Recent comments in /f/newhampshire
Rooster_Local t1_jefiitv wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Fine? In that he hasn’t done anything drastic and mostly seems to try to keep things calm, I guess. That feels like what most NHites look for in a governor anyway. NH is a very conservative state in the literal sense of the word… ie people seem to just not want stuff messed with too much.
bridgetlabrie t1_jefhp72 wrote
cyriouslyslick t1_jefhea8 wrote
Reply to comment by Alternative-Cry-4667 in New Hampshire high court rejects Pamela Smart's latest chance at freedom - ABC News by A-Do-Gooder
Crocodile tears. Let her rot.
n0v3list t1_jefh8ap wrote
Reply to comment by alkatori in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Your sentiments are a clear indication we need an alternative to “easy to vote for”.
JackSteele33 t1_jefgzrt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
It’s a moot point really…. You won’t find a doctor that will do an abortion after 24 weeks for non medical reasons anyways.
That’s pretty much been the industry standard forever. But it still makes peoples brains explode when they ban late term abortions.
Late term abortions for non medical reasons are not a thing and never have been.
slimyprincelimey t1_jefgw3u wrote
Reply to comment by otiswrath in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He earned my respect with the "abortion ban". 24 weeks is the sane, moderate, politically supported position. Which is why he won reelection after doing it.
n0v3list t1_jefgu0h wrote
Reply to comment by Wiked_Pissah in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Is he not far removed? Anyone drawing a line in the sand should immediately be discredited.
slimyprincelimey t1_jefgrhk wrote
Reply to comment by Double-Abalone7052 in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
"abortion ban"
on pregnancies after 24 weeks
Which is the mainstream moderate opinion and comports with most other western nations policies.
n0v3list t1_jefglkv wrote
Reply to comment by Alantsu in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Seriously. If other people can’t see how the state has been negatively impacted by this fictitious partisan feud then I’m not sure how much their opinion matters. We need to take into consideration the welfare and needs of all state citizens, not just those who share your beliefs or your socioeconomic status. Even those I disagree with fundamentally I still consider at the voting booth.
dojijosu t1_jefgli8 wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Neutral in the worst possible way. What he sells as moderation is actually just that he has no compunction in going whatever way the political winds blow at any given time, even if they are blowing two ways at once.
slimyprincelimey t1_jefgfm6 wrote
Reply to comment by smartest_kobold in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
What if I want dividend income before retirement.
TheMobyDicks t1_jefganp wrote
Reply to comment by widget_fucker in Our Rich Neighbors by f2000sa
Some years ago my wife, before she was my wife, and I were dining outdoors at a nice restaurant when she suddenly shrieked and jumped out of her seat while swatting at her skirt. I leaned over to watch a massive cockroach scurrying away. Other than that, N'awlins was a helluva time!
cyriouslyslick t1_jefga9o wrote
Reply to El Rodeo Mexican Restaurant, 2 Casa Tequila restaurants, and owner Gilberto Reyes stiffed workers by nearly $456K; court settlement made. by Azr431
If you think this is bad you should see what corporations are stealing (Amazon, Walmart, Uber, Lyft, and GrubHub are among the worst). It's the single biggest cause of theft in the US. There needs to be harsher penalties for anyone caught doing this.
tourdedance t1_jefg7n3 wrote
Reply to comment by otiswrath in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
There’s no such thing as a neutral political figure these days unfortunately.
smartest_kobold t1_jeffxa8 wrote
Reply to comment by slimyprincelimey in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
Once you have enough liquid assets to cover emergencies, you should be putting that money in a retirement account with tax benefits.
SisyphusPrometheus t1_jeffjpf wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He vetos everything.
rmarkham t1_jeffhen wrote
Reply to Massabesic Lake this morning by SuperDiscreetTrex
Almost open water fishing time!!!!
How muddy were the trails? My dogs love it there.
jimsensei t1_jeff1lc wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Sununu is gearing up to run for president, and when he does h is going to try to position himself as the adult in the room. But when you scratch the surface he's no different than DeSantis and the like; anti-abortion, anti-public education, anti-marijuana, pro-corporations, and pro- 1%.
Just because he's not foaming at the mouth to go after trans kids doesn't mean he's a good guy.
Undaedalus t1_jefez0v wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He's a nepo baby who thinks he's entitled to be governor because his dad was pretty popular 40 years ago.
ShortUSA t1_jefevma wrote
Reply to Cost Efficient Wedding Venues by Prestigious_Ad_2331
Hampton Beach SP, so long as it's outside the summer season. After August and before about June 10th or so.
[deleted] t1_jefetz6 wrote
Reply to comment by Double-Abalone7052 in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
ShortUSA t1_jefepwb wrote
Reply to comment by littleirishmaid in Cost Efficient Wedding Venues by Prestigious_Ad_2331
Particularly, Hampton Beach SP, so long as it's outside the summer season. After August and before about June 10th or so.
[deleted] t1_jefe1a4 wrote
akmjolnir t1_jefdppl wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He could be a lot worse for the state and its citizens, but it'd be a lot cooler if he was better.
I think there's a lot of people that have never lived outside of NH, and haven't had the luxury of living in a truly shitty state, like Texas or South Carolina.
TitanCubes t1_jefiywu wrote
Reply to comment by slimyprincelimey in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
It’s not the mainstream moderate opinion, it’s the mainstream Democrat position. It’s pretty radical by international standards, most western nations have bans between 12 and 16 weeks.