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redditthrower888999 t1_j5zr5pb wrote

Go to the assessors webpage. Valuation will list land value and building value. In this case it only lists the building. It does not list anything under land. The above house is listed as a condo.


UncleRicosWig t1_j61hab2 wrote

Listed as a condo, I’d assume you don’t own the land.


NecessaryMistake9754 OP t1_j5zrgjv wrote

Shouldn't that be disclosed in the listing that it is land leased? Wow it's crazy that's blatant lie. A condo and a land leased house is very different


redditthrower888999 t1_j5ztyvm wrote

When you see a listing that looks like a house but the listing says it's a condo, that pretty much says you don't own the land.