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CH405M461C14N t1_iywnsa4 wrote

I’d love to talk to them about what they’re doing with the space. Sad it’ll be gone but I’d love to put a brewpub there.


BloodhoundBilliam t1_iywp3oi wrote

Not sure myself but you may be able to inquire within! Beer talk will go over well I'm sure lol


brewski t1_iyxyfpc wrote

I'd say that's the last thing we need in that space. It's already flanked by two restaurant/bars. The neighborhood would never support that. In any case, the space is too small.


atxbikerclimber t1_iz9n7xx wrote

Ehhh, those places are so overpriced...and run by the same exact company. I would love to see a different option in there, but hey, that's just me perhaps.