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gOrDoNhAsNtPlAyEdIn3 t1_iyl06gn wrote

I'm 32. I had a good time at Indoor Ascent in Dover. UNH has a climbing gym too, not sure if non-students can go but maybe try?

23 is a solid age for the area.

Jeez. Thinking about it some of the kids who were climbing there are probably your age now. There were definitely a bunch of early teens who climbed there all the time when I went in my 20s, so they'd be around your age now...

I feel old.


Striking-Lawyer7609 t1_iz2mzra wrote

I feel so old at indoor ascent. I've got 15 years on you.

But it's a great place, would recommend it to anyone.

To them OP, the UNH gym is open to non-students, but maybe try a day pass first. I bought a couple months there because I wanted to boulder when the Dover gym was closed. The UNH wall is pretty underwhelming and I was always the only one there.