Recent comments in /f/newhampshire

JackSteele33 t1_jefgzrt wrote

It’s a moot point really…. You won’t find a doctor that will do an abortion after 24 weeks for non medical reasons anyways.

That’s pretty much been the industry standard forever. But it still makes peoples brains explode when they ban late term abortions.

Late term abortions for non medical reasons are not a thing and never have been.


n0v3list t1_jefglkv wrote

Seriously. If other people can’t see how the state has been negatively impacted by this fictitious partisan feud then I’m not sure how much their opinion matters. We need to take into consideration the welfare and needs of all state citizens, not just those who share your beliefs or your socioeconomic status. Even those I disagree with fundamentally I still consider at the voting booth.


TheMobyDicks t1_jefganp wrote

Reply to comment by widget_fucker in Our Rich Neighbors by f2000sa

Some years ago my wife, before she was my wife, and I were dining outdoors at a nice restaurant when she suddenly shrieked and jumped out of her seat while swatting at her skirt. I leaned over to watch a massive cockroach scurrying away. Other than that, N'awlins was a helluva time!


cyriouslyslick t1_jefga9o wrote

If you think this is bad you should see what corporations are stealing (Amazon, Walmart, Uber, Lyft, and GrubHub are among the worst). It's the single biggest cause of theft in the US. There needs to be harsher penalties for anyone caught doing this.


jimsensei t1_jeff1lc wrote

Sununu is gearing up to run for president, and when he does h is going to try to position himself as the adult in the room. But when you scratch the surface he's no different than DeSantis and the like; anti-abortion, anti-public education, anti-marijuana, pro-corporations, and pro- 1%.

Just because he's not foaming at the mouth to go after trans kids doesn't mean he's a good guy.