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iamthedigitalcheese t1_izf89ft wrote

Get a lawyer to review ASAP. Insurance companies will absolutely dick you around - especially when there is a high probability they are on the hook to pay out for person/property damage.

Common tactics are:

  • Assign fault to you (arbitrarily) to avoid payout

  • Deny initial claim(s)

  • Low-ball you on a payout

  • Defer/delay said payout (if agreed to)

  • Transfer claim between agents, resetting the clock to address it. "Oh we're sooooo sooooorry, Tom/Dick/Jane/whoever isn't handling this anymore, let's start over."

Once you get a good attorney involved, they'll basically say "pay up or court". It's exponentially more expensive for insurance to contest a claim in court, especially if they/their insured can be shown liable.