rindahouse t1_j8ktw6h wrote
Brothers is our go-to for pizza (except on Mondays lol). Looks yum
KingoreP99 t1_j8kyynh wrote
Their special sauce pizza is $$
R-code OP t1_j8kz14a wrote
quietworlock22 t1_j8l4148 wrote
Nice Mercer county local food
214ObstructedReverie t1_j8l4c02 wrote
Like 5 years or so ago, I had this barrel aged Tripel Horse that was just... fucking fantastic.
It was all oak and vanilla and caramel and so mellow.
Bad_Animal_Facts t1_j8l5tz3 wrote
i'm jealous, i quit drinking and never went to the brewery
it's absurdly refreshing and drinkable and then you remember it's 10% lol
swellsnj t1_j8l67z6 wrote
The family who owns and runs brothers, and Blend next door, are wonderful people. This place deserves everyone's support.
[deleted] t1_j8l6f9r wrote
R-code OP t1_j8l6gsc wrote
It is a dangerous one… 😳
-Bk7 t1_j8l6xud wrote
Just saw this in another sub:
Wonder if its from the same place
Anteays, looks delicious, cowabunga!
tugonhiswinkie t1_j8l8nf2 wrote
Brothers is my fave too! They make one with arugula, proiscuitto, and balsamic, and it’s super good.
VivaBeavis t1_j8l9w1w wrote
Is this the location on 33? If so, I'm not seeing special sauce pizza on their menu. Could it go by a different name?
LiftCats t1_j8la6nz wrote
That looks perfectly crisp wow
KingoreP99 t1_j8leu5o wrote
Only ever gotten delivery not sure.
fatandlean t1_j8lz6uu wrote
I grew up eating brothers pizza. They were the shop that showed me what a proper calzone should be.
Thisismypasswprd t1_j8m87fd wrote
Terrible lookin pizza
Thisismypasswprd t1_j8m89oj wrote
That doesn't even resemble the same pizza in the OP. Its totally different . Tons of pizzerias do the heart shape this time of year
philliesholla t1_j8min3o wrote
Brothers is overrated
RonnieTheEffinBear t1_j8n6t71 wrote
I used to have a roommate that worked the bottling line for River Horse back when they were in Lambertville, I was in heaven with how much Tripel Horse he'd bring home every weekend
achenx75 t1_j8nd9yr wrote
On 33 or Whitehorse?
Tried the one on 33 and it was so overpriced.
BobbyG-68 t1_j8nnhor wrote
That looks amazing!
modsareleftistsheep t1_j9033sd wrote
Love brothers.
Bad_Animal_Facts t1_j8kgu8t wrote
tripel horse was my favorite beer man i could drink a million of those things