5nd t1_j1mmhtt wrote
Reply to comment by TheTyrantKingGeorge in Libson Elementary - Teacher excludes wheelchair bound student from Christmas activity in front of parents by CuteCuteJames
Oh come on one incident like this isn't going to produce psychological damage in a little girl who is clearly accustomed to facing hardship.
TestingForTwitter t1_j1mobm5 wrote
Everyone on this sub hates you.
Merry Christmas.
AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j1msknb wrote
It's true, too!
5nd t1_j1my31o wrote
Not everyone. Judging by my comment score it's only 17 people 33 people 56 people 107 people.
Safe_Search_Off t1_j1mrrwh wrote
Man. please. PLEASE. Don't have children. I'm so tired of people like you. So so tired.
5nd t1_j1mxgif wrote
I won't have any children because I already had children
TestingForTwitter t1_j1nd8yh wrote
Poor kids.
5nd t1_j1nu37t wrote
Don't worry I told them you wish they were never born.
TestingForTwitter t1_j1o38tx wrote
This is what I mean.
5nd t1_j1o3mfe wrote
No sorry, typo, I told them I wish you were never born.
TestingForTwitter t1_j1oq5dt wrote
jajinpop91 t1_j1mnoah wrote
TheTyrantKingGeorge t1_j1mnpni wrote
You know nothing of child psychology.
5nd t1_j1mxset wrote
Neither do you so we're square
TheTyrantKingGeorge t1_j1n1yp2 wrote
OK troll, you obviously hate and resent disabled people. You've been fed. Back to your cave.
5nd t1_j1n59x1 wrote
No I don't.
I'm not the one that thinks so little of them that I believe they will be damaged after one little incident like this.
TheTyrantKingGeorge t1_j1n7mlx wrote
It's only one little incident because it wasn't you. You're minimizing it, and excusing an adult's bad behavior. I can only hope her family doesn't fail her like your parents failed you.
5nd t1_j1n9vur wrote
I'm not excusing anybody's behavior I'm just saying people who aren't pathetic know not everything is a tragedy.
GraniteStag t1_j1mwmiu wrote
Death of a thousand cuts still kills.
5nd t1_j1mxvxv wrote
This is one cut we're talking about.
lonely_Huffelpuff t1_j1ns674 wrote
It's never just one incident this was just the first in front of the parents. I'm autistic and was discriminated against for almost an entire school year because the school wouldn't do anything until it happened in front of my mother. Thus teacher definitely did more to this kid they always do.
5nd t1_j1ntzn3 wrote
Sure but I'm responding simply to this claim made above:
>Teacher has no fucking clue what kind of psychological damage she just caused this child.
lonely_Huffelpuff t1_j1o0u1w wrote
If you get you're pants pulled down at a school assembly infront of your parents all your friends and everyone else's parents is that not traumatic. It just happened once so according to your logic not it's not. If a guy breaks into your house just once is it not traumatic too? Being forced to sit out in front of everyone you know just because you can't walk is traumatic one time or not she's always going to be wondering if it'll happen again or why no one in the school went to help her. Why all her teachers just let that happen to her.
5nd t1_j1o3igp wrote
I mean, my buddy pantsed me at lunch in middle school once in front of the whole lunch room and I walked it off because I'm not a pathetic loser.
lonely_Huffelpuff t1_j1o9as3 wrote
You really took a single part of my reply and ran with it huh. Also nice calling disabled people pathetic really showing your true colors there.
5nd t1_j1oa2y2 wrote
I'm not calling disabled people pathetic. I'm explicitly saying disabled people especially endure hardships and it isn't psychologically damaging to have one incident like this.
You and all your buddies in this subreddit reeeeing about how one little experience like this is going to damage someone who is disabled.
lonely_Huffelpuff t1_j1oadj8 wrote
You're not even listening to actual disabled people like myself about how stuff like this is traumatic you've just made it up in your head that it can't be when real disabled people are telling you otherwise. You can ask any disabled person and they will tell you how traumatic it is to be left out hell there's an entire tiktok trend of disabled kids talking about being left out and how traumatic it was you're being willfully ignorant.
5nd t1_j1oaou6 wrote
I am reliably informed by the esteemed members of this subreddit that I myself am disabled.
Also, being nonbinary isn't a disability.
[deleted] t1_j1ped1s wrote
bigmikekbd t1_j1mtu0h wrote
You show a stunning lack of understanding how trauma works.
5nd t1_j1mxrj5 wrote
You find my intellect stunning? Why thank you.
bigmikekbd t1_j1n4i1p wrote
Anti-intellectualism at its finest. I can’t imagine a world where I’m as proud as you are of being dumb.
5nd t1_j1n5bb9 wrote
Lack of imagination, huh?
SheeEttin t1_j1mvel6 wrote
I hope for you that that proposal about access to sterilization procedures passes
NakedScrub t1_j1nfklp wrote
You're a shit bag Merry Christmas
Doover__ t1_j1n0z51 wrote
But the special ed program there will, it’s intentionally set up to isolate the kids in it so they don’t cause disturbances to everyone else, generally it results in the kids being socially distant and unable to really mature or talk with people, and yes, before anyone asks, I was a student there for 10 years, I would know (not in the special ed program, but I know how that works too)
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