Submitted by t3_zyk5fl in newhampshire

Hi friends!

Does anyone know the best place to find a list of queer-owned and women-owned home improvement businesses in NH? If it's allowed by the mods, I welcome you to share them here! Any direction is appreciated.

Thank you :)

Edit: This was genuinely a simple question, not meant to be a social commentary. If you don't have an answer, please just scroll on to your pleasure. This post clearly isn't for you.



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t1_j26dgd6 wrote

Where in NH are you? We just had a woman painter and she was ammmmmmmmmmazing!


t1_j26ec1r wrote

NH needs more contractors in general. There are 2 plumbers in my area and a few electricians. Takes forever to even get someone to call back if at all


t1_j26gndn wrote

Good luck ..I can't even get a tradesperson to call me back


t1_j26m82e wrote

HI:) Im a trans women, (not transitioned yet but working on it if that's ok) and a lesbian. I do all types of work and would love to hear from you. I have all types of referals too. Only warning is I have a full bushy beard because it's winter and some people find it off putting so just giving a heads up.Thanks


t1_j26n372 wrote

I'm free.

I guess I can wear a dress if that will satisfy you.



t1_j26rrtd wrote

I'm a self-employed HVAC installer. It's wild how much work there is and not a lot of people (woman, man, trans, etc) coming up into the trades. I'm in my mid 30s and I'm usually one of the youngest people at the supply house. In the next 10 years we're going to have a major backlog of work due to the dinosaurs retiring.


OP t1_j26vzs2 wrote

I am gay and a woman and like to support my people, and also have had unpleasant encounters of all sorts with men in professional and trade settings. I recognize these industries are male dominated, but/and for that reason prefer to seek out women first!


t1_j26wiqq wrote

Oh this is a kinky post. By “women-owned,” do you mean like bdsm? Like a Dom/sub kinda thing? What are you building? Like a dungeon or a giant cat litter box? I might know a guy that knows a guy that knows a gal...


t1_j26xj4r wrote

If you have any bug / rodent issues we use “Squish” haha. They’re located in Manchester and I’m not 100% sure a woman owns it but it has been the same woman who’s come out twice (once for ants, once for mice, don’t buy a fixer-upper!!) and my husband says he thinks she said she owned it for what it’s worth haha. She was very nice and the pests are gone!


t1_j26xjqb wrote

Got it. That's to bad you've had all sorts of bad experiences with male tradesmen. That surprises me.Many are good people, try not to cast them all off.

Also, for what it's worth, if women are your preference, cool but saying you want to support just your people is kind of a bummer. We should all be doing our best to support each other and not put everyone into boxes.


t1_j271kq3 wrote

Hi I’d like to hire someone, but not based off their actual skills and qualifications, just their gender and sexual preferences….wait why aren’t you applauding me for this you bigots!?!


t1_j2721bo wrote

Agree its going to get worse before it gets better. It's almost a bit scary to think about I'm not sure what people will do.

Seems like an excellent business to be in now though. As much work as you want and you can run your business how you'd like. No need to fight for business


t1_j2730og wrote

Can’t believe it. I’m also a trans woman, with a beard, who is a blossoming lesbian. I’m also a Journeyman Plumber, who is ALSO a Veteran? How could anyone hate a trans bearded lesbian plumber veteran?


OP t1_j27504g wrote

In my experience, only people who have not experienced discrimination and marginalization say things like that. Of course I want to support everyone and I'm kind and respectful in all of my interactions as long as I'm receiving the same. I simply feel more comfortable with women and other queer people, because they are more likely to understand me (and, let's be honest, not hit on me).


OP t1_j275jo9 wrote

I'm appalled at the responses I'm getting on a SIMPLE QUESTION. I have been on reddit for years, with multiple accounts and all different subs and have never seen the disgusting rhetoric I am seeing on this discussion. EVER. If you're not going to be helpful, why don't you just shut up and scroll on?

I'm asking for references because I feel more comfortable with women and fellow queer people who are less likely to attack me (like you are doing right now). How can you not see how hypocritical you are being? Of COURSE I'm going to seek out other safe, like-minded people, because YOU ARE NOT A SAFE PERSON, clearly.

I am seeking out, sorry, QUALIFIED, SKILLED, LGBTQ and female contractors. It's not "either/or." Of course I wouldn't just want a list of shitty lgbtq and female contractors. Get real and get off my post.


t1_j279glk wrote

I don’t care who you sleep with if your work is good and prices reasonable


OP t1_j27a08d wrote

I did not say I was unwilling to hire them. With all the harassment I've gotten on this post, it's obvious that hiring someone who understands and respects me would be safer for me. I'm trying to gather a list of people so that I can get to know likeminded people in the area and prioritize people I know won't harass me for something as simple as a pride flag, but am not opposed to hiring any qualified contractor.


t1_j27d73e wrote

No one here is harassing you from what I can see. Not even the user that you claimed was attacking you. You've posted something that people find objectionable and they're calling you out on it. That's something that's going to happen on a public forum like this.

>it's obvious that hiring someone who understands and respects me would be safer for me

Sounds heterophobic. This is the same type of thinking that the pride movement was meant to undo, you're just pointing it in the opposite direction. Can't you see that?


t1_j27h23k wrote

Men in the comments are SO PRESSED and angry that women/LGBTQIA might feel safer / better working with each other…. maybe ya’ll should look at WHY that might be 💀 Instead ya’ll are having tantrums in the comments and victimizing yourself … so dramatic. I guess live free or die just means cis men should feel supported at all times be so fucking for real.


t1_j28evqv wrote

Ironically, you’re actually right for a change LOL I’ve made the mistake of dating liberal women before, never again. They’re batshit crazy. If I happen to be on a date and five minutes into dinner, she starts talking openly about discriminating based on gender and sexuality and doesn’t see anything wrong with that, then I’d just gently excuse myself, pay the entire check, and run 😂


t1_j28h2l4 wrote

The insulation and plaster company I sub everything out to is woman owned


t1_j28ijw9 wrote

I know of Handiqueers in Western Mass - maybe if you reached out to them they would have connections?


t1_j28kwid wrote

Its not one size fits all..I've experienced plenty of adversity in my life. Through all of it I've learned that most people are good. I try to keep that mindset and I don't feel visual or sexual traits have anything to do with one's character. Completely discounting men for being men, wouldn't that also be discrimination and marginalization?


t1_j28lmjn wrote

Seems pretty bigoted to only wanna hire people based on what they look like or identify as rather than the skill they provide lol


t1_j28xg0p wrote

Not sure what area of NH you’re in, but I’m part of the alphabet mafia and always looking to make new friends!


t1_j29422p wrote

Just wanted to say thank you for speaking up about it. I think there's alot of people who recognize this kind of thing for what it is, but are too afraid of being called a racist/sexist/whatever by the woke mob to say anything. Preferring to work with and support a certain group of people is fine, but excluding people purely based off of sex/gender/race/etc. is called the same thing whether you are white/black/gay/straight/male/female


t1_j297iur wrote

I'm a straight white man who is also a MASTER plumber and MASTER electrician. SorryI do not meet your other criteria, however if you eventually lower your standards I am available.


t1_j29ag7l wrote

What a wild comment section. I think the thing the angry people are failing to miss, which always happens, is that people in marginalized groups support each other, because who else is going to? This isn't about excluding, this is about specifically wanting to include and support their own. Non marginalized groups don't have a reason to do that, they're already openly accepted anywhere without it even having to be a thought and that's what the people outwardly seeking to support their group are looking to do.

All these angry comments come from a place where they feel excluded, holy shit maybe you kinda understand how OP feels


t1_j29exgs wrote

lol yes let’s definitely compare ignorance with real safety concerns, great job 👍🏼 also literally google is free - maybe spend some time looking at statistics of men who commit sexual assault versus a trans person. In actuality, trans people are at way higher risk of being attacked or murdered but please continue this dangerous narrative with no statistical backing - so embarrassing.


t1_j29fk1u wrote

'real safety concerns' = things I agree with.

'ignorance' = things I do not agree with.

> maybe spend some time looking at statistics of men who commit sexual assault versus a trans person

Crime statistics (especially with perpetrators) actually do not factor in gender identity at all, but your continued ignorance will be well received on Reddit as long as it it complies with what all the other SJW's want to hear.


t1_j29hgqj wrote

If I said “I’m looking for contractors that are only straight because LGBTQ+ people making me uncomfortable”. People would lose their mind lol… the issue is exclusionary language. Some people don’t like to be judged based on immutable characteristics such as their sexual orientation or gender.


t1_j29iyrw wrote

Had to look up SJW ya’ll will really try to sidestep facts and misdirect any conversation with buzzwords - instead of being afraid of trans people LOL maybe understand your fear/anger is a product of a sheltered existence and you just haven’t met many to have a real world understanding. Maybe go outside instead of digesting conservative clickbait and let people live their lives without politicizing /perpetuating inaccurate violent stereotypes onto them.


t1_j29k5cw wrote

Continuing to prove my point that you guys don’t seem to understand BASIC systemic issues around gender/sex. On the most entry level understanding we can agree women/LGBTQIA are a small ratio of workers in this industry, by supporting their work we are not discriminating against you. 💀💀💀


t1_j29k9ry wrote

That is literally what the post did. Everyone has more or less agreed on the basic understanding of gender until the last decade… if I said I am looking for only straight men to work? You would 100% believe that is discriminatory. Get down off the SJW high horse and try and see what other people are say.


t1_j29sbjs wrote

I personally don’t like the idea of picking someone to do work for you based on a demographic or characteristic, but then again it’s not my place to tell anyone what to do and at the end of the day you should feel comfortable with whoever you’re inviting into your house to do work for you to be respectful towards you. So I can understand why OP is being specific about who she wants to hire if she’s had problems with guys in the past, but as others have said it’s going to be hard to fit those criteria if labor in these trades is already in short supply so she may not much of a choice if she needs to work done ASAP.


t1_j2a1vwg wrote

I don’t have an answer for you, just wanted to let you know that other people who live in New Hampshire are also sick of the bigots. NH unfortunately is full of bigots, I have grown to learn.

If you can’t understand why a woman (or anyone for that matter!!!) is wary about who they let into their home… lucky you for living in a bubble…


t1_j2a6mpi wrote

There is a company called Rose Garden Hands LLC, they call their painters “wall dolls”. Super clean and professional.


t1_j2a7vo6 wrote

Where in Nh are you located. I’m more on the Ally side of what you’re looking for. But there isn’t much I can’t do


t1_j2a9o1n wrote

You might want to ask your local plumbing/electrical supply house they would likely know of women in the trades in your area.


t1_j2adj0b wrote

I will say as a dude whose done a lot of field work, a lot of techs see your pride flag and you’re gonna get worse service. Unfortunately a lot of outfits harbor some pretty backwards beliefs and they’ll take your business, but they’ll Charge you out the ass and you’ll be bottom priority. OP definitely just twisted words a little but I see where they’re coming from.


t1_j2agel5 wrote

I’m an electrician who is a male but openly gender-fluid. I personally haven’t run into many other people who identify with LGBTQ. It’s a rough masculine trade. It seems the older generation gets so angry about other peoples lives. I’ve seen people get offended with me just being in the room. If you find a company, let me know? Jk haha.


t1_j2am5j2 wrote

I know four electricians and none of them has even worked with a female electrician before… so good luck I guess. I’m not really sure there are any.


t1_j2b3ic5 wrote

The funny thing is ya’ll could literally just keep scrolling if you don’t understand a question properly but instead you waste everyone’s time parroting the same crusty out of touch ideas. So, as I said to the other guy who mentioned “SJW” (lol so much dramatic language for a such an inoffensive idea of using WOMEN CONTRACTORS), go outside.


t1_j2bkk6f wrote

I don't know how you can read what that person wrote and come to the conclusion that it was just incel drivel dipshittery. They were fairly respectably sharing their thoughts and perspective on a contentious matter. You coming along and slinging sex based insults doesn't help anyone.


t1_j2do67s wrote

Can we get a list of all contractors in general? Feel like it would fit on one printed page…


t1_j2ftwog wrote

This would technically be descriminating based and gender/sexual preference, which is and should be frowned upon.