Recent comments in /f/newhampshire
goingonago t1_jegde6k wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Nobody4967 in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Number 2 is what I was looking for someone to say.
slimyprincelimey t1_jegdddq wrote
Reply to comment by juicebronston in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Ok so nobody is getting them so it doesn't matter.
mc_lean10 t1_jegd9uo wrote
Just drive to Dover and take the Amtrak all the way in. I think you only pay for parking if it’s overnight but I could be wrong
Own_Conversation4300 t1_jegcqqo wrote
Google mbta subway map
juicebronston t1_jegcbgo wrote
Reply to comment by V1198 in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Pretty much how I feel. Would he be elected governor if his last name wasn’t Sununu? No way.
averageduder t1_jegc6d5 wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Like a 5-6/10 if I ignore the abortion stuff and his appointment if edelblut.
Edelblut is unqualified and a fucking idiot , and even if Sununu was lynch that appointment alone is enough to take him down.
I hope he receives a real challenge in 24.
Greyskies405 t1_jegbryd wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Good during COVID, an opportunist shill most of the time otherwise
juicebronston t1_jegb061 wrote
Reply to comment by slimyprincelimey in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
It’s political theater at the expense of women’s rights; nobody is getting abortions after 24 weeks.
chain_me_up t1_jegai6m wrote
Reply to comment by NetHacks in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
You're right, I'll replace them with thoughts and prayers
GonzoTheGreat22 t1_jegabxf wrote
Reply to comment by golemsheppard2 in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
I’ll challenge only the last part. He has pandered more so to the MAGA crowd over the past term. Only one fringe seems to be disappointed.
NetHacks t1_jeg9wcg wrote
Reply to comment by chain_me_up in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Take your facts and get them out of the way of peoples feelings.
ballen1002 OP t1_jeg9gwy wrote
Reply to comment by shuzkaakra in I really do love living in this state. by ballen1002
You would love the one that backs up my actual fire pit. That’s just a stump I’m burning today ahead of the rain.
GonzoTheGreat22 t1_jeg9dly wrote
Reply to comment by otiswrath in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
I could not have said it any better. He was fine… pretty good even, but he’s leaned into MAGAness to hard for me.
NetHacks t1_jeg9bpb wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
The reason that new hampshire is where it is today is because this administration has never had a plan for the economy, housing, or energy that had a direction as to where we're going. In the middle of a huge natural gas shortage, we're now seeing why having almost all of our power plants being natural gas is a bad idea. On top of that we're struggling to get net zero for solar moved up from one MW to 5 MW. While every state around us builds its way out of an energy crisis, we sit here and hope it will all blow over. Hassan and the democrats should have worked towards a solution for northern pass. But once that didn't go through, we needed another solution and we instead got nothing. Now we just shut down power plants with no plans on what to do down the road.
Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_jeg8rqs wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
I think he is doing a good job. But then again all I have to go by is the disaster call MA
False_Influence_9090 t1_jeg7sly wrote
Reply to comment by smartest_kobold in A good article re: repealing interests and dividends tax by BelichicksBurner
Works for some people. But what if you want to use your nest egg to start a business
truth_and_courage t1_jeg7n6d wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Sununu is a coward.
Able_Cunngham603 t1_jeg6jjp wrote
Reply to comment by slimyprincelimey in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
As a reminder for the arithmetically-challenged, 24 weeks is 6 MONTHS.
Preventing abortions after 6 months of pregnancy is hardly an abortion ban.
toddart t1_jeg5tbv wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Bad - He pretends to be moderate but is so far up the right wings ass it’s crazy.
Jean-Paul_Sartre t1_jeg5cgq wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Rather him than whatever nutcase the GOP would have nominated in his place.
UnfairAd7220 t1_jeg59cf wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
On a 'net basis' he's been OK. He hasn't increased gov't control of anything, so that's welcome.
shuzkaakra t1_jeg4cqd wrote
Reply to I really do love living in this state. by ballen1002
You got awesome yard rocks, man. I love that one next to the fire. 10/10. I kinda want to see the one on the bottom left. That also looks like a great rock to have in your yard.
chain_me_up t1_jeg3zuy wrote
Reply to comment by golemsheppard2 in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Daily reminder that late term/partial birth abortions are incredibly uncommon and only performed when absolutely necessary. Just about anyone having one of these procedures wanted their baby and got the worst news ever.
bigladydragon t1_jeg2zp1 wrote
Reply to In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
He’s moderate and not a total jerk like desantis and other Republican governors, having said that I only vote straight democratic so I wouldn’t vote for him. He will turn full on maga if he thought it would help him with his presidential aspirations, so be careful of his moderate facade, it’s simply just that.
juicebronston t1_jege6wm wrote
Reply to comment by slimyprincelimey in In your opinion, has Sununu (so far) been a relatively good, bad, meh governor for New Hampshire? by TheGraniteMoose
Exactly, which is why he didn’t need to sign it into law. By signing it into law, he’s performing political theater at the expense of women’s rights, like I said.