Recent comments in /f/newhampshire

NetHacks t1_jeg9bpb wrote

The reason that new hampshire is where it is today is because this administration has never had a plan for the economy, housing, or energy that had a direction as to where we're going. In the middle of a huge natural gas shortage, we're now seeing why having almost all of our power plants being natural gas is a bad idea. On top of that we're struggling to get net zero for solar moved up from one MW to 5 MW. While every state around us builds its way out of an energy crisis, we sit here and hope it will all blow over. Hassan and the democrats should have worked towards a solution for northern pass. But once that didn't go through, we needed another solution and we instead got nothing. Now we just shut down power plants with no plans on what to do down the road.


bigladydragon t1_jeg2zp1 wrote

He’s moderate and not a total jerk like desantis and other Republican governors, having said that I only vote straight democratic so I wouldn’t vote for him. He will turn full on maga if he thought it would help him with his presidential aspirations, so be careful of his moderate facade, it’s simply just that.