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MerWinterCakeGiants t1_j8n9hp7 wrote

Why does everyone hate this mall so much? I went this past weekend and it’s just a big mall. Nothing amazing but it’s still a nice mall. Why the hate? I must be missing something.


neekogo t1_j8ndqze wrote

The amount of state funds that were injected into it when our infrastructure or several other programs desperately could have used the money.

The amount of time it took to build and still not even be 100% ready on opening day.

The unplanned lack of traffic control.

The fact that there's no direct route to it from the city/airports or other mass transit option such as a shuttle that would actually bring in and take some of that NYC tourist money.

The clusterfuck that it is anytime theres a Jets or Giants home game.

And the real kicker: you need to pay for parking