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evilsbirth t1_j8xxymo wrote

Great news. If you feel you need to declaw a cat then a cat is not for you!


BF_2 t1_j8yiri9 wrote

Agreed. The only folks I know who declawed their cat strongly regretted it later. (The cat lived a good, long life indoors.)

OTOH, what is needed is some research (even if it's only compiling what's already known) on how to keep cats from ruining furniture, wall paper, curtains, etc. They can be terribly destructive indoors.


Zhuul t1_j8ypc3p wrote

Step 1: give them other shit to scratch

Step 2, and this one’s the big one: anything your cat can reach, it will probably mess with at some point. And that’s okay.

It ain’t rocket surgery. Cats need to scratch stuff to exercise and shed their claws, otherwise they’ll become ingrown.


SchAmToo t1_j8z47dw wrote

No research needed. Put cat trees and scratch posts everywhere. Clip their nails. We have two cats and they barely do damage to anything.

Also get furniture cats don’t or can’t scratch.


NMS-KTG t1_j8zmzj8 wrote

I'm just confused what they mean by rocket surgery you fucking nonce. Has it ever occurred that not everyone uses the same backwards terms that originated in the slimy shithole of Bumfuck Yipee Kansas? No, just give vague answers and then call me an idiot will ya?


cerialthriller t1_j8zoc0k wrote

If you support this, check your vet for AAFP Cat Friendly Veterinarian certification, which you can’t get if you do declaws


iago303 t1_j8zra68 wrote

Took my boys to get neutered and they trimmed their claws while they were under anesthesia, and sure they still scratch but that's what all of them amazon boxes are for, they love to rip the whole dang things apart


cerialthriller t1_j8zuw8c wrote

Yeah we trim our cats nails like once a month but also you can get rubber caps put on their nails that last a few weeks that come in all different colors so it looks like they got a pedicure


Belenias t1_j90362e wrote

Ok. @BF_2's friend:

Only three? Pfft. Cats are particular about how, where, and what they scratch. Get a scratching mat on the floor, a tall scratching post, and an S-shaped one. Sisal material tends to be the best, but not for all cats. Figure out which kinds your cat likes, then put one or two in every room. If it scratches a specific piece of furniture, wrap a sisal mat around the area that gets scratched.

Then check all the pictures on your phone. If 95% of them aren't of your cat, then cats are probably not for you, and you should get a goldfish or something instead.


BF_2 t1_j91gz47 wrote

That's good information, but now look online and notice that there are very limited choices available commercially. I recently had to buy a scratching post for my sister -- who knew what her cats preferred -- and I wasted hours looking for one.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j91kuvq wrote

Good when you get a pet you should accept that your furniture might get damaged. Just like a kid does the same also


Extension_Health2522 t1_j91yrfc wrote

Cover what you don't want them clawing with aluminum foil for like a works, it's annoying that you're stuff is covered in aluminum foil for a week, but that cats gonna be around a lot longer


livejumbo t1_j927cfb wrote

Also you can and should keep your indoor cat’s claws trimmed, especially if you have a polydactyl/“Hemingway cat.” Their claws can get too long and get caught on things, which may result in injury to the cat. In the case of polydactyls, the claws that grow on their bonus toes can grow in funny ways, sometimes resulting in them being ingrown and again hurting the cat. (My polydactyl has one claw that would grow in a perfect circle if left to its own devices.)


jersey_girl660 t1_j937t21 wrote

So aside from what’s been mentioned about cats being particular regarding scratching, the cat may need some training as well when you find the right scratching material.

If all that fails claw caps are a humane way to protect your furniture.


potatochipsfox t1_j95r9nv wrote

lmao buddy people have used that phrase as a joke for decades. you're the first person I've seen who not only lacks the tiny amount of reading comprehension needed to get it, but who actually is so dumb they're mad about it

next time plug it into google instead of looking like a dumbass, dumbass. this shit's easy, it's not rocket surgery


TheFortyDeuce t1_j96rjlq wrote

The researching that needs to be done is before bringing home a cat, and knowing their nature. If a cat is destructive, and the owner has everything to try and focus the cat’s attention, the owner is the issue.