Submitted by [deleted] t3_106zqnd in newhampshire
Submitted by [deleted] t3_106zqnd in newhampshire
Why would the action of two knuckleheads require the 'education' of the whole school? How does the actions of two knuckleheads 'reflect' on the 'whole district?'
'Diversity 'education'' comes across as political re education...
This is not an isolated incident, in the mid 2000s Iwas student teaching and had a white student bring a binder with KKK stickers on it, threaten a black student and use terrible slurs repeatedly in my class - on a daily basis. Not only did the principal of the school refuse to address the issue, the student was repeatedly sent back to class in the same day with zero consequences, creating an environment in which I could not protect other students from racist and misogynistic bullying. My mentor teachers in the school also refused to step in and advocate for any kind of disciplinary action. The only time this student was disciplined was when a student of color got in an altercation with the student, and both were "punished equally" for fighting.
It happened 4/20/2022 and the school district is just getting around to taking action completely unacceptable. The neighbors of this family need to rally around them and show up at the school board meeting on 1/13/2023.
Your key word is "reflect"
Reading, writing and arithmetic, it’s simple people
I don’t buy it.
You can’t teach anything related to diversity and inclusion these days without an uproar from racist parents. Look up groups like Moms of Liberty and Parental Rights Foundation.
Yes, southern New Hampshire.
It's not for sale. You don't have to believe it but I taught social studies and that experience made me decide to never pursue that career. I would send the kid to the office, file the written disciplinary form, and nothing would happen. Lucky me I taught Civil War, Reconstruction, and up through WW1, so race and the culture/political climate of the south and north came up a lot. I would send him out of the room sometimes several times a week for using the n-word, making comments about women/poc being too stupid to have the vote, you name it. They had a meeting with his parents about *attendance * but never addressed the bullying of the only black student in my class. Student finally had enough of being called a n-word and shoved the kid up against the wall, they both got in school suspension, racist kid didn't show up for his.
Apparently they really just wanted this kid to graduate and get out of the school, he needed my class (along others) to graduate.
I now believe that my mentor teachers probably never followed through and spoke to the principal on my behalf, and that the principal just wanted the kid out and to not anger the parents. I should have told my professor but I was led to believe that not being able to handle the situation myself would reflect poorly on me (one of the mentor teachers had the sink or swim philosophy). I now understand that the school was not doing its job to protect the students and myself as a learning teacher, and I should have been a stronger advocate for them and myself.
Oh no, education happening at a school! Won't someone think of the children!
Thank you for sharing that story- Teaching is a crazy profession - this is a great illustration of how it’s so crazy
Cool story. All a lie but congrats nevertheless 👏🏻
So basically, that entire alumni is totally racist. Hopefully you quit promptly thereafter.
It was my student teaching position so I was at that particular school for a semester, so unpaid and no contract. Since getting my license hinged on my performance, reviews from my mentor teachers and my professors, I was afraid to go to the superintendent, etc. (Also being an inexperienced teacher I thought it was my fault for not being able to control the situation and did not realize exactly how bad it was). I decided not to pursue teaching as a career after that because of my experience at that school. I did take one long term sub position years later and had a wonderful experience, but had already pursued another career and so let my license lapse.
Why would I make up a story like this, fame, wealth, and glory?
This subreddit is filled with ideological trolls and bots who consistently lie. Lack of evidence and anecdotal reports lack credibility and everyone should be skeptical without concrete evidence.
Imagine believing every word what the internet says? Moreover, your response of “fame, wealth and glory” again reeks of an unhinged response since none of that will happen. See original premise: ideology
Don't forget history. It's simple.
This is the high school I went to. I frequently tell people how racist this school and really the whole town of Weare is. My kids' father got racist death threats against him constantly. The things I heard on a daily basis were horrific. The town of Weare and its school system caused a lot of trauma to so many people myself and family included. I got the hell out of there as soon as I could so I could avoid having to raise my kids in that white supremacist hellscape.
As someone who attended that school, It's true.
Because they are a troll. Don't engage. And they sound like a Russian bot to me.
Dip shit disease is more contagious then ever.
This should answer your question op.
You sound like you'd raise a knucklehead.
generally a mix of both
So youre saying that public policy shouldnt be based on “A lot of people are saying”.
I’ll drink to that.
One tends to lead to the other, unfortunately.
If this triggers you, you might be racist. And by “might,” I mean you are definitely a racist snowflake.
“This country is doomed. It is doomed, not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European. Hear me? Minority white European.“
Joe Biden
Yes, he really said that...
These days? It's been happening forever. I'm still desensitized to seeing swastikas and other bullshit on bathroom stalls just because kids were edgy decades back. I think a lot of people missed this or just weren't paying attention and now thing it's happening all of a sudden, but in fairness, it could be due to more attention being brought to it. People feel more unsafe after watching the news, even if they've never been safer.
The most dangerous and hateful people in the world right now are 16-24 year old white males who are being radicalized by dipshits on the Internet. It’s a really sad state of things.
Still doesn’t change the context of this statement,
“but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority white European. Hear me? Minority white European.“
He is LITERALLY saying America is doomed bc by 2040, white Europeans will be the minority. Pls explain to me how that isn’t racist. Throwing a simple disclaimer at the top of the thought doesn’t excuse it. That’s like starting off with, “I’m not a racist, but...”
Actually shocked a school taught WW1. Most unbelievable part of the story hahaha
Lol, technically taught propaganda and build up to wwI, didn't get to actually cover much of the war itself. That class was US history not world so I covered mostly what was going on in the US that led to its involvement in the war My time there ended in May and the students had a full month of more after that. I taught world history in another class, covering Greece/ Rome etc.
Oh absolutely yeah /s
This shit is hardly new. I went to Monadnock from 2007-2011 and we had tons of issues with things like racist graffiti in the school. Odds are pretty good that the offenders are being protected because they're related to someone in the administration or have relatives who are friends with someone there. "He's a good kid, he wouldn't do this" and he gets a slap on the wrist and is free to continue being a menace. This is not at all an isolated phenomenon in rural NH.
Was this Monadnock? I would not be surprised in the slightest if it was and I can name at least a few people who I could have seen doing this right off the top of my head.
God damn that school was a nightmare.
I was there when most of the Bates and Bidwell clans were attending. The stories about them alone (let alone all the other people there) require disclaimers regarding their truthfulness, because no one would believe them otherwise. It was a tremendously fucked-up school then and I've been told that it has not changed one bit since I last set foot on the property over a decade ago.
Sucks to hear that it hasn't gotten better. I think that school did a lot of damage to a lot of people, I don't really hear it get mentioned often so my ears prick up when it does. Glad you got out and hope you are healing up from it!
Most Mondocock alums compare horror stories about it. It amuses me in a Grand Guignol-esque way - it was like going to high school in the hospital scene from Jacob's Ladder.
LOLOLOL! Who's your political kommisar? You must have one!
ForklkftJones t1_j3jntoo wrote
2 options: Unfit parents raising maniacs or little dip shits reading angry forums and idolizing older and more hateful dip shits.