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V1198 t1_j6og675 wrote

Of course we have felons as state reps…🤦🏻‍♂️


Starving_Orphan t1_j6oli7w wrote

I mean some are felons due to bullshit drug laws. Looks like he was convicted for “aiding a tax dodger”.


goodwilhuntingseason t1_j6om5zf wrote

He was convicted for assisting in an armed standoff of said tax dodgers. He had pipe bombs, rifles, and anti government literature at his apartment when he was arrested.


Reddit_in_her_voice t1_j6orghn wrote

Everybody should have anti government literature. Or do you think president trump is just great and you have no complaints?

People in this very thread are expressing anti government sentiment.


warren_stupidity t1_j6oueyy wrote

Ok you have conflated criticism of a specific administration with opposition to government in general, but I’m sure you knew that.


Reddit_in_her_voice t1_j6ozduo wrote

You like a government that allows Donald Trump to have the nuclear button?

Wew lad


warren_stupidity t1_j6pd641 wrote

Well it made me very uncomfortable, but yeah I want a government at least nominally elected by the people in charge of real weapons of mass destruction. Again, opposition to the current regime is not the same as opposition to the institution itself.


liber_tas t1_j6ounmz wrote

So, like a Founding Father of the USA?


Mynewuseraccountname t1_j6p32lg wrote

Dawg the founding fathers LOVED government above all else. They literally founded one lol.


ImprintVector t1_j6oin9c wrote

So I understand the point they are trying to make: “Why should you lose your constitutional rights for life when you have done your time?”. The problem lies in that our prison system doesn’t reform people into healthy members of society it only punishes them for crimes already committed. Until our prison system becomes an instrument of true character reform I cannot agree with anything along these lines.

I’m also laughing about how he’s saying “non-violent” like “himself” except he’s literally been charged with aiding in an armed standoff with police and vague threats and of violence against state agents. Yea real “non-violent” buddy. It’s like saying “I didn’t rape that person I just watched, so I’m not a sexual predator”. Get out of here with that clownery.


Qbncgr t1_j6olbdx wrote

You left out bomb making.

He also enlisted in the Army and was arrested at Fort Leonard Wood military base in Missouri after authorities seized a bomb, ammunition and anti-government literature in the basement of his home in Brookhaven, N.Y., according to a report in the New York Times.


vexingsilence t1_j6oiyq0 wrote

"Those crimes involved helping the notorious anti-government tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown in their highly publicized nine-month armed standoff in their Plainfield home."

And now a state rep. How special is that.


smartest_kobold t1_j6oj87k wrote

This asshole acquired guns to help in a stand off with the feds.

There are nonviolent felonies we probably should consider being less punitive about with firearms and voting, but keeping this dumbass away from firearms seems prudent.


vadiegova t1_j6okou8 wrote

Can't believe this moron is a state rep. what a time we live in...


JeffersonsDisciple t1_j6phjuw wrote

What about non-violent felons that were bagged for Marijuana?


Azr431 t1_j6ovyfe wrote

>“So, if I’m going out into the parking garage late at night and somebody yells, ‘Hey sweet cheeks,’ I’m just joking. There’s no way for me to defend myself. I mean I have a knife, but come on,” Gerhard said.

This little gem is just too perfect. Men that think they need to carry all the time are the biggest snowflakes alive. They're scared of their own shadows


Qbncgr t1_j6ol0yt wrote

He also enlisted in the Army and was arrested at Fort Leonard Wood military base in Missouri after authorities seized a bomb, ammunition and anti-government literature in the basement of his home in Brookhaven, N.Y., according to a report in the New York Times.


Sirhc978 t1_j6or8t7 wrote

Maybe not all felons, but I don't see why they person who commits mail fraud or similar shouldn't get their rights back.


Raa03842 t1_j6pb0rd wrote

And we want this guy to have his gun back? Who votes for these morons? “He also enlisted in the Army and was arrested at Fort Leonard Wood military base in Missouri after authorities seized a bomb, ammunition and anti-government literature in the basement of his home”


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j6p8ih2 wrote

Nah. Pretty cool with felons not having weapons.

Want a gun? Don't commit a felony!

Millions of people manage it their entire lives.


Reddit_in_her_voice t1_j6oqz63 wrote

Tax evasion and armed standoffs with the feds followed by glorious careers in the legislature are in the blood of Yankees and we should be grateful to those who were willing to do this in the colonies.


CDogNH t1_j6ollw0 wrote

The slope is too slippery. If you make an exception for 1 felon, all the rest will want an exception. Hard pass.


chait1199 t1_j6of2g2 wrote

I bet he’s also a “law and order” type.


didntdonothingwrong t1_j6pi32s wrote

He definitely is not. You could have done literally 60 seconds of research to figure that out. God this subreddit is filled with morons. Take a hike.


JacktheBoss_ t1_j6omf7y wrote

Because this is important. We're already having enough issues with people that legally own guns.


swilborg t1_j6osb45 wrote

Let me guess, he’s a repube? Stories like this make me glad I don’t live in NH anymore.


iamthedigitalcheese t1_j6p7du0 wrote

Awesome. Why should NH trail behind other states like Florida that reinstate rights for non-violent rehabilitated felons? We should be a leader in restoring civil rights.


kearsargeII t1_j6pee7a wrote

While technically this guy was nonviolent, practically he was arrested with pipe bombs that he was planning on smuggling into the Ed and Elain Brown compound, presumably to use as booby traps when the feds came in to take possession of that compound to pay back taxes. Like seriously, this guy is like the most violent nonviolent offender imaginable, and had things gone slightly differently, in ways beyond his control, mind you, he would be serving life without parole.

Edit: for how this could go differently. Step 1. The feds decide to storm the compound instead of using trickery, and someone dies to a pipe bomb booby trap Gerhard made. That is literally all that is needed to turn this guy into a violent offender, and make sure that he spends his whole life in prison.