Recent comments in /f/newhampshire

Double-Abalone7052 t1_jef4q1u wrote

But the problem is that he aspires to be those guys. He called himself a Trump guy through and through, and he wants New Hampshire to be the Florida of the north. He’s not as crazy as those two because he doesn’t have the power to display it, but he aspires to be them.


Double-Abalone7052 t1_jef4gn9 wrote

I actually do care if our politicians are spending time and money screeching about the Canadian border when it’s not an issue. I also care when homeland security or immigration or whoever does it starts pulling people over on 93 up there without probable cause just because it’s within 100 miles of the border. I have a huge problem with that and I don’t even drive up there it’s just wrong


prestigious_delay_7 t1_jef2my5 wrote

I feel like the border issue is something he does for political grandstanding, but all politicians do that so I don't care. It doesn't seem like it'd be an issue that would affect me in any meaningful way so I shouldn't listen to people that make an issue about it.

I do wish he would change his stance on marijuana legalization though.


NickDixon37 t1_jef2ib3 wrote

The best thing - and the worst - is the weather. Though when the weather is really bad - it makes being inside drinking (your favorite beverage) by the wood stove extra cozy.

And almost everyone is accepting and chill - as long as you're not trying to get us to switch religions - or political parties.


Alantsu t1_jef2dzx wrote

I think he’s a POS for following the culture wars against trans and LGBTQ. He’s shown he’s more than willing to dump public education for a voucher system. He preaches living free but repeatedly vetos bill to legalize recreational cannabis because he wants the state to have full control, not the “free” people. He promoted raising an already extremely high property tax to give businesses more tax breaks. We have next to no access to mental health services. In all he keeps the state stagnant in hopes of being that “middle road” candidate which just means pro corporate policies with no real help to any of the people. Legacy politicians need to go.


CupcakeFreedom t1_jef20rn wrote

He’s predictable in that he’s going to give politician answers and try to look good on a national stage. Very little change, it feels like we’ve been frozen in time since he’s been in office. Also predictable in that you can tell his Dad still has his ear, doesn’t want to anger old conservatives and we as a state end up behind on everything. You pick an issue and I’ll show you a neighboring state doing it better. Education, Transportation, Freedom (lol) etc etc


alkatori t1_jef1ko2 wrote

Between Meh and Good.

He veto'd a lot of bad gun control proposals, which was good.

He's blocked marijuana legalization, which is bad.

He's both distanced himself from and tried to be a part of MAGA. He released something awhile back complaining about border security, which just... isn't an issue we are concerned about at all.

Otherwise he's been a very middle of the road candidate. He's easy to vote for because you see him resisting changing much. His opponents always run on a mix bag of positive + negative changes (at least to me and most people I know).