Submitted by CTInsideInvestigator t3_124xuo7 in newhaven

A recent incident in Simsbury saw upwards of 200 vehicles in a “takeover” during which drivers performed donuts in the Simsbury high school parking lot and evaded police, but the task force would also address large groups of ATV and dirt bike riders who often participate in “ride outs” through the streets of Hartford, New Haven and neighboring towns.



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Neowwwwww t1_je1m1m3 wrote

12 o’clock boys gonna be pissed


daybeers t1_je1mfby wrote

I'll believe the results when I see them.


daybeers t1_je2189n wrote

also of course there's immediate action when it happens in fuckin Simsbury


warchiefwilly t1_je2uh4d wrote

If the task force is not successful we can create an assign an additional task force to hold them accountable!


EmperorLlamaLegs t1_je3aejd wrote

Bout time, I've had 50+ dirtbikes and ATVs rev past my house regularly since... idk 2015? maybe earlier.


daybeers t1_je3i6oy wrote

hmmm well there's a lot here to unpack. are other races not decent or successful?

Seems to me it's more political connections than anything else as to why action was taken so quickly after only one occurrence when this has been happening for years and years all around the state.

Cities aren't loud, cars and other heavy vehicles are loud.

And like I said in my other comment, I'll believe it when I see it regarding the results of this task force.


Temporary-Car7981 t1_je3vw6i wrote

Park dump trucks on Whalley Ave in both left lanes, and on Long Wharf from dusk to dawn. That'll cut down on racing. Make roads narrow and it'll be unsafe to speed.


hanginglimbs t1_je53v1u wrote

Cue some apologist dumbass saying “if the city would just build a track for these bored kids, they wouldn’t have to ride in the streets”


Doctorbencarson1 t1_je58la7 wrote

Imagine buying an ATV to only ride it on the streets, just buy a dam motorcycle