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hopefully-a-good-buy t1_j1s64c9 wrote

debatable. there’s a baby’s life at stake…..


NHGuy t1_j1s7ec2 wrote

Debatable how? That a person who hasn't cooperated with the police in the past doesn't again is debatable? I'm confused

Edit - before I get downvoted into oblivion... I'm not saying it's right in the slightest. Totally with every other sensible person that it's absolutely unacceptable. But clearly she has issues


hopefully-a-good-buy t1_j1sbjw5 wrote

to clarify i’m saying it’s debatable that her actions are reasonable. of course her actions are understandable, that’s a given if she’s mentally ill.

just because you’ve had bad experiences in the past doesn’t justify keeping an infant away from those trying to help, especially if she’s homeless in these weather conditions. it’s a negligent disregard to human life, and if she’s mentally ill that could be the reason it’s happening but doesn’t change the core of the issue.


NHGuy t1_j1sccu4 wrote

I think they meant "not reasonable" and probably should have said "unreasonable" instead