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Jay_Derkin t1_iz0749o wrote

You’ve listed two unrelated incidents over a period of four years. Two particularly fucked up instances don’t mean that the crime rate isn’t super low.


reddittheguy OP t1_iz09m4t wrote

Surely you see the irony of the town with the title "safest small town in NH" having been the location of a murder within the same year and the comedic timing of one of the very people who committed a high profile crime a few years prior griping publicly about how the town is not as safe as it appears?


akmjolnir t1_iz0g44r wrote

.... lies, damed lies, and statistics....

Fear-mongering at best.


Successful-Cabinet65 t1_iz0g85u wrote

What do you mean what is going on with Jackson? A horrible crime was committed, what does that have to do with the town itself?


Reubachi t1_iz0j4pc wrote

I am legitimately baffled at your interpretation of ...."this", whatever this is.

If your "outrage" is sourced from an entity that also advertises, you're being fear-mongered, and you need to focus on other things.


Rolling_Beardo t1_iz0jk45 wrote

The town I grew up in had one murder over a 30 year period, does that now make it unsafe?


occasional_cynic t1_iz0k8p3 wrote

One crazy woman = all of Jackson? Huh? Also, that couple was from Gorham, although it took place in Jackson.


dduubbz t1_iz0kj0u wrote

What do you mean? Even the safest towns have bad shit happen every once in a while. One psychopath killing his girlfriend doesn’t mean there’s like an inherent problem w the town or anything, this shit isn’t new. Crime happens no matter where you live, it’s just much less likely to happen in smaller towns, but it still happens


reddittheguy OP t1_iz0t1n4 wrote

This thread is cancer, and I'm disappointed at the reading comprehension skills of some of you.

If you guys can't figure out I'm subtly pointing out an absurd situation, then I don't know what to say. The reflexive pearl clutching is... disappointing.


11_Wolfie_11 t1_iz0t4s1 wrote

Just because someone said something happened a certain way, and an incentivized prosecutor pursues it, and a population is inclined to have pessimistic beliefs about these things, doesn’t mean it actually happened like that.


HowardNelsonJr t1_iz1smlz wrote

Either that or you're just really butthurt that nobody agrees with you and you didn’t get the piling on of sensitive people saying there’s so much hate and violence that you apparently wanted.


worstregards t1_iz3f453 wrote

Alluding to your point rather than making it is a bogus tactic. Your audience is only so interested in what you have to say. If you care to be understood, you should just say it. And without condescending.


youngbuck215 t1_izb3jli wrote

Jackson is a nice town. Love the covered bridges!