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Apprehensive_Sir2022 t1_iyrxo3l wrote

Thought is was legistated NH was first in the nation?


MarcMaronsHotGarage t1_iysiyhp wrote

It is. However, other states are not obligated to respect our declarations, as they are not federal law: hence the jockeying for position every single presidential primary season.


SheenPSU t1_iyubu16 wrote

But we’ll just move the date up, unless something gets passed legally where we can’t


asuds t1_iz7uh0t wrote

This is a NH state law. All it takes is one other state to make the same law and boom we have infinite primaries starting tomorrow!


GraniteGeekNH OP t1_iytp38g wrote

as I understand it, if Biden's plan goes through we might hold an earlier primary but it wouldn't count for delegates to the nominating convention.