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Ambitious-Fig-5382 t1_jbuu1gr wrote

Via 95, the towns between Fairfield and New Haven are Bridgeport, Stratford, Milford, and West Haven. On the Merritt, you've got Trumbull, Orange and Woodbridge.

Biased though I am, Milford is the best of those.


awebr t1_jbvbkhp wrote

+1 for milford, although the rent might not be that much cheaper as the land use is mostly single family homes and not too many apartments. Lots of great spots to hang out in town with different vibes and it would probably be best for your fairfield/new haven situation given the metro north line. Some new apartments just went up by the train station but if you need to go out further, there are covered bike lockers.


WES_WAS_ROBBED t1_jbuxojk wrote

Why is Milford the best?


Ambitious-Fig-5382 t1_jbv5arp wrote

Nice downtown/green with lots of restaurants and walkability and activity. Great beaches. Affordable housing. Low property taxes.


Shellsbells821 t1_jbx5l9c wrote

Affordable?( I am lucky to have been born and raised in milford.)

The new apartments behind the funeral home are $1800 for a studio.

Taxes are high for most people. My parents paid $10k a year with Dad's military discount.


bingybunny t1_jbx89i1 wrote

Yeah, for renters Bridgeport is probably more affordable and Bridgeport station easier to bike to, a lot of wide streets and abandoned factories with little traffic in the area to get there. take your bike up in the elevator

and Milford train station, which is really small and charming would probably suck for biking to. close to Post Road, narrow streets and a lot of cars, unless you lived right by the green which sounds expensive


Shellsbells821 t1_jbx5f0k wrote

Born and Raised.

Though, I HATE the fact that they are building so many apartments and condos. Beginning to look like west haven. So sad.


awebr t1_jbxrsxl wrote

People want to move to Milford. Do you want the city to keep developing single family homes on farmland/woods where you need to own a car and contribute to traffic, or do you want existing lots near transit to be redeveloped to allow multifamily units?


Shellsbells821 t1_jbyw7fd wrote

I grew up in north milford. They've bought most of the farms. Put in ugly office buildings and housing developments (people don't realize that the ones they built on east rutland (Lexington Greens) are on swamp!) We used to ice skate there.

Yes. I'd rather see single family, privately owned homes. They tend to care more about where they live and take care of them. I have renters near me and they don't care. Oh they originally say "it's beautiful and quiet" few months later, they throw their papers and bottles on the ground. Play their music so loud it rattles windows. So, more rentals.


awebr t1_jc1nupl wrote

lol whatever nimby. i also grew up in the east rutland area and i love those new apartments they put in and i hope they do more around town to give people options on living in milford!


Shellsbells821 t1_jc1tqdc wrote

As usual, an ignorant person has to call names.

I refuse to have an intelligent conversation with an unarmed person..

In a few years, you'll be complaining. I can't tell you how many times my parents were almost hit just walking to their mailbox which is on the same side as their home. Had cars stolen and their home broken into.

You aren't thinking about the already stressed out school system.


sevenfiftynorth t1_jbxkos8 wrote

As someone who has rented - mostly in Milford - since coming to Connecticut 12 years ago, I love the fact that Milford continues to add apartments. The more, the merrier.