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ayentelmen t1_j5rucoo wrote

Whalley's wild, both drivers and pedestrians are very negligent. Drivers are always speeding (I blame the lights being out of sync and therefore taking forever to drive through it at the posted speed limit), and pedestrians just don't give a damn and jaywalk even though it's a five-lane avenue (probably because it takes forever for the pedestrian signal to turn on).


buried_lede t1_j5s09mp wrote

Simpler explanation: it’s a state road, not town. CT DOT is 50 years behind the times.

It’s designed badly. If it’s going to be a boulevard it needs very wide lush island in the middle, like Ocean Ave in Brooklyn. It needs bulked up to the max pedestrian crossings. Yeah. Pedestrians are reckless in Whalley but try being one. Live off Whalley without a car for a week and get to know how long a walk it is to the cross walks.

Or, It needs dedicated bike lanes and maybe even parallel roads on each side for local traffic, bikes and pedestrians. It’s too wide

It needs to be more like this:

Also, make it curvier, make it narrower, double the number of crosswalks

It’s not like safer roads are a mystery. There has been tons of work in that area of study in recent decades.


ayentelmen t1_j5s36la wrote

TIL it's a state road. I do agree with the crosswalks being sparse plus once you press the button for the light you have to wait a whole cycle of car lights before it's your turn. Hope they do implement something like that, there's plenty of space.


buried_lede t1_j5shvin wrote

The street needs major overhaul


bingybunny t1_j5tghqn wrote

after a pedestrian was killed their idea was to widen the street so cars can go faster.

pretty sure Whalley Ave and Rt. 34 downtown connector was designed to destroy city life in black neighborhoods, and concentrate student spending in York Square.

The 6 lane road ends at Yale because rich white kids would die crossing that road


Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_j5uiglr wrote

When they had the idea to connect 95 to 34 via MLK/Frontage, the neighborhoods they tore down in preparation were primarily white.


ProgMM t1_j5uj1lk wrote

It was still being done to isolate downtown from the black neighborhoods


Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_j5uk9e3 wrote

What are you talking about, the hill was predominantly white in the 50s when MLK/legion and 95 were constructed.


ProgMM t1_j5uqa6f wrote

My bad, I was thinking of the ring road proposed to connect Trumbull Street to 34. This would’ve isolated Yale from Dixwell and Dwight. It also appears that, by the end of the 60s (when this was proposed), there were a lot of Black and Puerto Rican people in The Hill.


Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_j5uqx3p wrote

No worries. Yale used to have a castle approach to their campus but sometime in the 90s they changed course and have been buying everything around them to create a real estate moat that they can control. They don’t pay taxes on their properties which are “educational,” but their private property development arm owns a sneaky amount of property in this city and surrounding towns and they’re constantly buying up more.


bingybunny t1_j5v53ht wrote

I was helping a client open a restaurant on Whalley, that failed. The lady at the chamber of commerce said that part of town was historically always kinda treated as a no-man's land between the big cemetery and the debtor's prison


awebr t1_j5trur8 wrote

it's a state road only until ella grasso blvd, everything to the east of the blvd is city owned