Recent comments in /f/newhampshire
Darwins_Dog t1_jefrqxf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He went on the radio and bragged about his pro-life credentials after signing the law, so I think people are reacting to that as much as the actual law. The ban after 24 weeks is fairly reasonable imo, but bragging about signing the first ban in decades put a lot of people off.
t59599 t1_jefqbmm wrote
Reply to comment by upallnitro in Motorcycle gear by JHEMMINGS33
Cycle Gear👍🏼
Ordinary_Variation10 t1_jefq9go wrote
Reply to comment by Alantsu in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
What did he do with the culture against trans and LGBTQ? Not trying to start something, legitimately don't know.
oper8orAF t1_jefq7ea wrote
Reply to Motorcycle gear by JHEMMINGS33
Cycle design in keene, monadnock harley, freedom cycle in concord, full throttle powersports in keene/swanzey.
Ordinary_Variation10 t1_jefpkk6 wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
All in all good. The State needs to start to address the mental health issue in the State, specifically State-run hospitals for the mentally ill. Time to get the homeless situation under control.
MidwestBulldog t1_jefosc5 wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
I'm old enough to remember when his Dad used to excoriate the Kennedys for dynasty politics. A man who worked for both Bush presidencies.
Yet here we are today talking about his son, the governor.
We could use fewer nepo babies in American politics. Not all of them, like the Sununus, have your best interests at the forefront of their agenda. Plus, the kid is a bland Trump.
bingqiling t1_jeforzm wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He's just so out of touch with the reality of people's day to day lives. I'm tired of the ultra wealthy horrding their money and making decisions just in the interest of other rich's especially frustrating how NH politics is set up, you basically either have to be incredibly wealthy (so you don't need a job) or reitred to be involved at the state level....
He could be a lot worse, but I feel like the bar for the people that represent us and are supposed to be making decisions to benefit us is unbelievably low....
Biggest frustration is how he will not legalize marijuana, which would generate revenue and the state could support reducing property taxes, it's ridiculous. We have an aging population with many on fixed incomes and here is a clear bi-partisan solution to help people.
shortieXV t1_jefodzo wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Dude is a turd. Vetoed bills that would have improved voters rights so he is taking away my power which I dislike.
smartest_kobold t1_jefnlek wrote
Reply to comment by DeerFlyHater in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
So, you're older than 50.
If you're putting away $37,000 a year+other tax shelters, you can afford some tax on the rest. "Live within your means and sacrifice" my ass. I'd have to sacrifice eating to put away $37000/year.
OhTHATKayKay t1_jefne04 wrote
Reply to comment by currancchs in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
That one is so convenient. I like that It's not in some industrial complex or in a sketchy alley.
paraplegic_T_Rex t1_jefn5x5 wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He pretended to be neutral for a long time and then sold out to the MAGA crowd. The guy has absolutely no conviction on anything except his “reefer madness” stance on marijuana, and he’s utterly useless as a leader. He’s just a figure head.
AKBigDaddy t1_jefn33b wrote
Reply to comment by False_Influence_9090 in Vehicle tint by glidec
Correct, the state doesn't require you to have insurance to drive here. It's foolish not to, but not illegal. HOWEVER, your lender likely does require it if you have a loan on your vehicle. And if you cross in to VT/MA "But NH doesn't require it" doesn't fly, they'll still ticket you for driving in their state without insurance.
SuperDiscreetTrex OP t1_jefn1vo wrote
Reply to comment by rmarkham in Massabesic Lake this morning by SuperDiscreetTrex
Definitely a bit muddy!
tracymartel_atemyson t1_jefldnc wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
he’s a middle of the road fiscal conservative. i’ll take him over the other crazy ones out there that are banning peoples rights and targeting children. I think he’s an okay example of NH and live free or die for now. he should consider legalizing weed because the state is really missing out on a HUGE payday. but i’m only like a year in to NH and moved from Florida so it’s refreshing here in my opinion
DeerFlyHater t1_jefl5ai wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
Not everyone has access to 401Ks.
Snails2300 t1_jefl3je wrote
Reply to comment by Able_Cunngham603 in I'm moving out to New Hampshire for university, what do you guys think is the best part of living in the state, and what's the worst? by Henry_Privette
Dr. Cunningham, when will UNH start offering an extension course in Bigfoot studies? Or is it more of a Keene State style of program. Even Plymouth went and got all universal. It time the youth start learning the necessary life skills to function in a state over run with Bigfoot’s.
Ok_Nobody4967 t1_jefl35p wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Insidious. He portrays himself as a moderate, yet he has done a number of demonstrating more extremist behavior.
Banning abortion after 20 weeks. My opinion is that it is no one’s business. I have known women who had to go out of state for an abortion because their fetus had fatal abnormalities. This decision should be up to the patient and doctor. Government has no business in people’s business.
Department of Education. He appointed Edelbutt to be the secretary. A man who homeschools his children and has never had any experience in public education. His policies of school choice is aimed to defund our already suffering schools. Those who could well afford private schools can dip into that money.
Appointments to the state Supreme Court. The conservative judges have been sideline with corporations—look at the St. Gobain’s water pollution fiasco. Merrimack residents are unable to get the aid they need for the contaminated water that St. Gobain created. This is just one example of what the state Supreme Court has done.
Cutting taxes to corporations and the rich, while cutting services. Our social service safety net for our state’s most fragile has suffered. Children, elderly and mentally ill people have had numerous cuts in services, while others enjoy tax cuts.
Refusal to legalize marijuana. I personally do not partake of the drug. I appreciate its benefits for those who benefit from it. Legalizing it, the state could reap the benefits from taxation. I personally think that we could have had dispensaries that were state run, just like our liquor stores.
He seems to think that if he gets photo ops around the state, that’s governing.
He has flip flopped over quite a few issues.
Those are just a few off the top of my head.
DeerFlyHater t1_jefkgei wrote
Reply to comment by smartest_kobold in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
Tax advantaged accounts have limits. If you live within your means and sacrifice the newest trend you can hit those limits. When you hit those limits, your savings go into taxable accounts. Additionally a 401K style account wasn't available for the first 10ish years of my career so all I had available was the Roth IRA which was easy to max--then it was back to sticking things in taxable.
GFY with the trust fund baby BS. My folks are still working their blue collar jobs well into their 70s.
chain_me_up t1_jefkbtp wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Not a fan. Fuck him for the abortion ban, he doesn't care about LGBTQIA+ protections/rights, mental health services are absolutely abysmal here, he wants to bail out businesses more than help his citizens, he constantly vetoes marijuana bills since it means the state wouldn't be able to run their monopoly like the liquor stores, and he wants to appeal to the MAGA idiots. Frankly I don't understand why so many people vote for him.
Edit to add: He's not calling out these ridiculous book bans or parents begging to not let their kids know that some kids have 2 mommies/daddies and supports vouchers instead of our crippled public education. Surprised he's not calling out drag queens yet with the lot of them.
notadaleknoreally t1_jefjl7u wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He’s a legacy name with charm.
But skills as a politician? Not so much. He can’t negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag.
As a party leader he has shown to be ineffective at leading his party.
WapsuSisilija t1_jefjh6g wrote
Reply to comment by Missedanother1 in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
There nothing left to squeeze from the fruit. That's the reality. Government is already lean and underfunded.
Ok-Championship1993 t1_jefj94g wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He’s MAGA curious. He needs to go.
Lys_Vesuvius t1_jefj4ci wrote
Reply to comment by slimyprincelimey in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Which is still much more liberal than the majority of Europe, including France, England, Italy, and Spain
alkatori t1_jefj01m wrote
Reply to comment by n0v3list in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
I would love better alternatives. Especially at the higher levels of government.
I mean this is partly why I voted for President Biden. I'm not a fan but I found the other guy to be a toxic mess.
Missedanother1 t1_jefrty8 wrote
Reply to comment by WapsuSisilija in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
Hahah. Too funny. Govt lean and underfunded? It should be. After all most citizens are feeling that way too