dilznoofus t1_j051gkt wrote
for what it's worth - live in a small town in SW NH, we had our 5 year re-evaluations earlier this year. we moved in to an overpriced house with lots of delayed maintenance (all of which we knew and accepted, because moving here was nearly impossible otherwise) so when they gave me a 2x valuation hike, I was ALL about having them come in and walk through the house so I could show them all the broken things and structural stuff we need to do.
It worked - they knocked off about $150k off the valuation hike, and subsequently our taxes just got lowered for the next 5 years. pretty happy about that.
next time around though, because I will be fixing all that stuff, you better believe I won't let them inside :)
akmjolnir t1_j06eoib wrote
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're probably the first person to attempt this charade, and the next assessor will have no choice but to assume your house is still dilapidated?
dilznoofus t1_j09wzl5 wrote
I'm pretty sure this routine is standard practice for many :)
but yeah, the whole thing people have told me was basically don't let them in once you have marked your tax assessment and then do significant interior updates. I feel like NH has many, many people who play this same game.
sound_of_apocalypto t1_j06ixz4 wrote
I did the same thing once. They initially just drove by and the outside of our place looks great, but it’s a cheaply made house with a lot of little issues. I brought them in and they knocked down the assessment.
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