Recent comments in /f/newhampshire

Possible-Ad4692 t1_jef9si4 wrote

I would recommend checking out Rustic Gatherings as well.

I am getting married at the Barn at Foote Farm through Rustic Gatherings this fall. It was the best priced barn we could find. We booked it 2 years ago so the prices may have gone up a bit.

As stated above, they have a few different options for venues though


jeagerkinght t1_jef8m3z wrote

Oh I agree completely, digital is the way to go, but by no means is digital storage "cheap". Cheaper than it used to be? Certainly. But not "cheap", especially on a government budget.

To throw this into perspective, the city that I work for is spending $82k on 50ish TB of storage and backing that up. And that doesn't include the operating system to run on the server, nor the power to actually run it. Thats just the physical system. Not to mention that that hardware is only good for so long, then it need to be replaced and all that data needs to be migrated. And you need to pay someone to manage that server to make sure nothing gets corrupted or lost due to unforeseen hardware failure.

I still think that this data should be kept for 7 years, maybe longer, but no matter how you store it, it's not "cheap".


sirspidermonkey t1_jef75eg wrote

To really put that in perspective, Class A Felony theft in NH is a theft over $1501. A person who commits a Class A felony theft is subject to up to 15 years imprisonment and a fine of of $4000 or twice the value of stolen property.

Gilberto stole almost 304x that amount from his workers, but not one mention of jail for his crime. Yes he has to pay $900K in restitution to the workers, but given he's been doing it for years that's probably still well within the "cost of doing business"


otiswrath t1_jef6jzh wrote

Just a reminder, there are at least 2 Jim/James Spillane/Splaines in NH politics.

James Spillane is the Republican state rep from Deerfield who has been arrested and convicted of Domestic Violence, multiple DUIs, and Reckless Conduct. (I think that one was from when he was shooting squirrels in his neighborhood with a .50 muzzleloader). He is the one who called for violence against anyone with a BLM sign.

Then there is Jim Splaine from Portsmouth who is a well respected member of the political community and has served in the State Senate, House of Reps, and City Council. He also sponsored the bill that made same sex marriage legal in NH.


SellingCoach t1_jef6dpp wrote

He's OK, just the way I like my NH governors. I'm a Republican but more like Republican Light (same great taste, fewer calories) so I prefer as little BS as possible out of the governor's office.

My favorite gov was probably Lynch even though he was a Democrat. I voted for him every time he ran. Cool dude.


prestigious_delay_7 t1_jef5hy8 wrote

I agree with your stance, especially to your point about border security searching people within 100 mi of the border. But if I was looking for perfection from my politicians I will never be happy. I can easily find something to dislike about every single one of them, so I need to focus on issues that are actually important to me and northern border security is near the bottom of the list.