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Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j2onjje wrote

Think of Manchester as Portland without most of the positives. It's run down and depressing and is not heading in a good direction.

Any of the surrounding towns would be much better options.


[deleted] OP t1_j2ooj33 wrote



ScottieWP t1_j2or9y2 wrote

People in this subreddit hate on Manchester for some reasons that I don't quite understand. I've lived all over the US, including the South and Midwest, before coming to NH and Manchester is really no different from other mid-size US cities.

From my perspective, the biggest difference between Portland and Manchester is size. Manchester is almost twice as large as Portland and if you consider all of Hillsborough County, which has 400K people, you will have a lot more dating opportunities. Plus, if you are in Manchester or further south it is about an hour or less to Boston. So you should definitely have more cultural and travel opportunities.


widget_fucker t1_j2p7xx5 wrote

Check out north end of manch. Nice, wooded, bikable to downtown.

Theres also some relatively posh, new apts around.

The surrounding towns are great- for raising kids, quiet.

The airport in manch is pretty baller.


[deleted] OP t1_j2paidd wrote

Thanks for the tips. Yes, I've flown in and out of Manchester airport many times, it's nice and usually hassle-free.