Submitted by smartest_kobold t3_zq2hde in newhampshire
vexingsilence t1_j0wihu8 wrote
Reply to comment by Definitelynotcal1gul in FBI data shows uptick in NH hate crimes in 2021 | New Hampshire Public Radio by smartest_kobold
Yea, I added more details after checking the links. Doesn't change the fact that the NPR article didn't go into details. Sorry for providing more information, must have ruined your day.
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j0wj1wq wrote
You're the one who went out of your way to try to blindly defend criminals.
What do I have to add? Nazis in the streets of NH is not a direction I'm excited about. Whether you like the idea of "hate" crimes or not. Arguing the semantics is just deflection as far as I'm concerned.
vexingsilence t1_j0wjfzs wrote
>You're the one who went out of your way to try to blindly defend criminals.
I'm defending victims. Crimes committed against someone shouldn't matter less because they're not the right type of victim.
> Nazis in the streets of NH is not a direction I'm excited about.
You'll be happy to know that we won WWII.
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j0wk1cc wrote
If we won WWII why do we allow Nazis in our streets?
I know this is more deflection, I'm just curious.
vexingsilence t1_j0wkjyh wrote
There are no Nazis in the streets. They were all defeated. What you're witnessing is a bunch of smooth brains that can't describe a problem without resorting to calling someone or a group of people the worst possible name they can think of, or in reverse, a group of smooth brains that want to seem tougher than they are calling themselves the worst possible name they can think of. The proper term would be "neo-Nazi", but still.. you seriously think they're out doing work for the fuhrer, or are they just a group of thugs?
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j0wl7g8 wrote
Oh so you're just taking issue with Nazi vs neo-Nazi? Tell me how you're not arguing semantics as a deflection tactic again?
vexingsilence t1_j0wly6t wrote
You're ignoring the larger point and focusing on the minor. Justice should be blind, we should all be protected equally. If you just want to argue with me specifically and ignore the article, then piss off.
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j0wnepi wrote
So when the neo-Nazis organize we shouldn't consider them a group and solely treat them as individual, even though they're saying "we're a neo-Nazi group that hates other groups"? Glad you're not a lawmaker...
vexingsilence t1_j0wo9fq wrote
Is it any different than a violent street gang or a serious drug operation? Should a group like MS13 be treated less serious because they're not targeting a protected class, but a bunch of LARPers calling themselves neo-Nazis should be treated harsher? How does that benefit society? Why should justice not be blind in that kind of scenario?
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j0wowfx wrote
No, I don't think they should be treated less severely. I don't think anyone is suggesting that. What does that have to do with hate crimes increasing anyway? It's just an odd hill to die on here. Crime organizations that target protected groups should be punished to the full extent of the law. Protected classes are protected for a reason--they're already under duress for their situation. Intentionally targeting them, in my mind, is worse than a "standard" crime.
vexingsilence t1_j0wqoc9 wrote
You're trying to have it both ways. You say it's a "worse crime" but that one shouldn't be treated "less severely". Which is it? Who's to say someone in a non-protected class hasn't had a worse life than a victim that was part of one?
I still don't see the logic or benefit to society in treating one as a more serious crime than the other. The acts committed are the crime. A victim shouldn't be seen as less of a victim because of who they are.
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j0wrlsh wrote
So, what would you charge Nazis for a genocide of some millions of people? Just like, a standard homicide charge? We might have to agree to disagree on this...
vexingsilence t1_j0wshzz wrote
Do we have a genocide of millions going on within our borders? I'm talking about present-day, domestic stuff that would be tried through the courts. What the heck are you going on about?
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j0wtrzl wrote
You're not talking any anything except in circles
vexingsilence t1_j0wu6rq wrote
You're talking about genocides, I'm talking about our justice system and how we deal with criminal matters. This is why names matter. You've dragged actual Nazis into this even though that war is long over. It's 2022, this is a discussion about an article about crime statistics in NH.
Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j0wuax7 wrote
Right, those statistics you'd like to ignore because you don't think neo-Nazis are "compentent" enough to be "real" Nazis. Again, I'll reiterate, I'm glad you don't make the laws.
vexingsilence t1_j0wusu5 wrote
Where did I say they should be ignored?
Low-Head-1493 t1_j0yt3wj wrote
Excellent job rolling out the whataboutism right on cue.
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