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shervbert t1_j6056m6 wrote

Reply to comment by ConditionConfident34 in What a tool by Matty_Bee63

Do you think sununu, a man (& his family) who is deeply invested in ski mountains and tourism in New Hampshire should pass at the opportunity to pass this legislative. No any sane person would jump at the bit for this bill if they were invested in those industries, it makes me question his true motives for why he hasn’t made a move for legalization, like his potential desire to run for president one day? And maybe just clinging to the pockets of serval potential big pharma donors. It’s the only thing I could make logical sense of, ski mountains love smokers, legalized states LOVE smokers coming for tourism, make it make sense.


slayermcb t1_j60diu2 wrote

He's also been known to bow down to the police unions, who have spent so long treating it as a major crime they can't begin to contemplate it as nothing. It's a systemic brainwashing.


BakedBeansBazar t1_j60xtcg wrote



slayermcb t1_j61aizv wrote

Ugh. Private prisons should be illegal. That tidbit of info has definitely soured part of my Sununu views. Thank you for sharing. It's not even the potential family ties abuse that bug me, it's fact that he supports them at all.


the_nobodys t1_j60f2vs wrote

God I hope that's not the case, that it's not pressure from police "unions." How much ongoing regression can this country lay at the feet of the police? If it's the case of waiting for a federal reclassification, then that's at least understandable on some level.


Abraxis729 t1_j615w8i wrote

That swine chief from Bedford has multiple chiefs from other counties whinging about safety with no sources on it. Meanwhile buying alcohol EVERYWHERE is perfectly fine while they can bag anyone for minor possessions still and pocket it themselves. The amount of times my friends had cops catch them with weed and they take it for themselves to keep it "hush,hush" is so warped. Theyre smoking it themselves, that never hits an evidence locker or whatever the piglets are supposed to do with it


dj_narwhal t1_j610np8 wrote

You don't think the police are heavily invested in marijuana staying illegal? They would actually have to do their job more if it was legalized and you know what kind of fits they throw when they are told to do anything.


Matty_Bee63 OP t1_j64rtd2 wrote

Yup I 100% agree. And a perfect point is this. How many arrests stem from the car "Smelling like weed" thus initiating either a K9 or a search. If that was mute, and they could no longer use that as a tool to search and arrest it would completely shift the paradigm of traffic policing in my opinion.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j642e8i wrote

They know it's nothing. No police officer in America believes weed is any worse than alcohol. They just enjoy having an easy way to skirt around the 4th ammendment.