beyond_hatred t1_j0us2vz wrote
Reply to comment by nowhereman1223 in The Granite State Starts to Crack? - New Hampshire Legislators Introduce Bipartisan Cannabis Legalization Bill by CurtD34
He's gotta give at some point. It would be so easy for a Democrat to say, "I will sign any cannabis legalization bill that comes to my desk." and beat Sununu in the general election.
BlackJesus420 t1_j0utfp3 wrote
You overestimate how much the average NH voter cares about this issue.
We just had an election last month in which the Democratic gubernatorial candidate was vocally in favor of legalization and he lost… by a lot.
Darwins_Dog t1_j0vkpwy wrote
Yeah, it doesn't actually affect anyone's ability to get weed, just where the money goes. In the end that's not enough to motivate voters to show up.
Fuzzy-Scar3055 t1_j0xhzhv wrote
That’s because it’s a pretty tolerable situation, since getting weed from MA and ME is pretty easy. That doesn’t mean people don’t want it legal—it’s just not the top priority.
People forget how much smaller New England states are as compared to midwestern or western states. The drive to a dispensary is very doable.
woolsocksandsandals t1_j0uu5sy wrote
Didn’t that just not happen like a month ago?
beyond_hatred t1_j0uucji wrote
The election? Yes, but it was the midterm. Democrats seem to be allergic to showing up for midterms.
woolsocksandsandals t1_j0uuqn8 wrote
We voted for governor. And the as I recall the Democratic candidate for governor said he would sign a legalization bill and I don’t remember there being a whole lot of stipulations applied to that statement. And he did not win the election, unfortunately
beyond_hatred t1_j0uwgy4 wrote
I know, but it was a midterm. Democrats don't generally show up the way they should.
I'm just saying that for the sake of preserving his job, he should give on the cannabis issue. I mean, it's not likely anyone has genuine moral qualms about cannabis any more. Why give yourself a vulnerability for no reason?
nowhereman1223 t1_j0uy3cv wrote
You can call it a midterm, but it was still the time the Governor was elected.
The Democrats have said this for a few years and still lose out because NH is purple and has too many people that vote on name recognition and not policies. Which is why Sununu keeps winning. That name will keep him in office for a very long time.
Its sad but true.
He doesn't have to budge on that until it is federally legal.
woolsocksandsandals t1_j0v8enk wrote
Exactly. Your point about name recognition is spot on also. I firmly believe that if a democrat wants to win the governorship in 2024 that candidate need to be campaigning for the job now.
They need to be to doing speaking events writing op-eds in news papers. Being vocal and visible and weighing in on everything that’s happening in government and putting policy proposals out into the world so we know who they are when it’s time to vote.
nowhereman1223 t1_j0vb8z1 wrote
Sununu does a press conference... New candidate holds one as well and says what he/she/they would do the same or differently.
then repeat this.
If people are calling for Sununu to speak about something.... and he won't? The new candidate needs to get out there and speak about it. Give their opinion. Then call out Sununu for his take.
But anyone that tries that would get destroyed by the good ol boys club that is the machine that Sununu is part of. I still think they should try to do it.
cwalton505 t1_j0uy6cl wrote
Or their representation is skewed on social media and they don't show up in general. I don't think legalization is as important to people as this site would have you believe and I don't think one issue marijuana voters are a die hard tribe.
Tullyswimmer t1_j0uz2et wrote
I was gonna say, outside of reddit, most people don't consider legalizing weed to be the single biggest issue facing the state.
otiswrath t1_j0x7w9p wrote
That was Tom Sherman this past election. He still lost. It blows my mind. Sununu hasn't done a damn thing to help the people of NH but he is just non-offensive enough to get enough from each party to support him.
Few-Afternoon-6276 t1_j0v00rj wrote
He is dangerously close to the edge.
Hmmmmm how to attract a younger demographic.??? oh, better paying jobs!! Naaahhhh. I’ll stick with the aging constituents that never question my motives and the. We can have stays quo…
This last election should have given him pause- 57% was his take but a 41% for a rival…that should make him question.
[deleted] t1_j0uu7h8 wrote
Jay_Derkin t1_j0v7uwp wrote
I don’t personally know anyone who is upset about NH not having legal weed, just the occasional trailer trash I overhear complaining about it.
beyond_hatred t1_j0vakvv wrote
Uh-huh. Very sly put down. Bravo.
Jay_Derkin t1_j0vas3t wrote
If my observation is something you take as a put down, then you may be part of said observation.
beyond_hatred t1_j0vhodj wrote
I barely smoke at all, myself. I just want consistency. If the state government itself can sell and profit from a much more harmful and addictive substance, I don't see where they get off telling anyone whether they can smoke a little weed. It doesn't make any sense, and for most people that oppose legalization, their opposition just boils down to not liking the people who want it - i.e. "hurting the right people".
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