Recent comments in /f/newhampshire
cwalton505 t1_jef16g0 wrote
Reply to comment by ForeverAgreeable2289 in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Also known as shithole, shithole, shithole, nice town.
Time-Friend5627 t1_jef14ad wrote
Reply to I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
BEST: Craft brewed beer. WORST: Free staters
jgren91 t1_jef13aa wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Could be better could be worse. I voted for him twice but he lost me last election. I feel he needs to start rolling with the times on some things and listen to what the people actually want even though he doesn't approve
cwalton505 t1_jef129n wrote
Reply to comment by cageordie in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Trump lost NH in both elections. You are painting with a stupidly broad brush.
BlackJesus420 t1_jef11co wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He’s been good. Not great, but good. And given the array of psychos the GOP has on offering, he continues to be a breath of fresh air.
Time-Friend5627 t1_jef0xpl wrote
Reply to comment by Novel-Star6109 in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
He didn’t say if it was Dartmouth or a state school or a small private
Time-Friend5627 t1_jef0oy7 wrote
Reply to comment by GonzoTheGreat22 in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Quick trip to Eliot Maine or Salisbury Mass and ploblem solved
Time-Friend5627 t1_jef0egq wrote
Reply to comment by Namasty in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Ha, our biggest asset is that we’re close to other cool places?! 😜
otiswrath t1_jef09e7 wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
I generally felt like he was a more or less neutral political figure for a while. A little too much in bed with the resorts and money in the state but more or less harmless. I even voted for him once.
Then he started trying to appeal more and more to the MAGA crowd. Signing the abortion ban, pushing for public tax money to be given to religious schools, spending NH tax dollars to "secure our northern border" etc.
The thing that really pushed me over the edge was when Rep. Jim Spillane (R) was calling for his supporters to commit a home invasion on anyone with a BLM sign in their yard and Sununu utterly refused to call him out because they are in the same party.
If someone threatens violence on your constituents you call them out. I don't care what party you are in.
That was when I knew that he doesn't actually care about NH, he just wants to be president so bad that he will sell out every single one of us to get there.
Edit: Oh yeah, and he is also responsible for losing millions in tax revenue and causing many people in the state to have criminal records because of his 1950's perspective on marijuana.
Edit2: Also, let's not forget that he vetoed the bill that passed the House and Senate that would allow citizens affected by PFAS contamination to sue the companies responsible to cover the medical testing they will have to do for the rest of their lives.
akmjolnir t1_jef08r7 wrote
Reply to comment by JeremyMorel in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
I don't think they've allowed a female in that park in 150 years.
StylinBill t1_jeezfy2 wrote
Reply to I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Lotta trumpy cunts tbh. The regular people are mostly alright though
golemsheppard2 t1_jeezbyy wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
I think he has done a good job being what most independents vote for him for. He's a tempering moderate. He's stated that he won't change our abortion laws despite attempts to legalize all abortions including late term and partial birth abortions, as well as republican attempts to push a ban beyond six weeks. He's kept it at 24 weeks, just like it was pre Dobbs. I appreciate that he's disappointed the fringes on both sides of the aisle.
joesai t1_jeeyefb wrote
Reply to comment by JeremyMorel in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Cougars.. with beavers.
LiveFree_NeverDie603 t1_jeewtyp wrote
Reply to comment by dc551589 in Date night restaurants by HillyjoKokoMo
All good,definitely not as good as it used to be. Great place do drink.
SunshineSeriesB t1_jeewtgo wrote
Reply to Cost Efficient Wedding Venues by Prestigious_Ad_2331
There are plenty of more cost efficient venues around - what are they looking for in a venue? Sealres is like TOTALLY a different expected experience than the VFW.
Additionally, what time of year are they looking at? If they're willing to move to off peak they could save some money.
5 years ago now, but Westford Regency (MA) was very cost efficient for a January wedding with an on-site ceremony, 5 course dinner, bar package and late night snacks. (DM me).
Missedanother1 t1_jeewnox wrote
Reply to comment by Missedanother1 in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
Other question is, why are we always looking to increase taxes and never really looking at operational efficiencies with the huge budget that states have? Same thing with the fed. They always want more. And we always get less.
shuzkaakra t1_jeewfa9 wrote
Reply to I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Go skiing in March/April.
It's cheaper, empty, the snow is better and its warm.
That's my tip.
I had one day at Cannon a few years ago when it was 70F outside. Met a pack of like minded crazy folk and had a blast.
warren_stupidity t1_jeewf4h wrote
Reply to comment by FaustusC in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
Iras and 401ks are exempt.
Irishbangers14 t1_jeeweld wrote
Reply to I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
The people, the people. No I’m jk. I love the great outdoors around us, worst part would be like most of the u.s the polarization of politics and hot button issues that people take up as if they’re opinions matter
Missedanother1 t1_jeewea4 wrote
Reply to comment by BelichicksBurner in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
I understand why you think it is the wealthy that benefit. And to some extent that may be true. Interest and dividends are a vital way for many senior citizens to fund retirement. As inflation continues to eat away at buying power, the income that is generated by interest and/or dividends is crucial for many. Not just “rich people.” Keep in mind that as people approach retirement age, the amount required to maintain your standard log living will easily require a net worth over 1 million dollars? Is that rich? I guess the real debate is, what is rich and does that vary according to geography as well?
vjalander t1_jeew06e wrote
Reply to comment by ihaveatrophywife in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
I just read we are the third lowest tax burden in the county at something like 6%
GhostDan t1_jeevyu7 wrote
Reply to comment by petergriffin999 in Did Footloose teach us nothing? by TheMobyDicks
Yes, let's not educate them about other options than intercourse, so we can have more teen pregnancies, which you'll deny abortions to, creating more welfare cases. Good job
Kretuhtuh t1_jeevavq wrote
Reply to comment by upallnitro in Motorcycle gear by JHEMMINGS33
+1 to cycle gear. It's also worth knowing that Cycle gear and Revzilla share the same parent company so a lot of the stuff you can get at cycle gear you can also get online from Revzilla. I still prefer buying helmets and shoes in a store tho.
ihaveatrophywife t1_jeev4rx wrote
Reply to comment by 01Zaphod in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
The tax burden in NH is one of the lowest in the country. That takes property tax into account. It also varies town to town so it’s often a more local issue.
[deleted] t1_jef17qc wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose