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margismith1111 OP t1_j29en5c wrote


RisksRewardsRelics t1_j29hnh3 wrote

Aside from the fact that NH relies heavily on winter tourism and this is devastating to the state economy… it’s also not a great sign of our future climate when we get progressively milder winters.


margismith1111 OP t1_j29pbl0 wrote

I think NH is evolving so that it is more than a state for winter sports


RisksRewardsRelics t1_j29rlq5 wrote

Despite the fact that we may have more to offer, we’re highly dependent on the roughly $1.5 billion that skiers, snowmobilers and ice fishermen bring into the state each year. That also doesn’t take into consideration the thousands of people employed by those industries, as well as those who rely on plowing, etc. as part of their income.

Other than you saving a few bucks on your heating bill and may not need to wear a jacket, having abnormally warm winters does far more harm than good to our state.


WowHolyCrap t1_j2cou5k wrote

Cool, maybe the libertarians will have to start acknowledging the harm caused by unregulated carbon omissions output


[deleted] t1_j2c1eus wrote

Yeah, it’s evolving into a state for ticks, Airbnb owners, and other blood-sucking parasites.


PhishFoodPhil t1_j2blcyk wrote

Curious, what aspects of NH have, or are evolving, to move away from relying winter tourism/sports?


los-gokillas t1_j2a5fvn wrote

Well it's devastating news for the climate. It just shouldn't be like this right now. Especially on the back end of a severe drought all summer, it's a tad bit ominous as to where we're heading


a_very_stupid_guy t1_j2aceef wrote

For one, it’s terrible for the moose population. They’re dying with an estimated million+ ticks on them