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IMNOT_A_LAWYER t1_ja86dwa wrote

Given that was are engaging in idle speculation, it’s possible she simply followed the other group who darted across the intersection. Sometimes pedestrians simply have lemming-level of thought and will step into an intersection if the person in front of them does.


At1l t1_ja8hvhy wrote

Exactly. You may think you have the right of way or walk signal if you see other people going too. Especially at 1:30 am not everyone has their full wits about them. It’s basically mayhem downtown at that time.


[deleted] t1_jaa2zd9 wrote



At1l t1_jaa3iga wrote

Someone posted the law here. If there’s a pedestrian signal and that signal has the stop sign while the drivers have a green light you DONT have the right of way. Read up and educate yourself b4 you type.

Edit: ofc they deleted their lengthy comment that was wrong and downvoted me haha. Fool