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dobbysglocks t1_j5gaxqo wrote

Not upset just disappointed, but it would be nice to see the community help out so that way you don’t have assholes going and target shooting in inappropriate places, like that kid who went shooting on monadnock.


Jay_Derkin t1_j5gb5vi wrote

So what do you want from the community? To shoot on peoples private land? To be told the few remaining decent public spots? What qualifies as “supporting you” that you’re looking to get from us?


dobbysglocks t1_j5gbwmd wrote

I am asking the community for a safe and respectful place to shoot targets. Weather that’s someone who is willing to point me in the right direction or if it’s someone who owns their own land. I don’t understand the hostility, I am simply asking for help from those who are more familiar with the area and it’s laws. I simply am asking for help, no need to be upset. Just wanted to stay safe!


DeerFlyHater t1_j5h0p6c wrote

Dude, the place to ask is local and not the internet. Get to know people who shoot, hang out at the local shops, competitions, bars, restaurants, town meetings, etc.

Those friends and acquaintances will be the helpful folks in your area instead of a bunch of randos spread throughout NH.

Furthermore, this is reddit, which is about as sketchy and anonymous as it can get and not be one of the chans. If you want internet help on items like this, the place to ask are forums or FB groups after being an actual participating member.

NH law is quite permissive when it comes to shooting on public land. The laws have been posted a gazillion times by me and others. RSAs 207:3A, 207:3c, and 644:13


Jay_Derkin t1_j5gcmof wrote

What you need to understand is that “nice guys” ask this question about 15x a week. Almost every single time any one of us has given a spot to the newest “nice guy” it has gotten absolutely trashed either by them, their stupid friends, or them passing said spot on to assholes.

So many of the nice spots to shoot have been destroyed by guys who say the same things on the same posts. You’re barking up the wrong tree asking here. Scout out some good spots for yourself and then keep them private if you want them to last. I’m not upset at you per se, but it’s annoying seeing people day in and day out being pissy that nobody will give them their spots to shoot. Do like everyone else and put the work in to scout out a spot.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j5h4g5n wrote

Dude calm down lol.

He's been nothing but polite and you're just going off on him.


dobbysglocks t1_j5ge76m wrote

Well hopefully someone elts can help so I can take my son shooting!
