Recent comments in /f/newhampshire

The_On_Life t1_jeei8k2 wrote

Most dealerships are going to have a fairly decent selection, but Cycle Gear at the Mall of NH will probably be your best bet.


napoleon_9 t1_jeei7lq wrote

New Hampshire is beautiful. I see a lot of people here talking about cost of living--I imagine that's all relative. Worst part of NH is the politics, there are some backwards Trump towns and lots of morons there, but it's turning bluer every day and I guess you can find that pretty much anywhere.


superman154m t1_jeehchs wrote

What college are you going to? Former college student here. Loved my college days experience here (went to UNH in Durham). Been to all the schools once or twice including Dartmouth. People are surprisingly friendly but also don’t take offense if people just walk fast and ignore you. NH does well at being friendly but respecting your neighbors privacy if that makes sense. People are pretty punctual out here. As others said our summers are world famous and our winters are infamous.

You’re going to need a car at some point to really enjoy the state/New England as a whole. I couldn’t have a car freshman year but did sophomore year on.

Good luck my friend welcome to the 603!


Hot_Legless_Dogs t1_jeefz9d wrote

So I don't know if it's still the case, but MOMs (Motorcycles of Manchester) always used to have a huge selection of in-stock gear. I was never a fan of the dealership itself as far as bikes, but their gear selection was excellent. It's been a few years though so I'm not sure if that still holds up.