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Bogart_The_Bong t1_j9yokuu wrote

Funny story. The increased beachings of migrating oceanic creatures will continue as Earth's magnetic pole continues to to move off spin axis (the axis of the planet as it spins). At present the magnetic pole and the axis of the planet diverge by almost 24° - not good considering the magnetic makeup of Earth (a LOT of iron).

Of course we all have our fingers crossed that the past 40 years of apparently instability and movement will right itself back to within ≈10° of axial spin, but so far it doesn't seem to be doing what we'd like it to. Not to say this indicates a pole reversal which would be drastic even with GPS systems in place for navigation ^*1, but because science is working with incomplete data planetology... well, bad, missing and misinterpreted data... and have NO idea of how this phenomena occurs. Reversal seems to occur cyclically.

So no Frank - it's not Q-ball related fantasy/idiocy... it's something even more sinister than their idiotic rantings - it's the natural order of things making sure no one species gets too damn comfortable living on this rock.

Funny story. Do you remember when GPS became THE thing - get as many satellites into orbit for navigation purposes as quickly as possible? That all precipitated upon discovery of magnetic 'movement' in the Earth's pole magnet.


HumanShadow t1_j9z8a0w wrote

Executives at Fox News must be impressed that their audience not only believe everything they tell them, but they want to believe partisan and cynical bullshit. They could probably turn them against bathing if they wanted. Their audience doesn't think their shit stinks so it's actually possible.


Bogart_The_Bong t1_j9za8qe wrote

Accurate. I used to put it off to their ignorance but their continued efforts to stubbornly remain ignorant tells me this is stupidity.

And we can't fix stupid.


HumanShadow t1_ja042if wrote

Our parents and grandparents are all rage addicts now.