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myfacepwnsurs t1_j3mke9u wrote

My Verizon phone is terrible with reception since 5G started. Lots of dead spots in the southern part of the state even though the “coverage map” says we are in a good place. Called VZW a lot about it but they claim it’s a “tower” issue


thrunabulax t1_j3o5b8w wrote

what they do not tell you...the cell phone towers have directional antennas that point along the major highways. if you are 30 degrees or so off of the highway axis, tough luck, you get no bars....even if the tower is only 1/2 a mile away!

verizon is the cheapest provider....they do not care


2KZJ t1_j3m1072 wrote

I'm in Milford and use Google Fi with very few dead spots in most of my travels.


Content-Plankton6664 OP t1_j3mxqt9 wrote

Never knew Google had phone service! I’ll look into it, thanks!


lellololes t1_j3nz0x3 wrote

Google Fi uses t-mobile's network.


Apprehensive-Ad6466 t1_j3o8y4a wrote

If you have a compatible phone it hops between t-mobile, is cellular and one other provider (att?)


shortieXV t1_j3ql9jr wrote

If you try Fi which I also recommend try to use someone's referral code. Saves you both $20 on 1st bill. Not much but it's something.


djdirectdrive t1_j3m07dr wrote

I'm surprised you have issues with Xfinity. I have it and don't run into issues save a few dead zones. Two things I would try

  1. are you connecting to wifi hotspots and not getting signals from those? That could be causing the issue

  2. is your phone 5g enabled? If so changing the setting to force LTE connection might help


AuthorSnow t1_j3n80kb wrote

AT&T is good. Service 99.9% except for dead zones. It’ll happen regardless


JJWhitman78 t1_j3nta1v wrote

If you’re in the market for really shitty cell service at a luxury price point, Verizon is the way to go. And they keep stepping up their game because their service seems to have steadily gotten worse over the last couple years. At this point my family would be better off with carrier pigeons than with my $400 a month Verizon cell service.

I have AT&T service on my work phone and it’s markedly less shitty than Verizon. When my contract is done with Verizon we’re switching to AT&T.


rochambow t1_j3n4zpr wrote

I use Mint Mobile, which I believe is on Sprint's network. Never had an issue here. (And as a bonus, it's really cheap!)


jaybirdjackit t1_j3qp34i wrote

I have AT&T no problems all over the state


akmjolnir t1_j3m5bqo wrote

If you Google (Carrier name) coverage map you'll probably have a solution to your question in two seconds.

The age of your phone also affects your reception, as new/newer phones have better antennas to connect to the expanded OTA bands.


Content-Plankton6664 OP t1_j3mx3y8 wrote

The coverage maps don’t seem to be accurate. They claim 5G, but that’s not what I’m getting. So I guess rather than asking for coverage maps I’m asking for personal experience with good service. (Edited typo)

I’ve got an iPhone 12, which should be new enough to be reliable, right?


akmjolnir t1_j3mxuw0 wrote

That I can't help you with, sorry. I live in a different area than you, with a different phone. Good luck.


redditthrower888999 t1_j3ni0tk wrote

I'm in S.NH and have Xfinity, I don't have a 5G phone but my wife does. Our coverage seems pretty much the same, poop. Don't know if Verizon network is garbage or Xfinity gets limited? If you're concerned about signal quality and data rates you might want to pay up for the first class carrier service (ATT, TMobile, Verizon) instead of a MVNO.


lellololes t1_j3o1qm4 wrote

Xfinity can be deprioritized based on usage.

I've found Verizon is still fine, though maybe since 5g has taken over, there may be a few more dead areas due to signal propagation or something. I don't know if they have different frequency bands than they used to.

Just did a speed test now and got 170mbps on Verizon (4/5 bars of 5G). If something is slow where I am sitting right now, it's not a network issue.

The girlfriend has t-mobile - they are drastically improved compared to where they were 15 years ago, but there are still more gaps in rural areas. In urban areas, one carrier may be better than another in one spot and may well be reversed in another.


chain_me_up t1_j3m0t7h wrote

Thats crazy, I've had Verizon my entire life and honestly I get 5g in most of the state. What kind of phone do you have? Where are you losing service ?


Content-Plankton6664 OP t1_j3mwvne wrote

iPhone 12. Bad spots? Spots along 101a, Boston Post Road, 122, 101, are all bad. If I’m in Nashua it’s usually decent. But all over southern NH is spotty