want to know what they're planning on doing with it. Unless they're going to sell or redevelop, they're just sitting on land and losing money.


NotARobotDefACyborg t1_iy9ae22 wrote

If you've read some of the other comments on this post, they're looking to lose money against their tax liability. Jerks. I thought Homart Development were bad, but these current owners got 'em beat by a mile. The place adds zero value to the community, unless you consider hosting Spirit Halloween once a year to be adding value.


_drjayphd_ t1_iy9b0kt wrote

Yeah, I saw those comments after posting mine (hooray for suggesting sorting by new instead of best...) and they need to come up with a better plan than that tax loophole. Will they? Doubt it.


NotARobotDefACyborg t1_iy9bvev wrote

It's looking less and less likely as time goes on. Kind of pisses me off, honestly. Kids have very little to do unless they play some kind of sportsball, and I include hockey and lacrosse in that. There's small community centers in town like the one by the police station, plus the new one by Walgreens (and the Y, of course, but geeze they're pricey). But since the plague, it's difficult to find staff and volunteers. :/ Something's gotta give.