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Torp1d OP t1_ja8viwb wrote

Will there be a parking ban?


deusrex_ t1_ja919dc wrote

Yes, they will need to plow.


MQZ01 t1_ja9jcgk wrote

Any idea where this will apply? Trying to find out if I need to move my car in East Rock, but can't get a clear answer on any of the city websites.


TerpPhysicist t1_jaa69ao wrote

They just sent out the email, web, that has all the info. In east rock you should move your car to the even side of the street if you can.


MQZ01 t1_jaa8oe5 wrote

Just moved over - appreciate it!


CupOfJoeseph t1_jabl9tl wrote

Update - parked my car on the even side in east rock and guy towed :)


MattFantastic t1_jadp0wr wrote

If you parked on one of the listed emergency routes you’ll still get towed even if there isn’t a residential ban. See the link above for what falls under what zone.

If you got towed and weren’t in a zone, you probably got towed for something else.